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Yu-Gi-Oh! Strike of the Heavens (PG-13) - Chapter 19 up!!

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[quote name='Divine Chaos' timestamp='1314807671' post='5481643']
After reading a few chapters, I'm starting to like this fan fic. I guess that makes me a new reader!

Yes it does. I am glad that you have been reading my marvelous fan-fic, but since I have started up on my new one, I may discontinue this one. It's all up to the people to decide if I should continue this or not.

While you are thinking that over, go ahead and put on some sappy melodramatic music as you read this possibly over-dramatic and overdescriptive sob chapter.

[spoiler='Chapter 16']

Chapter 16 – The Price of Family, Part 1

[i]It was another peaceful day. The subtle morning breeze carried with it the scent of last night’s rain, coming down as tears from some deity above in the clouds. With each gust of wind, a few leaves from the oak tree would fall, dancing in the air with illustriousness. With the scent came the ever-increasing threat of lingering heat, as well. Grass green and trees overgrown with chlorophyll, a small inlet in the middle of a large forest housed one grand mansion, painted white and gold. A gravel roadway encased the entire area of the house, allowing quick and easy transportation around the mansion. [/i]

[i]In nature’s lively beauty, there were three kids outside playing in the greenery. One kid would lean up against the wall, head first, his head covered to protect his eyes from the sun while counting the numbers sub-sequentially from one to twenty. Then, he would yell, “Ready or not, here I come”, bursting off into all directions to look for something. On the other side of the house, two girls giggled, one with silky, long, blue hair that almost touched the ground, and the other with dark brown, almost black hair. The two would giggle so loud that it confiscated their position behind the house, and the boy soon found them toiling away. The three would then chase each other around the house again, lost in their own little world.[/i]

[i]Soon, the russet circle that had risen to its full apex in the sky had now begun to slowly creep to the western ends of the world, or whatever awaited on the opposite side now. It was now time to eat dinner, and the special dinner for tonight was the boy’s favorite meal: chicken and mashed potatoes. The boy sat at the far end of the table, while the two girls sat directly to the boy’s right. An older-looking man and a young lady, older than the two girls, but still younger than the gentleman, sat to the boy’s left. “Did you three have fun today,” asked the young lady who sat to the boy’s left. The girls both nodded their head.[/i]

[i]“Yea, we played hide and seek in the front yard, and the backward, and all the way around the whole house. It was fun,” the girl with blue hair said. The older-looking woman smiled, as the butler brought out five dishes, each covered with a steel lid. The butler lifted each one of them up separately and started giving out the meals to each person who was at the table. The boy fixed his silverware so that it was the correct way, reverse to how he had it. “I love my family,” the girl with blue hair continued. “I love my mommy and my daddy.”[/i]

[i]The young woman looked up from her dinner plate and giggled. The older man did not look up, still concentrating on eating his dinner. “And I love my sister and brother,” the girl continued. The boy gave his sister a smile, while the other girl with dark brown hair continued to look at her father with perplexed eyes.[/i]

[i]“Well, tomorrow, we’re both going to take you somewhere very special for your sister’s birthday, Angel. Do you like that idea,” the woman said. The girl with blue hair smiled and nodded. The girl with dark brown hair sighed.[/i]

[i]“I hate surprises, just tell me now, Daddy,” she said.[/i]

[i]“Nope,” the older woman giggled. “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what your present is, Layla.” The girl with dark brown hair hung her head, holding her fork in her right hand. She then continued to proceed eating. The boy continued eating as well. There was silence at the dinner table again, for what seemed like a long time.[/i]

[i]“Rick,” the older gentleman said. The responsive boy sat straight up, looking at his father dead in the eye. “You did remember about your sister’s birthday tomorrow, right? Don’t forget like last year. You have to start keeping track of these things.”[/i]

[i]“Yep,” the boy said. “Trust me, sis, you’re going to love your gift tomorrow. It’ll be the perfect present for your eighth birthday.”[/i]
[i]The dark brown-haired girl then smiled and resumed her eating.[/i]

[i]The family consisted of Rick, the oldest member of the family, eighteen years of age, and the muscle around the household. He was constantly working on something, trying to improve his status around the household and just trying to be a big help. There was also Angel, at twelve years of age. Angel loved tinkering with things, and she wanted to be like her big brother in every way. Even for a twelve-year-old girl, she had come up to her mother’s height. She knew she was going to grow up to become a strong, independent woman, like her mother before her. The last member of the kids, the dark brown-haired girl, Layla, would be turning eight years of age tomorrow, and she was going to get a very special present. Rick explained that it was the best gift that she would ever receive.[/i]

[i]Whence the sun had set its course to a distant far-off land, the white circle of everlasting beauty appeared in the sky to take its place, under the veil of a dark, midnight blue hue. Rick and Angel climbed into their beds and said their goodnights to each other. Layla, already sound asleep in her bed, was sleeping away the midnight hours. Rick approached the sleeping girl, brushed her hair back so that her forehead was visible, and kissed her sister on the forehead. “Goodnight, Layla, and happy birthday,” he whispered.[/i]

[i]Rick then climbed into his bed, dreaming away the long night hours.[/i]


[i]The morning sun awoke as though it were a blaze in Rick’s eyes. He looked around his room. Layla and Angel were not in their beds, so that must’ve meant that they were already up eating breakfast. He looked at his clock, which read 9:36. He had overslept a lot, but not by this much! He hurriedly slapped on his clothes and raced downstairs to meet with his two sisters. When Rick got down to the table, the sight made him both happy and sad.[/i]

[i]Layla was just about to blow out the eighth candle on her birthday cake.[/i]

[i]Rick walked down the stairs slowly, still not believing what he had just seen. He had never been late to witness anything in his life, but now, the most important person that he ever cared about had already begun to cherish her life moments for today. Angel turned to see her big brother walking down the stairs. “Hi, big brother,” Angel said.[/i]

[i]“Good morning,” Rick said softly. “I’m sorry, Layla. I overslept.” Rick sat down at a chair right next to Layla.[/i]

[i]“It’s okay. As long as you are here, big brother,” Layla said. She then proceeded to hug her big brother. Rick wrapped her sister around in his arms, trying not to squeeze her. A glint appeared in his eye, to which Angel commented.[/i]

[i]“Big brother, why are you crying?”[/i]

[i]Rick wiped away the tear and shook his head, lying. “I’m not crying. There was something in my eyes.” Angel gave her big brother a look. “I’ll be right back; I’m going to get your present.” Then Rick exited the dining room and proceeded up the stairs back to his room. At the entrance to his room stood his father. There was a sorrowful look on his face.[/i]

[i]“Rick, if anything should happen to this family. I want you to take this. It’s an artifact that has been passed down through our family for generations.” It was a card with a white background, and it was named “Daedalus Warrior Excalibur”. Rick, without any question or concern, stuck the card into his pocket and went into his room, trying to locate the gift that he had gotten her little sister. It was a square box. Rick knew what was inside of it, however. It was a Duel Disk fashioned specifically for Layla, and it had one card in it. Rick carried the box all the way downstairs and placed it on the table.[/i]

[i]“This is for you, Layla. I hope you like it as much as I do when I picked it out.” Layla immediately put her piece of cake down and proceeded over to tear open the present. When she pulled out the gift, her face immediately lit up, like a shining star in the nighttime sky.[/i]

