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[Wc11] This deck is now Diamonds


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[b]Monster - 20[/b]
Big Eye x2
Caius x3
Diamond Dude x3
Fear Monger x3
Genex Ally Crusher x2
Mystic Tomato x3
Summoner Monk

[b]Speed Spell - 15[/b]
Accelerator Draw x3
Angel Baton x3
Raigeki x3
Reinforcements of the Army x3
Shift Down x3

[b]Trap - 5[/b]
Destiny Signal x3
Solemn Judgment

[spoiler=effects of Speed Spells]
Wiki was being weird and not letting me search anything, so I put the Speed Spell effects here.
Accelerator Draw: If you have 12 or more Speed Counters and the Opponent has 5 or less -> draw 2.
Angel Baton: Remove 4 Speed Counters -> Draw 2 and discard 1
Raigeki: Remove 12 Speed Counters -> Same effect as Raigeki
Reinforcements of the Army: Remove 3 Speed Counters -> Same effect as RoTa
Shift Down: Remove 6 Speed Counters -> Draw 2[/spoiler]

Destiny Signal is a hilarious tech here.

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