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C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control


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Just finished C, a newer anime that only finished back in June I believe. I loved the series as a whole. The combination of monetary value and battle system was a bit skeptical at first but after seeing how winning and lossing created ripples that the anime wholly showed along with the Future as collateral and out economic systems, I realized they turned a gimmick fighting style into a fleshed out creative series.

The story, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, is about a mysterious dimension known as the Financial District where people were engaged in combat with money as the median of winning and losing. Without giving too much away, its nice to see some decent character designs from a 11 episode anime, especially the fact that at no point is there an obvious bad guy, only people with goals and desires.

I love the series and it had me on the edge of my seat until the very end. I was wondering if anyone else had seen the series and if so what is your opinion on it?

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1313289854' post='5441037']
One of the best series all year.

The only thing I could think of to had made it better is more of the Charity Guy *announcer's voice* ANGEL! *instant kill asset* From nice guy to bad a** in .4 seconds flat.

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Yeah but it makes more sense that way, [color=#ffffff]he sold his present in order to buy the future[/color]. The includes everything around him. But your right, I think they should have extended the series a bit, maybe I can cross my fingers for a sequel season.

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[quote name='機皇神龍アステリスク' timestamp='1309488790' post='5324038']
[spoiler='GIANT SPOILER (Discusses the ending)']I'm not super-easy to please, but I was quite irritated by the ending. It was very rushed, for one thing. What could it possibly mean that Q "is" Takako? Aside from the fact that that isn't what an Asset is, Takako is, by definition, not Mikuni's future.For another thing, they shoe-horned in "[url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CrystalDragonJesus"]the man upstairs[/url]" at the last instant and decided that the Financial District actually exists to guide the future of mankind, even though all possible outcomes from the day-to-day business of the Financial District gradually destroy the world's economy, along with everything else. The idea that Kimimaro's father has some sort of importance is also discarded.

Then there are the little things that happened throughout. This was built from the very beginning to be an shounen action anime, but it took the opposite route that Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece take. Instead of having long, drawn-out fights where nothing happens, it has extremely compressed fights that it tries to get over with as quickly as possible. So that Kimimaro can brood. And he does not have nearly enough Sasuke blood in him to brood properly. What was the rotary press? Kou Sennoza has a giant angel/demon/god thing for an Asset. This is the thing you take out with an orbital laser. This thing eats Menos for breakfast. Let me restate that - this thing eats [i]pre-power creep[/i] Menos for breakfast. Whoever spent the time designing and animating that thing deserve better than it not only being slaughtered, but slaughtered [i]off-screen[/i]. And Q, the most epic of all Assets, is brushed over. She can eat Assets - probably - and stop time, and maybe Mikuni can then use the Assets she eats. What about her freak-out when fighting Mashu? What does it mean? What [i]is[/i] she fighting for?

Here's a serious concern. The idea was that both Kimimaro's and Mikuni's goals are morally gray - Mikuni's destroys quality of life, whereas Kimimaro's would have destroyed Japan outright except he's the protagonist so everything's peachy. But suppose you flipped them? Suppose Mikuni wanted to cause the rotary press to spin in reverse and destroy the Financial District, thereby destroying Japan, as well. And Kimimaro wants to hold on to today at any cost, even if it means losing tomorrow. Nothing would change except for a few lines of dialogue. Mikuni is only wrong because he's not the main character, and Kimimaro's only right because he is.

All in all, [C] seemed very self-conscious. It started with big ideas and was going to have epic fights, but then it curled up in a ball, took out the action, and made itself eleven episodes. This could have been [i]serialized[/i] - it was setting itself up to do just that. It was totally open for new foes and new conflict - visiting the other Financial Districts, confronting the man upstairs. But it stayed in its shell like a good little anime.[/spoiler]

Also, why does Kimimaro have purple shoes?

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I just have [s]one[/s] two problems with the series.

One, he didn't get the girl! It's the whole reason he was there!
Two, how on EARTH am I supposed to believe


Kimimaro beat Sennoza when [i]this[/i] is how the fight starts?

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[quote name='Expelsword - ホープ' timestamp='1313522407' post='5448032']
I just have [s]one[/s] two problems with the series.

One, he didn't get the girl! It's the whole reason he was there!
Two, how on EARTH am I supposed to believe


Kimimaro beat Sennoza when [i]this[/i] is how the fight starts?

The girl thing made sense though, I hate cop-out endings but I agree the girl isn't too much to ask. Ithink that fight though deserves an entire series to it's self because Sen is SOOOOOOOOOO Badass. *announcer* ANGEL! *insta-kill*

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What I want to know is why this wasn't green-lighted for a second season in the first place. The moment I watched the first episode, I said to myself, "this is the next Bleach/Naruto/One Piece. This is something I will be able to watch for years." It was [i]made[/i] to be serialized. On the design document, it says, on the first page, "run me into the ground".

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I really liked this anime, the visual style was so interesting and all the characters seemed like they had an actual reason to do what they do, instead of just being generic good guys/bad guys.

The ending did seem a bit rushed, though, and I wish it went on for a while longer.
That being said, as it is, I don't think it makes it into my top ten list.

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