[i]“I love it, big brother, thank you so much,” Layla said. She then wrapped her arms around her big brother again. Rick gave a smile to her younger sister, and looked at the Duel Disk he had bought his sister.[/i]


[i]The family’s big gift for Layla had now approached. The family had special plans to take their beloved birthday girl up through the mountains and to spend a day together bathing in a spa and getting massages. The family all loaded up in the car and drove up through the winding roads, the craggy cliffs, and the rocky terrain that ground the car as it drove onward. All of the kids were indistinctively chatting away along with their mother, but the father affixed his gaze on driving straightforward, not speaking a word. Rick definitely sensed some suspicion, but no matter what happened, the family would always be there in times of need. The hours went swimmingly by as they drove, and after what seemed like an eternity, they finally arrived at a mountainside hotel, which overlooked a valley, covered with nature’s greenery. Mountainside Lodge was etched across the wooden visage, and there was a sign that said, “Our leisure for your comfort”. Rick, Angel, and Layla all immediately went inside with their mother, while the father overlooked the vast green valley, contemplating on what was going to happen.[/i]

[i]Angel immediately put on a bathing suit and head straight for the pool, preparing to cannonball herself into the pool in a frivolous manner. Then, she read the sign that said, “No diving”. Her face then became depressed, as though a child had lost everything she ever owned. She descended down the stairs and into the pool, feeling relaxed as the water almost reached up to her neck. Soon, she begun to sink in the feeling of the warm water all around her, and almost feel into a deep sleep. That was, until she heard footsteps coming into the pool area. It was her big brother Rick, accompanying Layla to the pool. [/i]

[i]“Big brother,” Angel said, glancing over to Rick. “This water is nice.” She then leaned her head back, and she almost floated on the water’s surface. “Come on in and join me, Layla.”[/i]

[i]Layla nodded. After all, it was her birthday; what could possibly go wrong? Rick thought this, but Rick still wasn’t quite sure what to think of yesterday’s situation with his father.[/i]

““Rick, if anything should happen to this family. I want you to take this. It’s an artifact that has been passed down through our family for generations.”


A flashback within a flashback uses the original font, since flashbacks use italicized format. This is to avoid confusion.[/spoiler]

[i]Then he wondered what his father was doing right now. He hadn’t come in at all since they arrived at the resort. “I’ll be right back, you two. Someone will be here to watch over you. I’m gonna go see where father is.”[/i]

[i]“Okay, big brother,” Angel said. Both of the girls then immersed themselves in the calming water of the pool. Rick had put himself together and walked out of the resort. There was his mother, with an arm wrapped around her husband, her face grim. Rick approached the two of them.[/i]

[i]“What’s going on, father,” asked Rick. “You haven’t said a word to anyone. You should be enjoying our family time together. It’s your daughter’s birthday!”[/i]

[i]The father did not turn, instead hanging his head over the railing, continuing to look out to the distant green valley. “And…I couldn’t even do that.”[/i]

[i]“Honey, don’t say that. Everything will be fine,” the mother said. [/i]

[i]“It’s them again, isn’t it? You’ve got to tell me about these things. They can’t have their way forever.”[/i]

[i]“They already have,” the father said. “They took…everything away.” He then buried his hands in his face and started sobbing.[/i]
[i]“Why,” was the only thing that came out of Rick’s mouth. The father turned to him. [/i]

[i]“Listen to me. I want you to take that card that I gave you. I want you to go as far away as possible from here. It isn’t safe to be with this family anymore.”[/i]

[i]“No, never father. I could never abandon my family.”[/i]

[i]“You have to! Don’t you understand, they’ll kill us all if you don’t. You have to go, you have to run!”[/i]

[i]“Father…my family…” Rick struggled to comprehend what he was just told. This was not the first incident that happened. Ever since Rick and his family moved here, strange thugs had been plotting to take over the land. They didn’t have a name or face, they simply just wanted to take the land for themselves. It was apparent that this was their final move. Rick looked behind him, and there was Angel and Layla, standing with their bodies wrapped in towels.[/i]

[i]“Daddy, aren’t you going to play with us,” Layla said. The father did not turn around for quite some time, still staring out into the green valley. Finally, he turned, and there were tears streaming down his face.[/i]

[i]“My darling daughter…I hope they don’t catch you,” the father said. Layla’s face became confused, Angel stood motionless, and Rick’s expression changed to that of determination and resolve. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry to do this to my family, but…there is no other way.”[/i]

[i]The father then proceeded to go to his car. He opened the door and sat down in the driver’s seat, with tears still running down his eyes. He did not bother to wipe them away. Layla, shocked, ran over to her father.[/i]

[i]“Daddy, why are you crying,” she said as she hugged her father. The father’s expression did not change; it would be the last time that he would see his family. He needed to head back home and take care of those bastards that tried to ruin his family. He was doing this because he needed to protect his family. However, the warm sensation that he felt when his daughter hugged her could not overcome the ice in his veins. He wrapped his right hand around her daughter and hugged her back. “I’m sorry. I wanted you to have a birthday worth remembering for the better, but there are some very bad people that are trying to scare us away from our home. It’s my responsibility to take care of them.”[/i]

[i]“But, you can’t. I want to stay with you,” Layla retaliated, just as though a stubborn child would. The father motioned the mother to come over and get her child. Layla resisted at first, but then she saw the look in her father’s eyes. He was smiling.[/i]
[i]“I love you, Layla. Happy birthday.”[/i]

[i]Then, the father drove off back down the winding roads. The mother watched her husband drive away. “He’s gone.” The entire family then approached their mother, as if something were happening. Then, all of a sudden, Rick noticed something out of the corner of his eye, and it placed him in trepidation.[/i]

[i]There was smoke rising in the air.[/i]

[i]Rick knew what he needed to do at this point. He motioned to his mother to call a taxi. Rick then sheltered the two children underneath his arms. “Big brother, what’s going on? Tell us something,” Angel said. She looked up to her big brother, who was still looking at the smoke, rising up through the air.[/i]

[i]“I understand now, father,” Rick said to himself. Minutes passed by, and a yellow taxicab arrived at the resort. The cab driver opened up the door.[/i]

[i]“Where to,” he said. The three girls got into the back of the car, while Rick took shotgun.[/i]

[i]“Go to where that smoke is coming from,” Rick demanded. [/i]

[i]“Heh, what are ya telling me? No way am I driving THERE!”[/i]

[i]“Who cares? Just go,” Rick demanded, almost slamming his foot into the gas pedal. The cab driver quickly responded, and rocketed off down through the mountainous terrain. Rick had a responsibility now. He needed to protect the family at all costs; his father wouldn’t have done it any differently. He took out the card in his pocket.[/i]

[i]“Father. The gift you’ve given me. I won’t let you down. Not now, not ever. I’ll do whatever you wish.”[/i]


[i]The sight was more horrible than the family could ever imagine.[/i]

[i]Whence they arrived to their house, or what it once was, Rick, Layla, and Angel found it completely covered in flames. Their garden was no more, and the forest surrounding the house had caught the flames of the fire. The family was witnessing the burning of their mansion firsthand. Angel shielded her sister’s eyes, making sure that she didn’t see anything. She just wanted to protect her little sister. Rick stepped forward, his fists clenched.[/i]

