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[REQ] Render, Avi, Sig


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Seeing as how my old avi is kinda screwy because of the format change, I think it time to lose some points and get a new Avi and sig.

[b]Size: [/b]Idk what the normal size is for sigs and the avi pixel limit is outright different now (the uploader says to use images 200 px or larger, whether that means pixel area or what else, idk.
[b]Render/Stock you want using[/b]:
[spoiler='Cropped pictures']

[b]How much you're willing to pay:[/b] I'm willing to pay all the points I have for all three jobs. Whether this is divided up between people or all to one person, I don't mind.
[b]Other: [/b]Anything you think would improve the image(s) within reason can be added. I would prefer SKYFIRE or Zenmeister, if possible.

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[quote name='Bringerofcake' timestamp='1312225629' post='5405145']
Seeing as how my old avi is kinda screwy because of the format change, I think it time to lose some points and get a new Avi and sig.

[b]Size: [/b]Idk what the normal size is for sigs and the avi pixel limit is outright different now (the uploader says to use images 200 px or larger, whether that means pixel area or what else, idk.
[b]Render/Stock you want using[/b]:
[spoiler='Cropped pictures']

[b]How much you're willing to pay:[/b] I'm willing to pay all the points I have for all three jobs. Whether this is divided up between people or all to one person, I don't mind.
[b]Other: [/b]Anything you think would improve the image(s) within reason can be added. I would prefer SKYFIRE or Zenmeister, if possible.

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