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[MTG] Official Innistrad Topic: Upcoming News & Discusion

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[center][size=6][i][b]Horror Lurks Within[/b][/i][/size]

[b]Set Name:[/b] [i]Innistrad[/i]
[b]Block:[/b] Set 1 of 3 in the [i]Innistrad[/i] block
[b]Three-Letter Abbreviation:[/b] ISD
[b]Twitter Hashtag:[/b] #MTGINN
[b]Number of Cards:[/b] 264
[b]Rarity Distribution:[/b] Unknown
[b]Release Date:[/b] September 30, 2011
[b]Prerelease Events:[/b] September 24-25, 2011
[b]Launch Parties:[/b] September 30-October 3, 2011
[b]Magic Online Release Date:[/b] October 17, 2011
[b]Game Day:[/b] October 29-30, 2011
[b]Start Previews on Daily MTG:[/b] September 5, 2011

[size=5] [b][u]Characteristics[/u][/b][/size]
[*]This large set consists of 264 cards, while the latest large sets ([i]Shards of Alara[/i], [i]Zendikar[/i] and [i]Scars of Mirrodin[/i] all had 249.
[*]This set has the most top-down design that has ever been.
[*]Classic horror is the theme, with a tribal component. There are many different horror tropes to be found.
[*][i]Innistrad[/i] is not a multicolor block. There will be a handful of multicolor cards like almost all blocks but this block is not about multicolored cards.
[*][i]Innistrad[/i] features Vampires in [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manab.gif[/img] and [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manar.gif[/img] , Zombies in [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manab.gif[/img] and [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manau.gif[/img], Werewolves in [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manag.gif[/img] and [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manar.gif[/img] , Humans primarly in [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manaw.gif[/img] and [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manag.gif[/img] , Ghosts (Spirits) primarly in [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manau.gif[/img] and [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manaw.gif[/img].
[*]Werewolves are a key part of this set, and get their own subtype
[*]Black zombies are the normal kind that we usually see, blue zombies are Frankenstein-type creations of science.
[*]Humans will show up in all five colors but will be centered primarily in white, secondarily in green. Humans may be victims or slayers.
[*]Spirits will show up in all five colors but will be centered primarily in blue. Blue made a lot of sense as it played into many ghosts tropes: flying, unblockable, invisible (hexproof), etc.
[*]Other creature types include demons and birds, knights and shamans
[*]The set features graveyard and tribal mechanics
[*]Returning mechanic: Flashback
[*]There are two planeswalker cards in the set, one of which is a new Liliana, the other likely a new Garruk.

[*]The Standard format after the release of [i]Innistrad[/i] will consist of [i]Scars of Mirrodin[/i] Block, [i]Magic 2012[/i], and [i]Innistrad.[/i]
[*]Extended rotates at the same time, and [i]Lorwyn-Shadowmoor[/i] Block will rotate out on the release of Innistrad.
[*]The set is followed by [i]Dark Ascension[/i]

[size=5][b][u]Design and Development[/u][/b][/size]

[b]Design Team:[/b]
[*]Mark Rosewater (lead)
[*]Richard Garfield
[*]Jenna Helland
[*]Graeme Hopkins
[*]Tom LaPille
[b]Development Team [/b][list]
[*]Erik Lauer (lead)
[*]Mark L. Gottlieb
[*]David Humpherys
[*]Tom LaPille
[*]Adam Lee
[*]Kenneth Nagle

[u][b]Tales from the Pit related to Innistrad:[/b][/u]
Tales from the Pit #67: [url="http://yfrog.com/khps6yjj"]http://yfrog.com/khps6yjj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #69: [url="http://yfrog.com/kjflqncj"]http://yfrog.com/kjflqncj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #70: [url="http://yfrog.com/kjke3fwj"]http://yfrog.com/kjke3fwj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #72: [url="http://yfrog.com/ki3ggxkj"]http://yfrog.com/ki3ggxkj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #73: [url="http://yfrog.com/h2uiwejj"]http://yfrog.com/h2uiwejj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #74: [url="http://yfrog.com/hsxpjdmbj"]http://yfrog.com/hsxpjdmbj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #76: [url="http://yfrog.com/kimhwttj"]http://yfrog.com/kimhwttj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #77: [url="http://yfrog.com/kht3fiyj"]http://yfrog.com/kht3fiyj[/url]
Tales from the Pit #81: [url="http://yfrog.com/h8ze9xfj"]http://yfrog.com/h8ze9xfj[/url]

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[quote name='The suppression PLUTO' timestamp='1312990530' post='5430211'][list]
[*]Zombies in [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manab.gif[/img] and [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manau.gif[/img], Ghosts (Spirits) primarly in [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manau.gif[/img] and [img]http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/images/smilies/manaw.gif[/img].

Supah cool.

Any idea of storyline yet?