[i]“Those bastards…” was the only thing that came out of Rick’s mouth. He approached towards the house that was burning. “You three stay here. Father is still in there somewhere.”[/i]

[i]“No, don’t try to be a hero,” the mother called out to her son.[/i]

[i]“Sorry, but it’s time I put my life on the line to protect this family. If it was me, wouldn’t you do the same,” Rick said philosophically. He then walked over slowly to the house. “They’ll pay for this.”[/i]

[i]Angel and Layla had not even noticed that by their feet were two boxes. Each girl picked up their respective boxes and opened them up, and there was a card within each box. Angel’s card was a Duel Monsters card with a white border, labeled “Daedalus Hero Ninetails”. Angel took a long look at this card, and didn’t really know what to do with it. The image on the card was the image of a fox that had nine tails standing beside its master. Layla’s card was also the same card, and also boasted a white border, but instead had the name “Daedalus Hero Empyrean Valkyrie”. The card image showed a warrior in full mail holding a lance heavenward, as a battalion of troops behind her was ready to march to victory. Along with the Duel Monsters cards, there was a note that was signed in red. “Take care of yourselves” was labeled across the scrap of paper, and there was nothing more. They showed the letters to their mother, and she confirmed that it was signed by her husband. The woman’s face turned into sheer agony and sadness.[/i]


[i]It must have been hours later, because Rick found himself lying outside in the grass, enjoying the sheer comfort of the greenery on his backside. He tried getting up, but his body wouldn’t let him. It was then that he realized someone was standing above him. He almost jerked up.[/i]

[i]“Hey, kid, you alright,” the person said. He wore an orange suit with a red round hard-hat that covered his eyes. It was a firefighter, Rick assumed, for he had the body built of a hero, and the colors certainly fit the part. “Don’t try to get up, kid, you’ll just open up your wounds again.”[/i]

[i]“What…happened,” Rick slowly said.[/i]

[i]“Heh, you took quite a beating. Don’t you remember, a piece of lumber fell on top of you while you were burning off your tail in there,” the firefighter responded quickly. “Be lucky that I was able to pull you out of there in time, otherwise you’d be…more than a little crispy.”[/i]

[i]Rick wasn’t amused at his joke. In fact, it felt like he was just wasting time. It was still the dead of night, but the flames were extinguished. “How long was I out,” Rick asked.[/i]

[i]“A long time. Don’t worry; law enforcement took care of the people who set fire to your house. In addition, the other three girls that you are with are fine, too. That was a crazy thing you did.”[/i]

[i]“I don’t care,” Rick said, trying to get up. He was finally able to stand up on his legs are being down for so long. Nevertheless, it seemed as though the world wanted to drag him back down again. His soul screamed for vengeance for the men who had burned down his house. Rick didn’t care about anything else right now, as long as his family was safe. He wanted to protect his family more than anything else. That was what he would ultimately end up doing.[/i]


[i]Rick wandered the streets for days. His thoughts took him back to the very reality of him losing the only family that he ever had. Images of his sisters smiling at him were shrouded in flames, rampaging wildly while burning everything in his mind, as though he stuck his head into a furnace. There were so many questions about him that were unanswered, and the more he wandered around, the more nervous it made him.[/i]

[i]Rick had come upon a broadcast on television. On the screen was two men on what looked like motorcycles, and they were racing around a circular track. The person behind the counter turned to the boy and smiled. “Hey, you like Turbo Dueling, too? It’s popular over in Japan,” he said.[/i]

[i]Rick looked at the television.[/i]

[i]“From my hand, I summon “Junk Synchron” to the field. And now, I Synchro Summon, “Junk Warrior”,” said the person riding the red Duel Runner. Rick watched on in amazement.[/i]

[i]“Heh, my boy, have you ever heard of the “Fortune Cup”? It’s a popular tournament over in Japan. Of course, we’re all rooting for the King of Turbo Dueling to win, Jack Atlas. He’s the guy riding the silver Duel Runner,” the person operating the counter said. Rick wasn’t sure what to say.[/i]

[i]“Now, you’re dueling, Yusei, but you won’t be for long,” a blond-haired man said, with a hint of a British accent. “I Synchro Summon “Red Dragon Archfiend”.[/i]

[i]Rick watched the match go on without end, whilst the man behind the counter explained what the Fortune Cup was and who the two people were. One of them was Yusei Fudo, a legendary Duelist who grew up in the Satellite and came to dethrone Jack Atlas, the man riding the silver Duel Runner, in hopes of getting his pride back.[/i]

[i]“I activate my Trap, “Descending Lost Star”,” said the person riding the red Duel Runner. “Now by powering down my “Junk Warrior”, I’m allowed to Special Summon him from the Graveyard. Next, I Summon “Hyper Synchron”. Now, I tune the Level 4 “Hyper Synchron” with the Level 4 “Junk Warrior”. Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!”[/i]

[i]Rick had no idea what these two were doing, but it intrigued him. It inspired him. Rick wanted to do something with his life, and he was free to do things of his own. But at the same time, he wanted to protect his family. [/i]

[i]He made up his mind; Rick was going to immigrate to Japan and figure out what this tournament was all about. [/i]

[i]Rick would become a Duelist of his own accord.[/i]

If you don't have any sad music of your own, here's some to help you get into the mood.


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Surprisingly, even with me hosting/keeping order in the YCM Council, I have found the time to update my second episode in my Foe-Fiction AND update Chapter 17 as an added bonus. Guess I've just been really overwhelmed lately with the voting process, and I knew that it was going to be on the very first day. But now, all is settled and everything is back to normal (except for my work schedule, which is always s***ty).

Here's Chapter 17. Now featuring: A Double-Duel!

[spoiler='Chapter 17 - Part 1']

Chapter 17 – The Price of Family, Part 2

Ressen sat straightforward, looking only at the television set. He was deep in thought, trying to figure out what to say next. He had gotten through explaining his story to this young girl that he hardly knew. Why was he being so weak?

“After that, I came here to Japan, hoping to one day become a famous Turbo Duelist who would rule the streets. When the city and Satellite became one, I went one day to go get my Turbo Dueling license, and that was when…I noticed her. She had the same, flowing hair as my little sister. Right outside of the hospital, as though she were waiting for someone. She had looked so familiar, like I had seen her somewhere before. I thought I was going crazy, but…she had such a confused and stunned look on her face. I simply put the thought off. I put it off for so long that I had forgotten about it, up until I started talking with you. You remind me a lot of my sister, Layla, always free-spirited, only caring for other people and not herself.”

Ayame had been listening intently the whole time to his story. The several images that raced through her mind were so resonant that Ayame felt that she had witnessed everything right before her eyes: from the burning of the mansion to losing the two closest family members that he had ever had. Ayame had not even noticed that her hand, gentle and soft, sat wrapped on top of Ressen’s hand. Ayame had felt a connection, but not before pulling it away and chuckling softly to herself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” she said awkwardly.

Ressen simply looked at her and turned right back away a split second later. “It’s fine. I don’t care.” There was a long pause between the two. “After I got my license,” Ressen continued, “I was no longer called Rick. I would always be called Ressen Ikeda. It was merely to fit in with some of Japan’s higher-ups. Then, I pretty much began winning every street Duel around New Domino City.

