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[REQ] Language translation

Tymur Shayk

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Hello, I was wondering if anyone could change the language of this card from english to russian. Still new so I'm not sure how to do it since, Gtranslate doesn't work.

It doesn't feel like a member card unless it's in my native tongue :P
Since points are down, I'll pay with reps.

Request, everything translated from "fiend / effect, the effect itself, circulation, the name, etc etc etc.", no color changes or anything.

Here's the card, first person to PM the translated card to the desired request shall receive the reward.

Lore (if needed): If this card is destroyed while you control another Fiend-Type monster, Special Summon this card at the End Phase it was destroyed. When this card is Special Summoned in this way, draw 1 card. As long as this card is on the field, no Fiend-Type monsters can be selected as an Attack Target, except this card.

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Бесславные злодей or Бесславные Fiend

Член карты

злодей / эффект

Если эта карта будет уничтожен в то время как вы контролируете другой Fiend типа монстра, специальный Призыв эту карту в конце фазы она была разрушена. Когда эта карта Специальные Вызванный таким образом, привлечь 1 карту. Пока эта карта находится на поле, без Fiend-Type монстры могут быть выбраны в качестве объекта нападения, кроме этой карты.

How many reps?

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