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The Warrior Returning Alive


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This is what happens when I get bored.



Monsters (11)


3 The Immortal Bushi

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

3 D.D. Assailant

1 Armageddon Knight

3 Exiled Force


Spells (21)


1 Smashing Ground

1 Fissure

3 Hammer Shot

3 Shrink

2 Enemy Controller

1 Premature Burial

3 Card of Safe Return

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

2 The Warrior Returning Alive


Traps (9)


3 Dust Tornado

3 Dimensional Prison

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Bottomless Trap Hole



Remember, 41 cards is the new 40.

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meh not amazing i see you have lots of monster removal which is what this deck needs as you have no high atk monsters maybe maurading captain but it might not fit in also command knight


I lol'd hard at that.


The point of the deck is to SS for CoSR.


The deck does a nice job of it. It's somewhat like perfect circle, but in a new way.


-1 Enemy Controller

+1 Marauding Captain


I only use Marauding Captain because he lets you pull two monsters, and one will be a Special Summon.

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meh not amazing i see you have lots of monster removal which is what this deck needs as you have no high atk monsters maybe maurading captain but it might not fit in also command knight


I lol'd hard at that.


The point of the deck is to SS for CoSR.


The deck does a nice job of it. It's somewhat like perfect circle' date=' but in a new way.


-1 Enemy Controller

+1 Marauding Captain


I only use Marauding Captain because he lets you pull two monsters, and one will be a Special Summon.


Yes i know exactly how this deck works command knight is just a variation that could give a high atk monster

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I actually kind of think of this deck as being closer to Big City than to Perfect Circle, since it's based around summoning one Warrior over and over again to generate massive advantage and field control. Also like Big City, it runs a very low number of monsters so that it has room for lots of spells and traps that let it control the field. I suppose it could also be comparable to Gadgets, since you never run out of weak monsters and pack as much removal as possible.


Command Knight is utterly useless here. This is fact.


Marauding Captain can work here but isn't all that great, since my low number of monsters means that I'm not always going to have another Warrior available that I'd like to Special Summon. Sure, it protects your other monsters from one attack, but most of my monsters don't really care about that (D.D. Warrior Lady and D.D. Assailant activate then the opponent attacks them, Exiled Force shouldn't even still be on the field, Armageddon Knight is just there to send The Immortal Bushi to the graveyard, and The Immortal Bushi isn't going to shed many tears about being destroyed).


Currently, if I was going to add another monster, it would probably be Don Zaloog, who I've been considering due to the fact that all of this field control and removal means that I get quite a few direct attacks.


Current changes I'm strongly considering:


-2 Enemy Controller

-2 Shrink


+1 Lightning Vortex

+3 Solemn Judgment




-2 Enemy Controller

-2 Shrink


+1 Lightning Vortex

+2 Widespread Ruin

+1 Bottomless Trap Hole




-2 Enemy Controller

+1 Don Zaloog

+1 Call of the Haunted



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umm im guessing this is more of a Stall deck than an offensive one otherwise more monsters would be nice. Remember try to even out your deck 20 monsters 10 spells 10 traps etc.


Tell me' date=' would you use 20 monsters in Big City? Look over the decklist again. This is not a stall deck, nor does it require large numbers of monsters.


Er.. If you have 2 Command Knights. It'll work out.


They cannot attack either or, and THEY GAIN 400 ATK EACH. That's 2k ATK for Both Command Knights. Same with Marauding Captains, But they only help for keeping your opponent at bay so you can get your stronger monsters/spells/traps on the field. =D


True, 2 Command Knight work well together, but they need to be on the field together to be of any use. And even then my opponent will probably have removal of his own. Without both in hand and lots of anti-attack traps like Mirror Force or Dimensional Prison OR one in hand, one in the grave, and Premature Burial, Command Knight isn't going to be terribly useful.

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umm im guessing this is more of a Stall deck than an offensive one otherwise more monsters would be nice. Remember try to even out your deck 20 monsters 10 spells 10 traps etc.


Tell me' date=' would you use 20 monsters in Big City? Look over the decklist again. This is not a stall deck, nor does it require large numbers of monsters.



I see your point. To me it looked like a stall deck or a basic revival one with all those warrior returning alives and all that. But good point

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After extensive testing on GKO, I have concluded that GKO sucks. I haven't managed to get through the first turn of a single duel without a disconnection.


Don Zaloog is in. Since I have decent field control already, it should pay to limit the opponent's options further by cutting down their hand (which I was already starting to do with Trap Dustshoot).



Monsters (12)


3 The Immortal Bushi

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

3 D.D. Assailant

1 Armageddon Knight

3 Exiled Force

1 Don Zaloog


Spells (18)


1 Smashing Ground

1 Fissure

3 Hammer Shot

2 Shrink

1 Premature Burial

3 Card of Safe Return

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

2 The Warrior Returning Alive

1 Lightning Vortex


Traps (10)


3 Dust Tornado

3 Dimensional Prison

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Call of the Haunted

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