“Then, I was offered a job by someone named “The Contractor”. There was a note signed by one of my old friends that said, “if you are ever looking for a job, just come to the hotel. The password is: Can I get some hot tea?” I figured it as the best way to make a living off of being in the city, since not too many people get to cherish the thought of living here. Well, that was nine years ago, and I’m still looking for number fifteen on the list.”

“And…that was me, wasn’t it,” Ayame said rhetorically. Ressen nodded.

“I’m giving up on this thing. I’ve seen the people that call themselves “The Contractors”, and that’s not what they are doing at all,” Ressen continued. “I’ve been hunted down, chased, and treated like a rat in a maze since the entire time I came to Japan.”
“Ressen…” Ayame said slowly.

“I don’t care what other people say. The “Daedalus” cards must be kept safe. I know what my father had planned: separate the three “Daedalus” cards that he kept between the members of his family. He knew that he would die soon, so he hatched a plan to make sure that the cards were safe and secure.”

Ayame stood up. “I understand now. I understand how much this card means to you. I will protect it.”

Ressen, for the first time in what seemed like a long time, broke a smile. “Hey, Ressen,” he heard someone calling out to him from the Garage. It was Phoenix.

“What is it, Phoenix?”

“The next Duel will be starting soon. We all should get prepared.”

“Wait, our opponents next are Team Shadow Lair,” Ressen said observantly. “They’re the team that doesn’t have a Duel Runner, meaning that Ayame will have to take on three opponents one after the other.”

“So,” Ayame scoffed, as though it were a joke. “I’ve taken on far worse.”

Ressen shook his head. “You need to be careful out there.” He looked down to the floor, and he remembered the conversation that he had during his last Duel.

[i]“Listen to me. There are some shady characters that are Dueling this year, and it stems from that Team Shadow Lair. I don’t trust any of them. Our team wants to help you. There is someone pulling the strings on this year’s tournament. I just know it.” [/i]

But what could Team Black Rain do? It did not seem like they would interfere with Duels, for they seemed too honest and dutiful.

“Welcome back, ladies and gentleman, and get ready for the ultimate showdown as Team Shadow Lair prepares to take on Team Future Worlds. Now, as you may have heard, Team Shadow Lair decided to enter the tournament without a single Duel Runner, so things will be different this time when the two teams fight. Instead of three members taking on three, it’ll be the one team member versus three. Ayame Suzuki will now take on the three members of Team Shadow Lair in this up and coming battle. Don’t miss it.”


Three cloaked people sat in a circle formation looking at the television. They were surrounded in darkness, with the only credible source of light coming from the television set. After the MC made his announcement, one of the cloaked persons reached for the remote and turned the television off.

“She is all mine. She’ll pay for what she did to us,” one person said, male.

“Patience, brother. We’ll all get to enjoy watching her be destroyed under our hand,” another person said, also male, but slightly more baritone than the other.

“Cease this squabbling at once. We must prepare,” said another person, which was female, unlike the other two.

“Yes, of course, whatever you wish, Fuuko,” said the baritone.

“We soon shall have all three of the cards,” the woman said. “Undoubtedly, Ayame Suzuki has the first of them. Our drones have already dispatched to New Domino Duel Academy in order to retrieve the second one. There is a possibility that she will be there, guarding the second card.”

“How do you know for certain if she has it,” said the tenor voice.

“It’s merely a process of elimination. You two told me, did you not? That, and we have help from one of our spies.”

From out of the shadows stepped a figure. It, too, was dressed in the same garb as the other three people. “You summoned me, Fuuko,” the person spoke.

“Yes. Good work on finding the first card. You certainly are more intelligent than Mizoui ever was.”

“Mizoui was a fool. He was too attached to that little girl.”

“Another reason why master was so displeased,” Fuuko said. There was a long pause in the conversation.
“What would you have me do,” the fourth voice continued.

“I want you to keep an eye on them. You are doing well so far. You have made master very proud, Darian.”

The fourth figure then stepped back into the shadows. The three others began preparing their Duel Disks and walked out simultaneously to the arena.

“This time, I’ll take care of you,” one of the voices said.

There was a certain vibe in the air that Kimiko did not like. She felt as though that the entire world might be in danger right now, but she did not know for certain. Everything seemed fine in the sky, and there were no incidents to report. Still, she could not shake the feeling as she headed down to the courtyard. Everything seemed to be running too smoothly.

She tried to shake the memories off. Kimiko remembered to the day that she last saw her brother. And then, she remembered back to the incident that happened a few days ago after her duel with Kimiko. Could that man really have been him? She shook off the thought for a bit as she sat down and ate her lunch, all by her lonesome.

When lunch was all finished, Kimiko was the only one left in the entire courtyard. Something did not quite feel right. Everyone was gone, yet that vibe that she felt had never left her side.


Kimiko jumped and turned around. It was only Michiko, and she had a bright smile on her face. Kimiko relaxed herself and looked over to her. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what,” Michiko asked blatantly, like she already knew the answer. “You shouldn’t be so high-strung all the time.”

“Right,” Kimiko said, almost whispering to herself. Kimiko looked around, still looking for something.

“Is everything alright with you,” Michiko said to her friend. The two had reconciled and became friends since the incident that they had. It was better that it be this way, since Kimiko needed the company anyway. “You’re awful quiet.”

“No, it’s nothing, I suppose,” Kimiko said walking past her friend with her books in her hand and her backpack slung over her shoulder. Michiko sighed.

“What is it with you,” she said to herself.


“Duelists young and old, professional and amateur alike, get ready for the second round! In this round, Team Future World’s Ayame Suzuki will take on the three mysterious competitors from Team Shadow Lair. These three decimated their previous competitors in their last match, and they didn’t have to step one foot on the pedal, but will it be a different story today? Will it be Team Future Worlds that emerges victorious, or will they be consumed by the shadows of the mysterious new team, Team Shadow Lair? Let’s find out as Ayame takes her place over in the dueling arena.”

Everything was all set and in place. Ayame hoped to herself that everything would go just fine. She recalled her previous conversation with Ressen about the stakes of her next match.

[i]“They’re the team that doesn’t have a Duel Runner, meaning that you’ll have to take on three opponents one after the other.”[/i]

[i]“So? I’ve taken on far worse.”[/i]

[i]“You need to be careful out there.”[/i]

Ayame steeled herself, wondering who her next opponent might be. She glanced around the stadium. This was the kind of thing that she lived for. Then, the platform in front of her rose up, and on it were three different people all dressed with the same garb: purple robes and hooded. Ayame instantly started fearing for her life. Her mind flashed back to the time that she dueled with Ressen, and how the duelists used illegal cards and manipulated their Duel Disks to their benefit. Then, she remembered back even further to the time when Michiko was dueling her father, Mizoui, and remembered the rage that she displayed towards her father. Ayame needed to be cautious.

“I’m up first,” said a tenor voice. He took his spot on the Dueling Stand and started shuffling his Deck. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

Ayame ignored the man’s comment and focused on shuffling her Deck. She was ready to take on these Duelists with everything that she has. “It’s rude, you know, to be dueling someone and not be showing them your face,” Ayame said spitefully.

“Oh, I almost forgot, didn’t I? Yes, you should remember me.”

The man pulled back the hood on his head. As he did so, Ayame gasped in horror. It was Kyo, the Duelist who used the “Daedalus Warrior” cards to ruin Ressen. “No way, not you again!”