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[quote]This large set consists of 264 cards, while the latest large sets (Shards of Alara, Zendikar and Scars of Mirrodin) all had 249.
This set has the most top-down design that has ever been.
Innistrad features [...] Werewolves in R and G [...]
Werewolves are a key part of this set, and get their own subtype
Black zombies are the normal kind that we usually see, blue zombies are Frankenstein-type creations of science.
The set features graveyard and tribal mechanics
Returning mechanic: Flashback
There are two planeswalker cards in the set, one of which is a new Liliana, the other likely a new Garruk.

Design Team:
Richard Garfield
...WOW O_O

Looks very promising

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[quote name='ArchmageCarn' timestamp='1312992733' post='5430294']
My bets are on G/B Garruk color-wise. Oh, and the last set Garfield designed was Ravnica, one of the best sets in history. Now he's working on Innistrad. This is going to be good.

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[quote name='ArchmageCarn' timestamp='1312995695' post='5430380']
MaRo tweets?
Yea. MaRo is very involed in the community and reads all his tweets and emails. Don't always respond, but he listens. Also has a tumbler account.

[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1312991198' post='5430234']
A guy who created MTG
Not just MTG, but the Trading Card Genre in general. So yea, him working on a set is a big deal.

I can't wait personally, and already have a box on preorder. This is going to be a great set.


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I really, REALLY can't wait. Richard will be able to work on his first planeswalker (Liliana Veiled) in this set, I wonder what kind of take he'll have on it. He's by far one of the most creative minds in Magic. This set is going to be really, REALLY amazing.

So, I'm guessing...

White/Blue Ghosts - Blue Main
Blue/Black Zombies - Black main
Black Red Vampires - Red Main
Green/Red Warewolves - Green Main
Green White Humans - White main

yes? If it isn't this, then either read or green won't see much in this set, which would really blow.

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Blue Red doesn't make any sense...I guess he really meant that they weren't going to make this a tribal set.

So, my guess for decks -
Black/Green (Wolves and Vamps)
Blue/Red (Ghosts? It's blue main, so red probably just has some burns)
White/Black (Zombies with a few clerics and beneficial spells)
Red/White (Aggro Vamps and Humans that vamps steal life from?)
Green/Blue (Can't think of anything for this...but I'm sure Magic will think of something)

Of course, that's assuming they go with enemy colors.

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[quote name='King of Nothing' timestamp='1313187532' post='5437217']
Blue Red doesn't make any sense...I guess he really meant that they weren't going to make this a tribal set.

So, my guess for decks -
Black/Green (Wolves and Vamps)
Blue/Red (Ghosts? It's blue main, so red probably just has some burns)
White/Black (Zombies with a few clerics and beneficial spells)
Red/White (Aggro Vamps and Humans that vamps steal life from?)
Green/Blue (Can't think of anything for this...but I'm sure Magic will think of something)

Of course, that's assuming they go with enemy colors.
Remember, theme decks would push mechanics and while the tribal elements are part of the block, they can always show it off in a different theme deck.

Also, looking of Scars and Zendikar block about half the theme decks used enemy pairs. A side from Rise that had all ally and some mono color decks here and there, things have been mixed up for the past two blocks.

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Well, we have Garfield working this set, what kind of mechanics might we see?

I think bloodthirst is coming back. It only makes sense that a set with zombies, vampires and wolves would have bloodthirst. I really hope we get "Mutate" abilities, something like -

Creature - Human Cleric

2G Tap - Mutate Wolf - CARDNAME is now treated as a wolf

If CARDNAME is a Wolf, it gets 3 +1/+1 counters and has Reach.

Creature - Vampire Scout

2B - Target creature has "B - Mutate Vampire"

Vampires get +1/-1 while CARDNAME is in the graveyard

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[quote name='King of Nothing' timestamp='1313192919' post='5437497']
Well, we have Garfield working this set, what kind of mechanics might we see?

I think bloodthirst is coming back. It only makes sense that a set with zombies, vampires and wolves would have bloodthirst. I really hope we get "Mutate" abilities, something like -

Creature - Human Cleric

2G Tap - Mutate Wolf - CARDNAME is now treated as a wolf

If CARDNAME is a Wolf, it gets 3 +1/+1 counters and has Reach.

Creature - Vampire Scout

2B - Target creature has "B - Mutate Vampire"

Vampires get +1/-1 while CARDNAME is in the graveyard

The returning Mechanic is already confirmed to be Flashback...also Werewolfs in Innistrad will be Werewolf Type Creatures...XD

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  • 2 weeks later...


Prerelease Card

So werewolfs...will be...split cards?

HOWLPACK ALPHA: is suppoused to be the Creature that cost 2 and puts 2/2 tokens each turn; Its effect gives Wolves and Werewolves +1/+1 and creates a 2/2 werewolf token during the End Phase.

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From what I saw over on the Magic forums I don't think it is a split card. From what I saw there they seem to be saying that they are a new card type since if you look closely they have an a and b in there numbering.


I'm just hoping that these are the launch even cards since the prerelease has always given mythics.

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