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Tower of God[OoC/No Longer Accepting/Started/Co-Host: FFR/Rated PG-16]

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[quote name='Kokonoe's Pet' timestamp='1313356700' post='5442865']
Yeah, I'm just waiting for MKS to finish that app and then I'll wait up to one more day. Then if I have no irregular app until then, FFR will be controlling another Irregular.

muhahahahahahahahaha. Trust me, if I get to control an irregular this will be MOST eventful! >=D

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[quote name='Kokonoe's Pet' timestamp='1313355302' post='5442752']
Well, I accept everything but your bio, MKS. As this is an alternate world thingy, there is no Japan. Also, armies don't really exist in the tower, and the ones that do only comprise of rankers and high rankers. If you can change your bio to fix these mistakes that'd be great.[/quote]

lol I didn't know that XD could've been a bit more specific...

Crap okay I have some re-thinking to do then >.>

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Username: Desu the Finale
Character Name: Noah Adler
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Reason for Climbing Tower: A better life.
Weapon: Guantlets that are able to absorb shinsoo and release it for more powerful attacks and to repel them as well.
Shinsoo Affinity: 64
Personality: Noah is a generally nice guy but known to be extremely lazy and not take much seriously. He won't do anything unless it's absolutely necessary such as when his life or the life of somebody he cares about is threatened. Other exceptions are to crack a joke or to flirt with a cute girl. If actually forced into combat he becomes an extremely dangerous opponent. Noah tends to let the little actions he makes speak louder than his 1000 jokes unless of course the little actions involve one of his jokes.
Bio: Noah has had the past seven years of his life rough. His father, Kevin Adler, who was once a respected champion fighter with Noah being his prodigy son but in what seems to be the blink of an eye he had become an insane murderer, resonsible for the deaths of more than 50 people. He was trialed and sentenced to death. The only memento Noah has left of his father are his guantlets that his father not only fight with but also murdered with. The guantlets and just being known as the son of Kevin Adler has given Noah himself a bad reputation and fear that he'll repeat what his father had done.

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