“Yep, here I am, in the flesh! I won’t let you get away so easily this time. In front of the ten thousand screaming fans, you live or you…die,” Kyo said. The last word he said had an extra flare to it. He then started laughing maniacally.

“Why did you enter this tournament?”

“That’s an easy answer. We were paid by “The Contractors” to get all three of the “Daedalus” cards. That is our ultimate wish!”

“And what do you plan to do with them,” Ayame asked. This was her chance to know more about the “Daedalus” cards and where they came from.

“Stupid girl,” Kyo said with bitterness. “Don’t you know the story? Didn’t Ressen tell you by now? No matter, it doesn’t concern you.”

“If it endangers the lives of my friends, then yes, it does concern me.”

“Humph. You’re a smart little brat, aren’t you?”

“Enough. If you’re going to duel me, get out your Duel Disk and come on!” Ayame was not wasting any more time with Kyo.

“Oh, I thought I should tell you another thing. Well, two, actually,” said Kyo. Then, he started chuckling to himself, which soon grew into wicked laughter. “The first thing is that you’ve got no chance. It’s three against one. You’ll be done for before you know it!”

“Humph. You underestimate my abilities as a Duelist. I will show you why I am more skilled than you are, and don’t need to rely on some silly cards that were crafted by gods,” Ayame replied back.

“Oh, we’re not using those cards. We’ve given up those cards for the time being and decided to replace them with our own brand of fire.” Kyo chuckled aloud. There seemed no end to his laughter. It was started to drive Ayame off the wall.

“Fine. What is the second thing,” Ayame retorted.

“Oh, it’s nothing much. It’s just that we know who the other two people who hold the cards are. We’re getting to them first. Our drones are already on their way to New Domino Duel Academy to get the second card from your dear friend, Kimiko Nakimura.”

What? How was this possible? There were more of them. Ayame prayed inside her head that her friends were safe.

“Please, be careful, Kimiko. I hope you know what you are getting yourself into.”

“Now, let us start with our Duel, shall we,” Kyo said slowly, raising his Duel Disk.

“I couldn’t agree with you more.”

[b]Kyo LP: 4000[/b]
[b]Ayame LP: 4000[/b]


A good stopping point before things become too hectic with the imminent Double-Duel. Here is Part 2.

[spoiler='Chapter 17 - Part 2']

Michiko and Kimiko proceeded down the hallway together, close side-by-side. The sensation that Kimiko felt never left her body, and she felt as though someone were after the two. Michiko, as usual, was talking about nonsensical things, so Kimiko tried to shut her out of her mind. Then, suddenly, Kimiko grabbed her friend by the shoulder and stopped her cold.

“Someone is there. I know it,” Kimiko whispered to Michiko. There was silence for a while. Kimiko turned her head around to where the courtyard entrance was. “I know you’re there. Come out.”

At first, there wasn’t a response for some time, but then, two people dressed in purple hooded robes appeared from the entrance. Michiko turned around, and her face instantly turned into one of burning hatred and anger.

“So, it’s them, is it,” Michiko said to herself. Her breathing became labored, and with each passing moment, it became heavier and heavier. “Where is my father?”

“Anyone who meddles with the business of our master is to be punished,” one of the hooded persons said. “Mizoui was just a pawn in our master’s game.”

“What,” said a stunned Michiko. Kimiko prepared her Duel Disk for an inevitable Duel.

“Foes of either blood or of soul who defy our lord shall meet their fate, wrapped around a shred of remorselessness to be hung for all eternity,” said the other person.

“You…” was the only thing that came out of Michiko’s mouth. She prepared her Duel Disk for the upcoming battle as well.

“You…killed my father!”

“Did you not despise the man, anyway,” said the first. “You should be thanking us if so.”

“He’s my father, and he is the only father that I’ll ever have! Sure, he did some despicable, unforgivable things…but he is still my father. Somewhere deep down inside, the part of me that loved him is still there. You bastards!”

“You are not our concern, girl. Our target is Kimiko Nakimura.”

“Target,” questioned Kimiko. “What is this about?”

“Our mission is to bring the three cards to our master. Do not try to resist,” said the first man.

“Too late for that. If the two of you want a fight, then you’ve got one. This match will follow Tag Rules. We’ll both have 4000 Life Points, while you both get 4000 Life Points as well. And also, how about some names?”

“We are simply drones for our master. We do not share names, for names are fleeting.”

“Fine, then,” Kimiko stated. She turned to Michiko. “You ready?” Michiko nodded her head in approval.

[b]Michiko and Kimiko LP: 4000[/b]
[b]Drones LP: 4000[/b]


“I think I’ll be making the first move,” Ayame declared. She drew her sixth card and analyzed her opening hand.

[b]Ayame Card Count: 6[/b]

Her opening hand consisted of “Gottoms’ Emergency Call”, “XX-Saber Garsem”, “Charge of the Light Brigade”, “Solar Recharge”, “Monster Reincarnation”, and “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner”. It wasn’t the best opening hand that she had, but she could make do with it.

“I Normal Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/XX-Saber_Garsem"]XX-Saber Garsem[/url]”. While this monster is out on the field, it gains 200 ATK for each monster on the field with “X-Saber” in its name, including itself. So now, “XX-Saber Garsem” has 1600 ATK. [b](4/1400/400>>4/1600/400)[/b] That ends my turn.”

“Pathetic. Can’t you do better, like last time,” Kyo replied with a grin on his face. He drew his sixth card. Ayame braced herself for another horrible incident where he would be using illegal cards. What’s worse, the battle damage would be real.

[b]Kyo Card Count: 6[/b]

“First off, by discarding the “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hecatrice"]Hecatrice[/url]” from my hand, I’m allowed to move one “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Valhalla%2C_Hall_of_the_Fallen"]Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen[/url]” from my Deck to my hand. With that done, I Normal Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shining_Angel"]Shining Angel[/url]”.[b] [/b]Now, attack “XX-Saber Garsem”.”

Ayame wasn’t sure what to think. Kyo’s monster was 200 points off from being able to destroy “XX-Saber Garsem”. He could have an “Honest” in his hand, though, allowing him to discard it and increase “Shining Angel’s” attack equal to the monster it’s battling. Ayame would just let this play out and see what happens. Indeed, there was no action. The floating angel was easily sliced into two by “XX-Saber Garsem’s” twin blades. Kyo only had a grin on his face.

[b]Kyo LP: 3800[/b]

“What was the point of that,” Ayame questioned.

“You shall see. When “Shining Angel” is destroyed in battle, I can Special Summon any Light Attribute monster from my Deck with less than 1500 ATK, so I am calling out another “Shining Angel”. Now, just like before, I’ll have my “Shining Angel” attack “XX-Saber Garsem”.”

And just like the previous time, the “Shining Angel” was cut into two by “XX-Saber Garsem’s” twin blades.

[b]Kyo LP: 3600[/b]

“Now welcome my third and final “Shining Angel”. Now, attack!”

The “XX-Saber Garsem” sliced through the angel with its twin blades. Ayame had a confused look on her face.

[b]Kyo LP: 3400[/b]

“Since I’m all out of “Shining Angels” now, I’m not allowed to Special Summon any more. That’s just fine by me, however, because I can call out something different, and something more powerful at the same time. I Special Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Herald_of_Green_Light"]Herald of Green Light[/url]” to the field. Don’t worry, I’m not done yet.”

