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[MTG] Angry Mob

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[center][center]So Yeah [color=#006400]G[/color][color=#ffa07a]W [/color]tribe in Innistrad is [b]HUMANS[/b]...so this got a good chance of being reprinted...For the lulz[/center][/center]
Note:Card's Type was errata'd to being Human long ago....XD

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Apparently the creature types are:

WU: Ghosts (probably Spirits. Changing them to Ghosts will feel overspecialized and take away from Spirit support)
UB: Zombies (nice to see Zombies back. Zombie Control will rule with Call to the Grave and Cemetery Reaper)
BR: Vampires ( like we didn't see that coming)
RG: Werewolves (What creature type will they be? Werewolf, Human Wolf, or just Wolf?)
GU: Humans (I'm guessing Werewolves won't be human, otherwise Human Tribal could use Werewolves)

Disappointing that werewolves won't be black like the original three, but then again I'm excited for likely upcoming Duel Decks: Vampires vs. Werewolves. And Twilight fans would rejoice.

On topic: Angry Mob is better with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. Otherwise, I wouldn't even side it in a casual game against black, due to black having so much elimination.

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