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Name of Trainer: Roy Soumilas


Age & Gender: 14 Male.


Appearance: Roy has short, blonde, spiky hair and light blue eyes. He is always wearing a blue shirt, yellow jacket and blue jeans. His hair always stays spiky somehow, even when he is swimming and sleeping. He is very skinny and short for his age.


Personality: Roy is very thougthful and will practically try to make friends with anyone he meets. He is too enthusiastic sometimes and rushes into things though.


Hometown & Region: Cinnaba Island, Kanto.


1st Pokemon : Growlithe Level 10: Moves: Bite, Leer and Embe


History (optional): If it's optional, i won't fill, sorry for the inconvienence.

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Accepted. Plot has started, so not sure where to fit you. I have to talk with the others about that. For now, maybe make a huge post about how you started out. Or if you prefer, just start out somewhere between the Viridian Forest and Pewter City and maybe make posts that have some sort of flash back as to how things started after that.

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Yeah your fine, but your gunna have to read and catch up on major events...actually I need someone who has the time to summarize the events that have been going on.


But generally, I would say that this is whats acceptable for you, cause you'd have to do a catch up post:


Have up to 5 pokemon (because you have a lot further to travel), including your growlithe and starter. If one is a bug pokemon like cater pie, it can be evolved. Also there levels need to be in the range from 15 to 21. Finally, you should probably be on your way to MT.Moon, so you can ya know, be with everyone else in the Kanto region. after that you'll battle and you should be fine.

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A long post explaining that your at MT,Moon. You can talk about hardships you've faced and have flashbacks that contain you catching pokemon if you have any, those that have evolved. It is implied that you have a Poketex, which has a map and trainer id, pokedex, bag etc. So aside from the required dream statement which can be found on the firt page of both the ooc and ic, your going to need to perfom a catch up post

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Yes Yes there is. I'll explain it in a nutshell.


All the trainers who are in the RP are supposed to be headed to certain cavernous areas in each region. It's because of incidents involving stealing Jiraichi that this is happening. I also wanted to brin everyone together in the RP, so what's happening is essentially, you'll be drawn to MT.Moon, probably like a nagging force in your head( b/c your so far away from everyone else) Then you'd see my character and well I'd be screaming out what happens and you'd join into the fight. Afterwards well you'll see more plot of the RP continue to develop.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey Wham. I would like to direct your attention to the in character thread for a moment. Now bring that attention back to me. Now look at the IC thread, now back to me. Now back to the IC thread. Now back to me. I have posted in the IC thread and am waiting for a response, and if you don't respond by tomorrow, you face the real possibility of desertion. you have been warned.

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Name of Trainer: Benjamin Thornberry (Call him Ben please)

Age & Gender: 10, Male

Appearance: He has medium, messy, brown hair and has a light tan. Ben normally wears a t-shirt, jeans, a hoodie jacket and white joggers. He is quite tall and is not skinny but is not overweight either.

Personality: Ben is a friendly, kind-hearted person, he only just got his 2nd gym badge when he travelled down to Nacrene City for his neighbours aunt's birthday. He is staying at Castelia city while he trains to verse his uncle Burgh in a gym battle. He got his first badge just after he started his career as a Pokemon trainer.

Hometown & Region: Unova Lives in Castelia City but is from Nuvema Town.

1st Pokémon and 2nd (include attacks & level):

1. Axew {Can he know 3 moves?} lvl. 11 | Dragon Rage – Leer - Scratch

2. Shiny Ralts lvl. 11 | Confusion – Hidden Power

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You can't have the Ralts, we already have two of them.

One more thing!

The second Pokemon has to be a starter Pokemon. It is also highly suggested that your second Pokemon is the one for your region. If you want one from another region, then good on ya, but it has to be something logical that would totally make sense and not just some random ish, okay?

One more thing!

Did you read the rules and regs for this rp yet? If not, then please do so now, because it is kind of required.

One more thing!

You unfortunately cannot be in Unova, since there are no other trainers there and you kind of have to be where there are other trainers so that you can meet up with them and stuff.

One more thing!

At this point in the story you can only have one badge, and it has to be from the first Gym of that region. No exceptions.

One more thing!

You will need to do a catch up post describing everything that your character has been up to up until this point.


I think that's just about everything for now. Hopefully you don't take anything I said the wrong way.

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  On 12/9/2011 at 7:47 AM, <~}Legendary{~> said:

Name of Trainer: Benjamin Thornberry (Call him Ben please)

Age & Gender: 10, Male

Appearance: He has medium, messy, brown hair and has a light tan. Ben normally wears a t-shirt, jeans, a hoodie jacket and white joggers. He is quite tall and is not skinny but is not overweight either.

Personality: Ben is a friendly, kind-hearted person, he only just got his 2nd gym badge when he travelled down to Nacrene City for his neighbours aunt's birthday. He is staying at Castelia city while he trains to verse his uncle Burgh in a gym battle. He got his first badge just after he started his career as a Pokemon trainer.

Hometown & Region: Unova Lives in Castelia City but is from Nuvema Town.

1st Pokémon and 2nd (include attacks & level):

1. Axew {Can he know 3 moves?} lvl. 11 | Dragon Rage – Leer - Scratch

2. Shiny Ralts lvl. 11 | Confusion – Hidden Power


In Actuality your app would have been fine, if this was weeks ago...

1. You can be from Unova. You can have Unova Pokemon. You can have 1 Unova badge, but you can't be in that region. Or Sinnoh. Or Johto.

2. Because your starting late, your pokemon can be at level 17 and have a full move set, if possible. And you can start with 3 and catch a fourth in your opening.

You'd need to make your way to either Forina in Hoenn or Mount Moon in Kanto. This is so you can battle and be with everyone.


On that note, the front page has to be editied.

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Name of Trainer: Benjamin Thornberry (Call him Ben please)


Age & Gender: 10, Male


Appearance: He has medium, messy, brown hair and has a light tan. Ben normally wears a t-shirt, jeans, a hoodie jacket and white joggers. He is quite tall and is not skinny but is not overweight either.


Personality: Ben is a friendly, kind-hearted person; he only just got his 2nd gym badge when he travelled down to Dewford Town for his neighbours uncle's birthday. He is staying at Lilycove City while he trains to verse his auntie Winona in a gym battle. He got his first badge from Rustboro City just after he started his career as a Pokémon trainer and before he moved from Petalburg City. His father is obsessed with Shiny Pokémon and has 2; he gave one to Ben after he caught a Shiny Beldum while his mom is a contest judge.


Hometown & Region: Hoenn lives in Lilycove City but is from Petalburg City.


1st Pokémon and 2nd (include attacks & level):

1. Axew lvl. 17 | Dragon Rage – Leer – Dual Chop – False Swipe

2. Shiny Beldum lvl. 17 | Take Down

3. Shiny Aron lvl. 17 | Iron Defence – Dig – Metal Claw – Headbutt


(Please tell me if this is better!)

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