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Careless Whisper

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He already is thrown there, I say he should just stop making cards, look at other users' cards, study them, figure the idea behind becoming a good cardmaker, and also appreciate the cards too. Alot of people actually put alot of effort into their customs and diserve no less then a 6/10, but all your cards have no effot and diserve a very painfull -5/10.

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Here's Impulsive, I agree with anomu13 for taker55 and for yugioh master4444 (or whatever's the name), don't ask yourself why you do not have a lot of appreciation from people on this website like me, for example, look, it just seems like you came on this website to post any stupid cards, while other beginners like me try hard to make good cards and we only get like 6/10 or 7,5/10, but beginners like me, to get those marks, we work on it, we try things and see if it's good, but you, you don't even try! I must say that I have no f****** respect for what your doing, maybe that stuff may seem rough to you but I'm only sayin' what I think of this, and what I think is the f****** thruth!

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