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Pokémon Sorlun Region! [Started/Not accepting]

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Another app! And a more original name XP

[spoiler=Gym Leader App]Gym Leader: #6
Name: Kana Sirashi
Age: 19
Appearance(Sorry, I prefer pictures): [spoiler=App Picture][img]http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/57993/1145047326_ypixpiiink.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Personality: Kana is a recluse, usually staying in the presence of her pokemon and rarely going outside of her bedroom inside of the gym. She is cold and calculating during battle and is usually depressed, not even her Haunter being able to cheer her up sometimes. She doesn't have any friends and she only took the job of gym leader because it would allow her to live without most social interaction.
Bio: Kana was born and raised in Darkthorn City. She was always fascinated by the ghost Pokemon that plagued the surrounding areas of the city, always trying to make friends with them. Because of this odd liking to ghosts, her fellow classmates ridiculed her and she spent less and less time going to school and more with the ghosts. None of her pokemon reside in pokeballs most of the time, only going into such contraptions when they need to be healed. She doesn't believe in forced servitude and only suggests commands to her pokemon, always thankful that they will fight on her behalf and be with her always.
Town: Darkthorn City
Team(I don't know what levels to give them specifically >.>):
Mismagius - Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind, Curse, Destiny Bond
Banette - Shadow Sneak, Will-o-wisp, Night Shadw, Shadow Ball
Haunter - Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Confuse Ray
Sableye - Shadow Claw, Fury Swipes, Scratch, Astonish

All are Female

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hope i can still join X3
Name: [color=#ee82ee]Zoe Nara[/color]

Age: 16

Hometown and Region: Cerulean City, kanto region


Personality: unlike her appearance she is a verry serious person. she has no mercy during the heat of battle. outside is another story she is the most merciful and kindest of people out of the battles. she takes pride in her long pink locks. she only catches female Pokemon because she dosent want the responsibility of taking care of an egg or the loss of two pokemon so that they can take care of it

Bio: Zoe lived in the same town as the famous misty going to her gym everyday to learn from her. after a while she became her hero and she decided that she would become a gym leader like her. she she went out and caught her own and trained everyday to become as strong as possible. the day she heard about the huge event on tv she immediately stuffed her bags gathers her pokemon and bought a boat ticket she wanted to prove she could be a gym leader and the adventure itself isnt bad.

Starter Pokemon:

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