Kyo then started laughing wickedly. “Since I now have four Fairy-Type monsters in my Graveyard, I am now allowed to Special Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Archlord_Kristya"]Archlord Kristya[/url]” from my hand.[b] [/b]Since she was Special Summoned, I am now allowed to move one Fairy-Type monster from my Graveyard to my hand, like my “Shining Angel”. And also, while “Archlord Kristya” is out on the field, neither one of us can Special Summon monsters, meaning that your Synchro Summoning is out of the question. I end my turn.”

This didn’t look too good. Ayame relied on her Synchro Summoning. But then again, maybe she didn’t have to.

“My turn.”

[b]Ayame Card Count: 6[/b]

“I’ll start with my Spell Card “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Recharge"]Solar Recharge[/url]” to send “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner” to my Graveyard in order to draw two new cards and send the top two cards of my Deck to the Graveyard.”

Ayame quickly drew her two cards, as if her life depended on it. The two new cards were “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsworn_Barrier"]Lightsworn Barrier[/url]” and “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wulf%2C_Lightsworn_Beast"]Wulf, Lightsworn Beast[/url]”. She certainly wasn’t hoping that she would get a “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” in her hand. Then, she took the top two cards of her Deck and flipped them over. They were “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gragonith%2C_Lightsworn_Dragon"]Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon[/url]” and “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ryko%2C_Lightsworn_Hunter"]Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter[/url]”. She had figured out her strategy that she was going to use. She spelled out the card combo in her head, making sure that nothing would be there to prevent it from happening.

“Now I activate the Spell Card “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Reincarnation"]Monster Reincarnation[/url]”. Using this Spell, I get rid of one card in my hand so that I can grab one card from my Graveyard. I’m throwing away my “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” in order to bring “Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon” to my hand. Now, I Tribute my “XX-Saber Garsem” in order to Tribute Summon “Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon”.”

“So? What was the point of that? It doesn’t have enough ATK to stand up to “Archlord Kristya”,” Kyo said reassuringly. However, Ayame shook her head.

“Too bad for you that you aren’t very observant. “Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon” gains 300 ATK and DEF for each “Lightsworn” monster in the Graveyard with a different name. Right now, there is Ryko, Lumina, and Wulf. That means my dragon gains 900 total ATK and DEF. [b](6/2000/1600>>6/2900/2500) [/b]Now, my dragon will attack your “Herald of Green Light”.

The dragon swooped in for an attack on the green floating sphere. The small sphere shattered into a thousand pieces.

[b]Kyo LP: 200[/b]

“I’ll then end my turn with two facedowns,” Ayame triumphantly declared, although the match was far from over.


“I’ll be making the first move.”

Things were just getting started with Michiko and Kimiko’s Duel. There was no way Kimiko was going to let the card fall into the wrong hands. If she let the card away from her sights for just an instant, she was afraid that someone might snatch it. She drew her sixth card.

[b]Kimiko Card Count: 6[/b]

“I Normal Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Antjaw]Naturia Antjaw[/url]”.[b] [/b]Then, two cards facedown.”

“My move, then,” said the first drone.

[b]Drone #1 Card Count: 6[/b]

“I Special Summon “Daedalus Warrior Magician”.

[spoiler='Daedalus Warrior Magician']

Level 3
1200 ATK/900 DEF

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned to your opponent's field. The controller of this monster loses 600 Life Points during their Standby Phase.[/spoiler]

"Due to this card’s effect, I cannot Normal Summon or Set this monster, but I can Special Summon it to your side of the field,” said the first drone.

“And because you Special Summoned, my “Naturia Antjaw’s” effect activates, allowing me to Special Summon one Level 3 or lower “Naturia” monster from my Deck. I choose “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Cherries]Naturia Cherries[/url]”.

“That was a lucky move, but you won’t be so lucky for long. The controller of any “Daedalus Warrior Magician” on the field loses 600 Life Points during their Standby Phase, so you had better act quickly,” continued the first drone. “I place a facedown.”

“That makes it my move, then,” Michiko said aloud to her opponents.

[b]Michiko Card Count: 6[/b]

“I Normal Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Undine]Genex Undine[/url]”.[b] [/b]And when she is Normal Summoned, by sending one Water Attribute monster from my Deck to the Graveyard, I can move one “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller]Genex Controller[/url]” to my hand. I send “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Treeborn_Frog]Treeborn Frog[/url]” from my Deck to the Graveyard. Then, by discarding the “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fishborg_Blaster]Fishborg Blaster[/url]” that I have in my hand, I am now allowed to Special Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Swap_Frog]Swap Frog[/url]” from my hand.”

“And since my partner Special Summoned,” Kimiko said, “my “Naturia Antjaw’s” effect activates. I choose “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Rosewhip]Naturia Rosewhip[/url]” to Special Summon.” Kimiko’s field was almost full of monsters. It was going to be difficult to take these two down.

“Now, I activate another one of “Swap Frog’s” abilities, allowing me to send one Aqua-Type Water Attribute monster, like my “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ronintoadin]Ronintoadin[/url]” from my Deck to the Graveyard,” continued Michiko. “Then, I can send him right back to my hand. Then, I’ll end my turn.”

“This will be easier than I anticipated. I draw,” said the second drone.

[b]Drone #2 Card Count: 6[/b]

“I Normal Summon “Daedalus Warrior Jury”.

[spoiler='Daedalus Warrior Jury']

Level 5
2000 ATK/1100 DEF

If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon this card from your hand without a Tribute. If this card is destroyed in battle and sent to the Graveyard, the monster that destroyed this card loses half of its original ATK. [/spoiler]

"Since everyone controls a monster other than me, I am allowed to Normal Summon this monster without having to make a Sacrifice. Now, I’ll have “Daedalus Warrior Jury” attack “Genex Undine”.”

“I don’t think so,” Kimiko said. “Trap Card open, “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dimensional_Prison]Dimensional Prison[/url]”. This will stop your attack and removing your attacking monster from play.”

“That is where you are wrong,” said the first drone, flipping his facedown card over. “Chain Trap Card, “Daedalus Sword of Cancellation”.

[spoiler='Daedalus Sword of Cancellation']

Trap Card
Counter Trap

Pay 700 Life Points to activate this card. Negate the effect of a Spell or Trap card your opponent controls and destroy it. Then, you can move 1 Level 4 or lower "Daedalus" monster from your Deck to your hand. [/spoiler]

"By paying 700 Life Points, I can negate the effect of your Trap Card and destroy it.”

[b]Drone #1 LP: 3300[/b]

“Now, “Daedalus Warrior Jury”, continue your attack!”

The claw-armed man sliced through the water sorceress with one clean slash. Michiko felt a pain in her stomach, gripping it tightly.

[b]Michiko LP: 3200[/b]

“No way,” Michiko said to herself. “Is this damage…real?” She stood up and looked into the eyes of her opponent, which were dark and full of emptiness.

“My move then,” Kimiko declared.


Ayame’s duel was far from over. She was staring down “Archlord Kristya”, a monster that prevented her Special Summoning, and that meant Synchro Summoning as well. She was incredibly lucky, however, that she saw an opportunity with her “Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon”. All she needed now was one more “Lightsworn” monster to be in the Graveyard, and she would be able to summon “Judgment Dragon”.

