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Tower of God[OoC/No Longer Accepting/Started/Co-Host: FFR/Rated PG-16]

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Everyone is divided up into multiple teams. Each team selects one person. That person's heart becomes the team's "flag". If a team loses their "flag", they will fail. So basically, rip the other's teams hearts out. :3

Was I close?

[quote name='Yu Hansung' timestamp='1313543114' post='5449027']
True...but still, Irregulars like yours can usually be recognized quite easily as an irregular...

...then why the bloody hell am I hiding my potential? O.o

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[quote name='Yu Hansung' timestamp='1313543270' post='5449030']
Oh, you are SO far off.

Because you're not hiding your potential. You're just being modest with your strength. If you tried to go on a Regular killing spree or anything, you'd be killed by one of the High Rankers on the floor.

Aww...but I really like my twisted idea of Capture the Flag. :( ...maybe this is why people call my a sadistic RP host. O.o

Well, whatever you wanna call it, I've totally been holding back. <_<

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Sorry everyone, my parents insisted that I did some chores this morning (for once) and I haven't been able to get online the whole time.

Also, it's about 1:30 where I am atm. Koko, if you may take this completely different time zone in consideration before you warn me again please. It would be appreciated. Anyway, I better actually make my post so everyone can move on.

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[quote name='Yu Hansung' timestamp='1313543880' post='5449060']
Good. You can show off your strength though at the appropriate times. Be modest at other times though. Wouldn't want to give the rankers more reasons to hate you.

EDIT: Admiral, did you recieve my message?

What? Do I look like someone who would make other people mad? *flicks a rubber band at a ranker*

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Sorry, Admiral, but you weren't just holding up me, but everyone else as well. I will take that into consideration next time. But if this happens again, do I have your permission to control your character slightly to move the IC forward? (yes, I'm a considerate host...sometimes)

*ranker rolfstomps DK*

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[quote name='Yu Hansung' timestamp='1313544294' post='5449077']
Sorry, Admiral, but you weren't just holding up me, but everyone else as well. I will take that into consideration next time. But if this happens again, do I have your permission to control your character slightly to move the IC forward? (yes, I'm a considerate host...sometimes)

*ranker rolfstomps DK*

*rage kills Ranker* You do NOT stomp on a Dwarf!!!! ...wait, I'm not a Dwarf in this RP. *Firie ignores ranker*

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[quote name='Yu Hansung' timestamp='1313544294' post='5449077']
Sorry, Admiral, but you weren't just holding up me, but everyone else as well. I will take that into consideration next time. But if this happens again, do I have your permission to control your character slightly to move the IC forward? (yes, I'm a considerate host...sometimes)

Yeah sure, just make sure I know when you do, that's all I'll ask.

EDIT: Took a while, but posted anyway. Can't wait for the next task :)

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[quote name='Desu the Finale' timestamp='1313552141' post='5449412']
Is there an unlimited amount of guesses?

You have ten minutes to find out the answer, you can make as many guess as you want but he won't answer you about them, you'll know when you find the right answer. Just make sure you don't answer riddle that aren't yours lol

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[quote name='Altαir' timestamp='1313554708' post='5449534']
I kinda chuckled at Shade. "Do poor people even smoke cigars?" I was thinking the same exact thing, for some odd reason.

EDIT: I think I just figured out the answer. >.> It was really tough, too.

Shade's very comic reliefy, should read his actually guess at the riddle lol

Also, I'm not afraid to not include anyone who's not here, as I have already gotten the okay to control all of KP's characters.

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