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Zenonia 3


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[s]hope i spelled that right[/s]

This is a free RPG for the iPhone/iPod Touch.

It is really, really fun. Good sense of humor, too.

But since the game is free, micro transactions are used to get Zen, which lets you buy certain things from the menu. But you can earn 100 Zen at a time for watching ad videos, and you get 3k for rating the app, so it's all good. A few menu ads get in the way, but the ones that do are closable, and there are no adds during gameplay, so I have no complaints about this system.

Anyone else play it?

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The graphics are a bit outdated, but since my iPod is only a 2nd Gen, I'm not complaining. And besides, not all games need great graphics to be enjoyable.


I can see most of the screen on my 2nd Gen, so I can't exactly relate to you.

In conclusion...

Android Users: Enjoyable, but didn't play much.

iPod Touch/iPhone Users: Enjoyable, and clocked in over 15 hours already.

If you happen to come across an iPod Touch or iPhone, download the game on it. It'll probably be a more enjoyable experience.

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Man, what you're saying would be so much easier to understand if I knew anything about phones. :/

Anyway, hit Level 50 yesterday. I began grinding far more after I encountered a certain type of (LV40) fast, small, and really powerful enemy while I was only Level 37. This should help my travels.

Also, I defeated a mini boss that shouldn't be considered a mini boss. He's been trash talking me and my race throughout the entire game, and when we finally spar, I defeat him in 4 SECONDS without taking a hit!

What a noob.

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[quote name='Umbra' timestamp='1312575414' post='5417352']
I think it's on the Android, too, and I did check it out. The graphics are a bit dated, if I recall correctly, but it seemed like an enjoyable game. (Didn't play much.)

That's the charm of it.

But iPod games don't really entertain me much anymore :/

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