“As I recall, it is your move, Kyo,” Ayame said to her opponent.

“Right it is,” Kyo said, drawing his card.

[b]Kyo Card Count: 5[/b]

There was silence for what seemed like an eternity. Kyo’s laughter became louder and louder, as he looked straight at his card.

“Well, this is certainly a treat.”

“Just play the card,” Ayame impatiently said.

“My, my, we are certainly in a rush to meet the end of the road. Very well, I will spare you the trouble. By Tributing my “Archlord Kristya”, I can Tribute Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Darklord_Desire"]Darklord Desire[/url]”.”

Kyo’s wicked laughter then continued, as the “Archlord Kristya” ascended to the heavens, and in its place came a black hole underneath the arena. From it appeared a dark fairy with red wings and a yellow horn.

“No way…” Ayame said slowly. “Incredible…”

“Now I activate “Darklord Desire’s” effect. By lowering Desire’s ATK by 1000, I can destroy one monster on the field, like that dragon of yours. Go, Desire, crush the light with your everlasting shadow!” [b](10/3000/2800>>10/2000/2800)[/b]

Ayame was left wide open. She did not have anything that could stop the attack. Her facedown would not be able to help her in this situation. She was hoping that she could use it to bluff her opponent. As the “Darklord Desire” made its way closer to Ayame, the fallen angel prepared a ball of purple and black energy in its palm, which the angel released when it was in range. As the blast hit Ayame, the force from the blow made her stumble over. It also tore a hole in her clothing, revealing a spot on her stomach, now bruised and bleeding.

[b]Ayame LP: 2000[/b]

The good thing: Ayame now had four different “Lightsworn” monsters in her Graveyard, so now she could utilize the abilities of “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon]Judgment Dragon[/url]”. The bad news: she had no monsters on her field, down to her last 2000 Life Points, and didn’t have that great of a hand that she could utilize. She also noticed that the damage she took was real.

“Your move. And don’t keep me waiting,” Kyo said.

[b]Darklord Desire: (10/2000/2800>>10/3000/2800)[/b]


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I might lay off the chapter posting for a while simply because of the fact that I am helping out in the YCM Awards, and it is taking up 90% of my time on here. Since they'll be over Wednesday, I might start putting up new Chapters then, but until then, consider this topic "locked". If that makes any sense....

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I'm two days late this time? I'm getting slower and slower, aren't I? Running two duels at a time generally always interesting, though. By the way, there were a couple mistakes in your coding for the post. Part of the duel with the drones occurred within the spoiler tags for Warrior Magician, and Darklord Desire's URL code didn't work. But, good chapter, though unless you stopped writing ahead, would it be too much time to copy/paste a pre-written chapter to this topic every once in a while?

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[quote name='IceDorago' timestamp='1315147122' post='5491352']
I'm two days late this time? I'm getting slower and slower, aren't I? Running two duels at a time generally always interesting, though. By the way, there were a couple mistakes in your coding for the post. Part of the duel with the drones occurred within the spoiler tags for Warrior Magician, and Darklord Desire's URL code didn't work. But, good chapter, though unless you stopped writing ahead, would it be too much time to copy/paste a pre-written chapter to this topic every once in a while?

Alright, I went back and fixed everything. Apparently, all of the hyperlinks ended up not working. And the thing about the pre-written chapters is simply because of the fact that I don't want to give away too much at a certain time. Besides, making people wait for the next installment of a series naturally raises curiosity, and curiosity is the main driving force behind any novel.

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UPDATE: Yea, I know I said that I was going to be gone for a while, but I just gotta know. For my fellow Fan-Fic writers, creators, and reviewers, For all of the fellow story-writers and possibly the whole of YCM Community, and for all of the aspiring writers in the future, I ask of you one thing: Should I continue this?

Yes, the story has had its moments of ups and downs, but I feel my writing skills aren't up to par yet. Plus, if I end up closing this, I may not be on for a while due to the fact my second fan-fic, "Yu-Gi-Oh: Underground Tyranny", drains a lot of time away, as I am always constantly thinking of ideas to use for this fan-fic. As for this one, I have finished the first Arc, but if I receive to many "no" votes, then I'll scrap this project and start anew again. However, if I receive a couple of "yes" votes, then I might continue this, I will just have to prioritize. For those wanting to know how the first arc ends, I've put up a spoiler detailing the very last chapter. DO NOT READ IT IF YOU VOTED YES, FOR THAT DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF YOU READING IT AND FULLY ENJOYING THE STORY!! However, if you voted "No", those people may gladly read to see how the first arc ends.

For those that haven't been watching the "Pub to the Multiverse" thread, I recently came up with a new (better) YGO Fan-Fic that takes place very far away in the future. As always, it is non-canon, and the key premise of this story is rebellion. A young man, Toshiro (no Bleach references here), is kidnapped and forced into an underground organization where Dueling is a method of survival, contrary to years past when it used to be about honor and glory. Eventually, Toshiro grows attached to another female competitor, Yusara, and makes a final drastic move in an attempt to escape from the clutches of the evil media mastermind, Adalberto Herman. The story ultimately ends with the underground organization toppling over and the hero and heroine emerging victorious from their fight (cliche, I know, but there are so many of those around nowadays that I just simply ignore them). The most significant thing (because of the first chapter I wrote) about this Fan-Fic are the Duels. Instead of one character having one Deck for the entirety of the story, before each match, competitors are given a Deck custom-suited for the match. This keeps the action alive and not make the characters so predictable.

All in all, I'm asking a basic Yes or No? Should I or shouldn't I? Go on with Tyranny or keep working on Strike of the Heavens? It now all rests on you members of the Fan-Fic section...

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I believe I have said it a few times, but I'd prefer this to be concluded. While the plot of your new story sounds interesting, I like this one as well. However, in the end, it should actually be [i]your [/i]decision. You're the author, and if you don't want to do keep on with this, then don't.

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Well, here is Chapter 18. Exactly 11 more Chapters before the end of the first arc. And this is the first chapter ever that features the first ever Xyz (or Exceed, I'm not sure what it is) Summon. Enjoy...

[spoiler='Chapter 18']

Chapter 18 – The Price of Family, Part 3

It was already the end of the first rotation, and Michiko had already taken a beating from the drone’s onslaught. Michiko was unaware that the Duel could very well mean the end of the line for her if she wasn’t careful. Right now, the field as it stood, was complicated. Kimiko had four monsters on her field: “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Antjaw"]Naturia Antjaw[/url]”, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Cherries"]Naturia Cherries[/url]”, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Rosewhip"]Naturia Rosewhip[/url]”, and “Daedalus Warrior Magician”. The second drone had a “Daedalus Warrior Jury” on the field, and Michiko had nothing. She needed to get a wall up as soon as possible.

“It’s my turn,” Kimiko said.

[b]Kimiko LP: 4000, Card Count: 4[/b]
[b]Michiko LP: 3200, Card Count: 4[/b]
[b]Drone #1 LP: 3300, Card Count: 4[/b]
[b]Drone #2 LP: 4000, Card Count: 5[/b]

“Don’t forget by the effect of “Daedalus Warrior Magician, you take 600 points of damage each Standby Phase,” said the first drone. The elf magician turned towards Kimiko with a ferocious look on her face and held out her wand. A red beam shot out and pierced right through Kimiko’s body. She felt her heart skip a beat.

