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~Mobian HEROES! - A New Sonic Set~ [26/??] Will Be Taking Requests!

Super Chaos Sonic

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Username: Jordan
Sonic Character You're Requesting: (Real of Fan made) Jet the Hawk
Pic: [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/319/b/8/jet_the_hawk_by_michaeltheseedrain-d32xjo0.jpg[/img]
Other: (As in ATK/DEF, Level, etc.) ATK: 1800/DEF: 1600/ LVL: 4/ ATR: Wind

Sonic Character You're Requesting: (Real of Fan made) Storm the Albatross
Pic: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_iYsuK5M4BE/TVmaK_B88mI/AAAAAAAAAEU/TJYfWSQsU0E/s200/storm_the_albatross_sonic_channel-9775.jpg[/img]
Other: (As in ATK/DEF, Level, etc.) ATK: 1300/DEF: 2000/LVL: 3/ATR: Wind

Sonic Character You're Requesting: (Real of Fan made) Wave the Swallow
Pic: [img]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/9q/qs/sr/sonic_wave.png[/img]
Other: (As in ATK/DEF, Level, etc.) ATK: 1500/DEF: 1400/LVL: 3/ ATR: Wind

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1314404023' post='5471320']
Its alright.

Sorry about not posting cards for a while...been having a few storms, packing for my family to move, and also there's Irene(Hurricane) coming this way...., so a bunch of things happenin right now ^^;
Irene passed as a tropical storm in my country lol it was still awful XD

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1314824000' post='5482043']
Well, not at all actually ^^;

I'm leaving tomorrow to head over my aunt's house, no making cards or being on here until Sunday. That and...been a little lazy and procrastinating on doing the cards. I blame DarkLink401 for givin' me his procrastinating attitude.... <_<

But, I will have them...
man that sucks......

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