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Eternal Sonata

Resident Fascist

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What can you say...

To make it short: One of the best games of all time Visuals, music, characters, story, environment, enemies, battle system... it even f***ing educated you in between the chapters!
Maybe it was a little too easy, only very rarely the enemies ever posed a threat, even the optional endboss on "hard" wasn't very intimidating... the only exception being the story fight against Captain Dulce :P

If you have a heart for JRPGs, buy this game... on the Xbox, there's only one real competitor for the best JRPG on the platform, and that's Lost Odyssey.

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Completely disregarding Tales of Vesperia for that title, Spoon?

I have the game, though not on the PS3, because I don't have one.

The game was entertaining but I never finished it because I actually got stuck. I forget where. I really didn't know how to go on, though.

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[quote name='Hinagiku Katsura' timestamp='1312561184' post='5416562']Completely disregarding Tales of Vesperia for that title, Spoon?[/quote]
Yes. Tales of Vesperia was certainly good, it was my first contact with a "Tales of..." game in general, and a pleasant one at that, but there were some issues you just couldn't deny. The one that bothered me the most was the lack of atmosphere. We had about 2 or 3 anime cutscenes, which were really good, and the rest was just ingame stuff. Not necessarily bad... but by god, even on the PS1 those looked more convincing!

Eh... yeah, back to the game at hand... still good :P There was one instance in particular where I got stuck as well and had to use a walkthrough, let me google it... Fort Fermata, Chapter 2. God, was that confusing O.o

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like Sonata better than ToV to be honest I like the combat alot of flashy moves and my fav character Falsetto kicked alot of ass one of the best members to have to build echoes along with Salsa or March. Anyone do the extra dungeon to bring Claves back to life? geez that was a chore but well worth it.

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[quote name='LRPXD' timestamp='1314165335' post='5465292']
I like Sonata better than ToV to be honest I like the combat alot of flashy moves and my fav character Falsetto kicked alot of ass one of the best members to have to build echoes along with Salsa or March. Anyone do the extra dungeon to bring Claves back to life? geez that was a chore but well worth it.[/quote]
I did it on my second playthrough... on hard... and it was still too easy! Seriously, if this game had one issue, then that there was only 1 tough battle throughout the entire game, and that was the first fight against Dolce.

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[quote name='ZeroChill' timestamp='1314373209' post='5470302']Spoon needs to play Tales of Symphonia if he didn't.[/quote]
As I said, my first contact with the Tales-Series was Vesperia, I didn't play any other. And I can't play Symphonia because I don't own a Gamecube... or a Wii... or any other Nintendo console aside from a really old and worn out Gameboy Advance :P

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[quote name='Spoon' timestamp='1314366693' post='5470162']
I did it on my second playthrough... on hard... and it was still too easy! Seriously, if this game had one issue, then that there was only 1 tough battle throughout the entire game, and that was the first fight against Dolce.
I find it a little difficult since I was using Claves and she was so low leveled. But like you said this dungeon isn't hard just pretty long. Claves at the end made it all worth it. Dolce lets see if I remember the pirate right? she did cause problems don't know much else since it's been a long time since I played it but I remember my cousin losing to her and rondo then I did co-op with her to beat them this game is pretty fun on co-op also ToV in co-op is awesome grinding levels is fun to do when you have someone to play with I was mostly Judith since I like her air combos and my cousin picked Yuri cause he was easy to use.

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