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Werewolf Lite I


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Welcome to Mohic's house of... Werewolf! After the events of past werewolf things, werewolf activity had died down. So, I, being a werewolf myself, became sad. So, I invited all of my friends. Werewolf friends. Now, I hope things will start back up again, On. Were! Wolf! Mansion!

Now, for those of you that don't know, the werewolf game is a turned based game with two teams. Humans versus Werewolves. The game lasts until only ONE team is left, and everyone on that team gets ONE rep from me! [img]http://public.yugiohcardmaker.net/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]
[b]The Rules! O:[/b]

RULE #1: Follow all my rules
RULE #2: No quoting and posting my message I sent you with your role.
RULE #3: Try to keep things as civil as possible.
RULE #4: NO SPAMMING! >.< You spam, I hunt you down. >.>
RULE #5: I reserve the right to Falcon Punch anyone who breaks one of these rules.
RULE #6: If you fail to respond to THREE or MORE of my messages and do not show some form of activity, you will automatically be lynched instead of the player with the most votes.

WARNING: I may add or change these rules at any given time.

[b]How this works![/b]

Once enough people have joined, I will message everyone their role. Some of you will be a werewolf. Some of you will be a human. And some of the people that are humans will have "special" roles.

Still with me? Good. Now once I have sent out all the roles, I'll type short story. That story may or may not have hints as to who is a werewolf. After it is posted, everyone has 24 hours to vote who they think is a werewolf. This is known as "Day time". Everyone votes, humans and werewolves. So the humans are trying to figure out who is a werewolf, and the werewolves are trying to get the humans to kill each other. During this time you may post whatever you want to try to get people to vote who you are voting for...or to get people to NOT vote for you. After the 24 hours is up, the person with the most votes is lynched (I get to type another story! ;D). If there is a tie, I'll initiate a special tie breaking rule.

After the lynching is done, we move onto what is known as the "Night time". During the next 24 hours, the werewolves get to decide who they want to kill. The sooner they message me who it is, the sooner I can make yet another story and we can start the next Day! [img]http://public.yugiohcardmaker.net/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img] Also, this is the time where people with "Night time" roles get to use their role!

Each time someone is Lynched, Assasinated, or voted out, you will discover the killed person's role.

Now this process continues until only one side remains!

[spoiler=The roles!]

Human Roles:

Civilian - Nothing special about them. They are just...there.

Investigator - During the Night, the investigator messages me and tells me who they wish to investigate. I flip a coin. If it's heads, I tell him/her that person's role. If it's tails, I tell them nothing! ;D

Assassin - During the Night, the Assassin may kill ANYONE he/she wishes. The assassin must message me their target, and can even tell me EXACTLY how they wish to carry it out! lol 50/50 shot!

[spoiler=Werewolf Roles:]

Alpha Wolf - During the Night, the Alpha messages me who they wish to spy. I flip a coin. If it's heads, I tell him/her that person's role. If it's tails, I tell them nothing! ;D

Wolfs - Big, hairy beasts that kill people. Nothing else really, lol.

REMINDER! You are NOT to quote the message I send you to show people what your role is! If I find out you did, I will Falcon Punch you and ban you from ANY games or RPs I do!

Only one Hunt for all the wolves. THe wolves should communicate amongst the other wolves.

Now then, any questions? If you wish to join, just simply post and say so. [img]http://public.yugiohcardmaker.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]
(Note: The Majority of this is from the original werewolf game, hosted by DK.)

[u]Current Players:[/u]
[u][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/229614-%e3%81%8a%e3%82%b8%e3%83%a3%e3%83%9e%e3%83%bb%e3%82%ad%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b0/"]おジャマ・キング[/url] [/u]
[u]Kyng of Ice[/u]
[u]Burning Soul- Burnso[/u]
[u]Destructo Dragon-Hunter[/u]
[u]Alex C. Exodia[/u]

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Right...I'm claiming full ownership of this game and request that from here on out, no more werewolf games be started without my approval. With that being said, I'll join once full credit is given to me in the OP and you fix the spoilers.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to work. DK out!

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Mohican..all you changed was the setting. You went from a house owned by me to a house owned by you. Everything else is pretty much copy and pasted. -_-

Fail, as the person who first introduced this game to this forum, I reserve the right to lay claims to it and not let it be poorly run. However, outside of this forum, that right belongs to someone else. Any questions? ^^

Anywho, count me in.

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[quote name='Fail_FTW' timestamp='1313098091' post='5433927']
-_-...That makes no sense....

Also you do know that my name used to be Hotaru987 right lol?

Yeah, I know. But I was posting on my phone and Fail is easier to type. :3

[quote name='The First Mohican' timestamp='1313100461' post='5434057']
@: Japanese Letter guy: Accepted
@: Fail: Yes, yes i did
@: DK: I. GAVE. YOU. CREDIT!!! Rawr! Also, I added the say the role after death.

Bro, I can't open your first two spoilers... <_<

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