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IGN's number 9 I think, in top 100 games to play before you die.

Borderlands is one of the only fIRst person RPGS its funny and the graphics are like comic book. It's only 20 bucks or less so I recommend this to anyone. There is LITERALLY over 1 million guns in the game. There's 4 characters each with different skill sets and an ability etc. The storyline is long and tedious. YOU are a treasure hunter in the planet of Pandora. Trying to find whats called The Vault. It was created by aliens and it holds many treasures'n's***.

I want to tell more but I don't feel like it. So discuss this most amazing game.

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Was fun while it lasted, the DLCs were definitely worth their money... but Diablo II with guns this is not :(
The graphics looked really new and refreshing, but even that wore off after a while, and the different characters weren't really... all that different to be honest.
Nontheless, great game, great DLC policy right there and a lot of stuff that keeps you going in general. The story could've been paced a lot better (some tidbits at the start and the end just doesn't cut it), but I still enjoyed it, for the most part. Needs a legitimate sequel with an awesome story, more diverse characters and s***ton of DLCs :D

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[quote name='Spoon' timestamp='1312270959' post='5406811']
Was fun while it lasted, the DLCs were definitely worth their money... but Diablo II with guns this is not :(
The graphics looked really new and refreshing, but even that wore off after a while, and the different characters weren't really... all that different to be honest.
Nontheless, great game, great DLC policy right there and a lot of stuff that keeps you going in general. The story could've been paced a lot better (some tidbits at the start and the end just doesn't cut it), but I still enjoyed it, for the most part. Needs a legitimate sequel with an awesome story, more diverse characters and s***ton of DLCs :D

Damn straight.

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Honestly one of my favorite games, I was SOOOOO pissed when i beat the final boss on my first try, it took me longer (and more tries) to beat some of the other bosses in the game...

I played as the girl and gave her a better custom color, her skills were awesome in my opinion
No idea how many hours I've clocked, but it was great

I am going to have to pre-order Borderland2 soon... and I might break Borderland1 back out again, its fun, but idk what is left for me to do

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[quote name='∞ Skiel ∞' timestamp='1312499654' post='5415136']
Honestly one of my favorite games, I was SOOOOO pissed when i beat the final boss on my first try, it took me longer (and more tries) to beat some of the other bosses in the game...

I played as the girl and gave her a better custom color, her skills were awesome in my opinion
No idea how many hours I've clocked, but it was great

I am going to have to pre-order Borderland2 soon... and I might break Borderland1 back out again, its fun, but idk what is left for me to do

Is it official for Borderlands 2?

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[quote name='SSxMINI LUCAS' timestamp='1312552410' post='5416297']

Is it official for Borderlands 2?
That website looks pretty damn official, and next time I am near a Gamestop I am going to stop in and ask to pre-order it, so I'll let you know then

I just realized, I am only a Level 41 Merc and that was with 2 levels I gained last night... I have to play this game a lot more now, Lol
I want to complete the second run through with my Merc and then get another chracter and complete the game with it...
Guessing my skills don't come close to some of you, Lol

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[quote name='∞ Skiel ∞' timestamp='1312552796' post='5416311']
That website looks pretty damn official, and next time I am near a Gamestop I am going to stop in and ask to pre-order it, so I'll let you know then

I just realized, I am only a Level 41 Merc and that was with 2 levels I gained last night... I have to play this game a lot more now, Lol
I want to complete the second run through with my Merc and then get another chracter and complete the game with it...
Guessing my skills don't come close to some of you, Lol

Lol okay I'll be waiting then, thanks. Say whats the web site?

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[quote name='SSxMINI LUCAS' timestamp='1312556794' post='5416410']

Lol okay I'll be waiting then, thanks. Say whats the web site?
Thats the website for the game
Yeah, GameStop employees confirmed for me that the game IS real... but there is no release date as of yet... thought its excepted to be released around this time of year (August-ish) next year (2012)... so we have a long way for the game
And with no confirmed release date yet it could easily be pushed back...

