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Yeah, Wikipedia isn't a ver reliable source in my opinion. Of course, that's just me but yeah... it technically wasn't wrong but still ><

No, they aren't interchangable. If anything, a Monk is the closest class to Fighter that can be interchanged with one another. A kinght uses a long sword and shield where as a fighter fights barehanded. Punches and kicks mostly. There's a vast difference between the two. One metal wears armor, the other wears light leather and scale armor. I'm sorry, but I've only allowed for one sub-class per person. Please pick one.

Other than that, you still need to suggest a monster and a boss. Then you'll be accepted. As for now, you're reserved until you've made the changes.

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Edited app again. Also, have these:

[spoiler=Monster: Automaton]
[b]Name:[/b] Automaton

[b]Appearance:[/b] Made entirely of unyielding iron and steel, Automatons resemble two meter high knights in armour. However, if one looks under it's visor, there is only a smooth outline of a face. Their weaponry is varied; some are seen with longswords while others wield pikes. However, they are always seen with large kite shields. Automatons are never seen alone, usually travelling in packs of 20-30. When travelling, Automatons take a phalanx formation, marching in perfect synchronicity. If one defeats an Automaton in battle, it falls into pieces at the joints.

[b]Abilities:[/b] Always found in large groups, they fight just as effectively as the best trained soldiers. Being made entirely of metal, they are immune to most sharp weaponry. However, a strong kinetic impact can cause an Automaton to break into pieces. However, if left to their own devices, groups of Automatons can reassemble and repair their fallen comrades, often completely restoring their numbers to what they were before a fight. Therefore, entire groups must be destroyed to assure they do not rise again.

[b]Found:[/b] You decide.

[spoiler=Boss: The Nightbringer]
[b]Name:[/b] The Nightbringer

[b]Appearance:[/b] Looking like the very incarnation of Death itself, the Nightbringer is a terrifying sight to behold. His skeletal form is covered in tattered blue robes dark as midnight. He floats across the battlefield in an unnatural silence, causing vegetation to die in his wake. He carries a long scythe behind him, its blade dark with the blood of slain victims. He towers over any being, yet can fight as nimbly as a fly.

[b]Abilities:[/b] Along with his deadly melee fighting, he has terrible magical power, many of them harnessing the very essence of death. He can also make his body ethereal and therefore immune to melee.

[b]Found:[/b] You decide.

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Hey, is it all right if I make a character that serves as this RP's primary antagonist? He doesn't belong to the rebellion or any empire. Is that all right with you? Actually, I had the idea that he would be a cross between the Puppetmaster and Mystic Knight classes. If you let me make the character, can I have 3 magics for each group?

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I am so sorry for not having posted in this last week
I've been preparing myself for the new school year coming up, which for me starts tomorrow. I really do apologize for not having been posting, and i hope that you all will still post up with me once I post here today. I really do apologize, and hope that you'll all still be a part of this RP

@FF Fan: If you wish to join, having a cocky attitude and assuming I'll know what you want isn't goint to get you by -_-. Post up your app just like everyone else, and I'll accept you or decline you depending on what is within. As of now, you are on Reserve.

@PikMan: Ketodama is right, I already have an idea for the ultimate bady. Thanks for asking though, but I am afraid that I am disenclined to acquiesc to your request.

@ Ketodama: what was that you said about Necron-senpai? If you're wanting to know if he's going to make an apperance, I have to say HELL NO! I'm not going to make the creator of life and death, all of existence, in this. FF9 already did that, and it's one of the reasons that ff9 is my favorites. So, no Necron. No.

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Yeah, I'm sorry >< but trust me, I know you'll love what I have in store, especially if you're in to ultimaate villains who... well, I suppose I shouldn't say anymore lest I be giving away a spoiler.

Anyways, i'm posting as we speak so give me a few minutes and you should have something to respond to.

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Oh, that's what you meant by Necrons. Okay, I get it now XD I forgot they existed to be honest.

Actually Pikman, you can be the secondary main villain if you want to be. Send me a PM of the things you had in mind for this secondary villain of yours and you and I will collabe together on this. I'll tell you what is needed, you tell me what is wanted, we'll make a nice bacony mixture together ^^

So yeah, PM ME NAO!!!!

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Yes, and I appear to be having trouble with it as well. I got your message, but it just doesn't want to open it for me. it just keeps loading and loading and loading and loading... I'll wait a lil bit longer, because it might be loading all the other messages in my in box, but it's getting a bit annoying >< I'll update you asap and tell you if you should go a head and post it here or not.

Why yes, yes we are getting limit breaks. Good guess, I was going to keep that bit to myself until a later date >< oh well.

In The Final Fantasy, limit breaks are going to be known as Trance States and will only last a limited number of turns, depending on the stage of the RP and teh character. Meaning that at one point a person's limit break might last only one post or it could last five (five being the maximum number I'm allowing any Trance at any time be)

Now, as no one can use the Trance State yet, no one had better use the Trance state yet -_- pretty simple.

However, I would like to know what each of you had in mind for each of your character's trance state abilities. Until I figure out just the exact rules i want to have in place for Trance State, I can at least get a good grasp on what it is you guys are wanting for your Trance State. So, post 'em up and once I figure out a system for trance states, I'll add another little section to the first post showing the trance state abilities one can achieve based off yours and my ideas. Get creative, have fun with it!

EDIT: NVM Pikman, it loaded up finally ^^

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Nevermind is what it means XD

that's true Trollestia. There has only been a small avalanche thus far, and only 4 , count 'em, four people have run downt he slope after it. However, Ketodama hasn't really done anything wrong in his post (unless he edited it before I could see). The archers he mentions are his own troops, not mine. He hasn't seen anyone else besides the four coming down the slope from what I read, and so far all he's doing is fortifying his position.

Now, then, watch the next move and act accordingly >: 3

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Oh... I thought you had already edited it, because it looked alright to me XD oh well, I guess I misread too.

Yeah, please edit your last post before making a new one, as I have just made my newest post which unleashed teh big avalanche on the camp.

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