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To celebrate me getting 5000 posts here's something that can have 5000 ATK when its summoned [Red Nova Dragon]

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[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1312483320' post='5414108']
they help you stall for time and that's cheating

Yeah, that is a good reason I suppose.

Good as well. Summon chants are childish outside casual play (very casual...), even for a [i]children's[/i] card game.

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I'm going to go build Red Nova.dek right now.

Synchro Chants are like singing anime songs aloud. It's something you do in your room with the door closed, hoping your parents don't hear you, walk in, and pray they don't find photos of you on the internet cosplaying.

My synchro chant is...

*Synchro summons monster*

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