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Pokémon Sorlun Region! [Started/Not accepting]

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Name: [color=#daa520]Shinji Yushiro[/color]
Age: 23
Hometown and Region: Ecruteak City, Johto
Appearance: Shinji is a slightly tanned young man, at 6' 1" with a clear complextion and a gentle look to him. He sports a spiky, dirty blonde hair and azure blue eyes. He wears a white stripped shirt, covered by a green sweater. And on top of that he wears a black jacket and a dark grey woolen scarf wrapped around his neck. He also wears black trousers and black shoes with white lace trimming. He occasionally will remove the jacket in hot weather, but never the scarf or the jumper. His clothes have been made flame retardent, water proof and unconductable for the purpose of his Pokemon team's induvidual powers.
Personality: Shinji generally travels alone and doesn't interact with people much except when necesary. He has a quiet nature that is often mistaken for aloofness and emotional detachment. However he does open up to those who he believes he will meet in the distant future and feels that he may need their help one day. He is a very caring person especially to Pokemon. He joined a small group called The Resistance, a group lead by Nikolaĭ Drako, in order to help protect Pokemon from people like Team Rocket. He is very mature and always remains calm in any situation, but he rarely jokes around, nor does he beat around the bush.
Bio: Shinji as a child was very quiet, something which has followed on to his adult life. He never wanted to become a Pokemon Trainer like most of the kids in his class and he was isolated from most of the kids because of it. However he was kept company by a Pichu and the two eventually became close friends. When most his friends started their journey, he did so with his Pichu, but instead he decided to study the Legend of the Burned Tower. Soon he discovered that the Tower once was the home of the Legendary Pokemon Lugia until it was burnt down by a mysterious fire, ignited by a strike of lightning and doused by rainfall. This legend intrigued him and he read further into it, discovering that three nameless Pokemon perished in the fire, but were resuurected by Ho-oh as Raikou, representing the lightning that started the fire, Entei, representing the fire that destroyed the tower, and Suicune, representing the rain the put out the fire. Shinji then decided to capture these Pokemon, as if it was his destiny. And his dream soon became a reality as eventually as he travelled Johto, Suicune appeared to him, challening him and his Pichu to a battle. Pichu barely managed to overcome the beast and Shinji, after numerous attempts, ultimately captured it. This drove his desire even further and soon after he saught for Entei, his new Suicune being it's bane. And then, once he captured Entei, he went after Raikou and succeeded in capturing him. Then he believed he had one goal left, Ho-oh. And it has been 12 years now of constant attempts to bring Ho-oh to the Bell Tower so he could try and capture it.

During these 12 years he was told only those of pure heart may challenge Ho-oh, so he set out on an adventure to many places and helped many people with the aid of the Legendary Beasts. After becoming a huge help in Kanto and Johto he set sail for Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova (Isshu). During his time in Hoenn, however, he met Nick and challenged him to a battle, Nick winning barely as the power of the Legendary Beasts nearly overwhelmed him. Shinji joined his group, The Resistance, and togther with the help of others the secret society aided the entire Pokemon world. Although Nick is in the Elite Four and still acts as leader, Shinji had taken over most of the operations, untill he disappeared into the wilderness to train his heart and soul so that one day Ho-oh may come to him so he could challenge the Legendary Bird.
Entei (Lv40): Flamethrower, Dig, Shadow Ball & Bulldoze
Raikou (Lv40): Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunderwave & Reflect
Suicune (Lv40): Blizzard, Rain Dance, Waterfall & Surf
Pichu (Unknown, does not fight): Volt Tackle, Thunder Punch, Return & Toxic

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Name: [color=#990000]Oliver Amador[/color]
Age: 17
Hometown and Region: Mossdeep, Hoen

Appearance: Oliver has dirty blond hair that falls over his eyes. His eyes are brown, but they are mostly hidden behind his hair. His face is covered in a scruffy beard that he refuses to shave. Oliver has a fairly muscular build and usually wears Hawaiin shirts (collared, short sleeved, floral patterns) with cargo shorts that also serve as swim shorts and sandals. His skin is tanned from spending a lot of time in the sun on beaches and such.

Personality: Oliver is friendly and colloquial with just about everyone he meets. However, when he is around women he abandons his usual lax attitude and becomes more reserved. He often daydreams and loses focus during most tasks like walking or reading, however during battles he becomes infinitely more attentive. He prefers double battles over the traditional battles since that was how he was taught, however he only has one Pokemon at the moment.

Bio: He was born and raised in the Hoen region in Mossdeep City. Because of this, Oliver is enamored by the sea and all water. Swimming to nearby caves and diving were some of his favorite activities. His parents were deadbeats and never really cared for him. The many shady activities they were involved in often got Oliver in trouble too. Finally fed up with living with them, Oliver deicded it was better to be homeless and lived on the shores of the island under the docks with several other beach bums that became more of a family to him. Oliver saw the gym leaders Liza and Tate as better role models for himself, and quietly watched their training from afar. Eventually the twins noticed his presence and deicded to teach him how to battle and give him his first Pokemon. Oliver decided to leave his hometown to explore the world outside of Hoen, deciding that there had to be a better life waiting for him somewhere.

Starter Pokemon: Alomomola / Lv 5 / Male / Ability: Healer / Moves: Surf, Pound, Aqua Ring

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