I am in my second play though, level 46 Lilith Base character... I use all lower level weapons except my alien rifly thing which is level 46... everythig is mid to high 20s, just because they are all very rare weapons and kinda incredible
4x Fire, rifle, x2.7 zoom and 6 rounds... 270-ish damage
2x Explosion SMS, rather large clip, got good stats on that thing (and being a siren I have a Class Mod that allows me to recover SMS ammo) (never found anything better)
2x Corrosion Pistol, 6 shots, good stats on it... basically just used against armored Skags... but it has a built in ammo recover so I keep it
Lightning Alien Tech
I use an Explosive Bouncing Bettie grenade mod...
My Class mod recovers SMS ammo and does like 3 other things, forgot what though
I have my skills in mainly assasin and the one that gives me pheonix... with a little in control, I don't Phase much so most of mystuff is in bullet damage/speed, reload speed, and melee damage (slow and corrosion), and element damage... I also use Pheonix
I use a Fire stone to get a re-enter Fire Thing, Level 4... I love it
SMS Level: 23
Pistol Level: 16
Sniper Level: 11
Alien Tech Level: 9
Shot Gun Level: 10
Battle Rifle Level: 1
Rocket Launcher Level: 1
I think I am missing an Item... but what ever it is I don't use it, so IDK

Yeah, I have a question... I just beat Mel, and I'm in new hacen, I am doing the boose mission for the crazy guy... the one where you collect 24 bottles
Could some one tell me approx. how far I am through the game??
^Percentage Wise

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[quote name='Poc' timestamp='1312600635' post='5418600']
your about 1/2 done, The rest of the game will go by faster after this point (it seems like anyways). When you get to old haven , use those corrosive revolvers, it works wonders on Crimson lance.
Crimson Lance??
(Completely forgot what that was)

And cool, I can deal with being half way... hopefully I can rap it up rather quick

I want to start a new game as the Hunter/Falcon Guy... and maybe a new character for each of the 3 I am currently Missing, I just want to test them out, you know?

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[quote name='Poc' timestamp='1312602335' post='5418676']
Crimson lance are those jackass solders who are heavily armored, they'll make you hate the game in Play-through 2.

And yea, try the other classes, The Berserker was the last class I played and it was my favorite.
Okay, so i'll be glad to have my trusted crossive pistol with infinite ammo, Lol
And the Phasewalking of Lilith is nice, But I don't use it often, I use it basically to sprint away or towards things and yeah... sometimes to sneak up on enemies, though rarely

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[quote name='Poc' timestamp='1312602335' post='5418676']
Crimson lance are those jackass solders who are heavily armored, they'll make you hate the game in Play-through 2.

And yea, try the other classes, The Berserker was the last class I played and it was my favorite.

One good point to remember about the Berserker: your melee attack is probably more powerful than you think (especially in Berserk mode). If you're running low on ammo and/or are up close to an enemy, just go punch them out.

I like the soldier in multiplayer setups (since you can get team ammo regeneration) and I think I'd try the hunter in single player setups (due to his Trespass ability being able to bypass shields, but only for his regular damage - elemental damage hits the shield from what I've heard).

[quote name='∞ Skiel ∞' timestamp='1312604123' post='5418733']
Okay, so i'll be glad to have my trusted crossive pistol with infinite ammo, Lol
And the Phasewalking of Lilith is nice, But I don't use it often, I use it basically to sprint away or towards things and yeah... sometimes to sneak up on enemies, though rarely

It's always good to have a gun with infinite ammo, especially if it's elemental.

I'm played Lilth very much. I mainly used Phasewalking just to escape and heal. Her melee attacking never meant much to me except in very close and/or little ammo situations.

On Topic: I loved the game (too bad it's really my brother's game and game console). I can't wait for Borderlands 2. As much as I'd like to see more classes, I don't want them to get too narrow where each class is only a master of one gun or one element or something like that. I did feel like Lilith had so many choices and probably could have been divided into two, or maybe a few, characters.

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I have it for 360, I had it for PC but because of DRM I cant reinstall it -_-

My gamertag is Chairfighter, Ill let you look at my collection of guns, and if your good Ill let you touch [s]me[/s] them.

Maybe we can get a 4 player run through going?

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