[b]Kimiko LP: 3400[/b]

“After we are through with you, we shall deliver you to our master,” said the first drone. “With these three cards, we shall rule the earth.”

“Not happening. I’ll gladly take your offering of your “Daedalus Warrior Magician”, and use it as part of my Synchro Summoning. I tune my Level 1 “Naturia Cherries” with the Level 2 “Naturia Antjaw” and Level 3 “Daedalus Warrior Magician”.

[i]"Witness the blooming beauty of the peaceful garden that once resided within the soul! Synchro Summon, Ultimate Beauty, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Splendid_Rose"]Splendid Rose[/url]”!”[/i]

Excellent. Kimiko now has her ace out on the field. Now Michiko needed to bring one of her better monsters out into the fray. A golden-haired girl sat on top of a large rose, awaiting the next move.

“But before I go ahead, my poor little weed out here is feeling all alone, so I’m going to Normal Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Eggplant"]Naturia Eggplant[/url]” to the field to join it.Now I am going to give my “Naturia Eggplant” a little tune-up from “Naturia Rosewhip”. I Synchro Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Naturia_Beast"]Naturia Beast[/url]”. And since “Naturia Eggplant” was sent to the Graveyard, its ability activates, allowing me to move one “Naturia” monster from my Graveyard to my hand, and I’m choosing “Naturia Antjaw”. Now I activate “Splendid Rose’s” effect. By banishing one Plant-Type monster in my Graveyard, “Splendid Rose” can cut the attack points of your “Daedalus Warrior Jury” in half. Whip it, “Splendid Rose”!”

The golden-haired girl on the rose extended to her full height, revealing four thorns. Each of these four thorns grabbed the “Daedalus Warrior Jury” and covered it in green foliage. [b](5/2000/1100>>5/1000/1100)[/b]

“Now, “Splendid Rose,” attack. Graceful Whip!”

The “Splendid Rose” then grew a fifth whip and used it to whip the “Daedalus Warrior Jury”.

[b]Drone #2 LP: 2800[/b]

“That was foolish of you to do that, because when “Daedalus Warrior Jury” is destroyed in battle, the monster that destroyed it has its ATK reduced by 500 permanently.

“Well, that is certainly a bother,” Kimiko retaliated. [b](6/2200/2000>>6/1700/2000)[/b] Now, my Naturia Beast will attack the first Drone directly.”

[b]Drone #1 LP: 1100[/b]

“I’ll place a card facedown, and then I activate a facedown, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ivy_Shackles"]Ivy Shackles[/url]”. When it is my turn, all of your monsters become Plant-Type monsters, allowing me to benefit from certain effects.”

“It won’t matter. I draw,” said the first drone.

[b]Drone #1 Card Count: 5[/b]

“I Normal Summon “Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress”.

[spoiler='Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress']

Level 3
1300 ATK/900 DEF

Once per turn, you can inflict 300 points of damage for each Spell and Trap card you control. If you use this effect, this card cannot declare an attack this turn. [/spoiler]

"Then I’ll place three cards facedown," continued the drone. "Now I activate “Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress’s” ability. Once per turn, I can inflict 300 points of damage to you for every Spell and Trap card I control. That equals 900, Kimiko.”

The shadow caster then began charging up a lightning bolt and launched it right at Kimiko. The pain that she received from the shock was real enough to make her stumble. Her clothing became torn at her right sleeve.

[b]Kimiko LP: 2500[/b]

“In exchange for using this effect, I cannot attack this turn. I’ll end now.”

“Then it’s my turn, and I’m going to make you regret doing that to my friend,” Michiko said.

[b]Michiko Card Count: 5[/b]

“Since I currently have no Spell or Trap cards, I’m allowed to Special Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Treeborn_Frog"]Treeborn Frog[/url]” from my Graveyard,” Michiko said.

“ Not so fast. I activate a Trap, “Daedalus Sword of Heaven”,” said the first drone.

[spoiler='Daedalus Sword of Heaven']

Trap Card
Counter Trap

Activate only while there is a face-up "Daedalus" monster on your side of the field. Negate the activation of your opponent's Spell, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's Effect, and destroy it.[/spoiler]

I can only activate this effect when I have a “Daedalus” monster on my side of the field, and I can negate the effect of your “Treeborn Frog” and destroy it.”

“Not too smart, are you? “Treeborn Frog’s” ability has to resolve during the Standby Phase. That’s what makes it so resourceful. In short, you just wasted a perfectly good Trap card.” Michiko snickered as her opponent shook with anger.
“Now, by throwing away my “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ronintoadin"]Ronintoadin[/url]” from my hand, I can Special Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Swap_Frog"]Swap Frog[/url]” from my hand. And just like last time, whenever he is Summoned, I can send one Aqua-Type Water Attribute monster from my Deck to my Graveyard. I choose my “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tradetoad"]Tradetoad[/url]”. I now Normal Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Genex_Controller"]Genex Controller[/url]”. Now, I tune the Level 3 “Genex Controller” with my Level 2 “Swap Frog” and Level 1 “Treeborn Frog” in order to Synchro Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hydro_Genex"]Hydro Genex[/url]”.”

“I activate a Trap,” said the first drone, “and it’s called “Light of Treachery”.

[spoiler='Light of Treachery']

Trap Card
Normal Trap

Select 1 face-up "Daedalus" monster on your side of the field. The selected monster gains 800 ATK and cannot be destroyed in battle this turn. [/spoiler]

This turn, one of my monsters can’t be destroyed in battle, and it gets an 800 ATK point boost. I target my “Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress” for this effect,” the first drone said. [b](3/1300/900>>3/2100/900)[/b]

“That does nothing,” Michiko retaliated. “I’m still going to attack “Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress” with my “Hydro Genex”."

Michiko’s monster prepared a jet-fired blast of bubbles towards the first drone’s monster. The bubbles grew in size until they hit the Shadow Temptress, bursting ferociously.

[b]Drone #1 LP: 900[/b]

“Way to go, Michiko,” Kimiko commented. Her face then turned more serious than before. “But don’t forget that we’ve still got a long way to go.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Michiko responded. She then turned to her opponents. “I’ll place a face down and let you have a go, number 2.”

“Fine, then,” said the second drone.

[b]Drone #2 Card Count: 6[/b]

“First off, I’m activating the Spell Card “Throwing off the Cliff”.

[spoiler='Throwing off the Cliff']

Spell Card
Quick-Play Spell Card

Select 1 monster in your Graveyard and Remove it from Play. During your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation, move the selected card to the top of your Deck.[/spoiler]

By banishing the “Daedalus Warrior Jury” that I have in my Graveyard, two turns later, it returns to the top of my Deck. Then, I Normal Summon “Daedalus Warrior Luminous Elf”.

[spoiler='Daedalus Warrior Luminous Elf']

Level 4
400 ATK/1900 DEF

This card cannot be Fusion or Synchro Material Monster. When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, change it to Defense Position. During your Main Phase 1, you can activate this card's effect, and gain 200 Life Points for every "Daedalus" monster on the field. You can activate this effect during your opponent's Standby Phase. [/spoiler]

When she is Normal Summoned, she automatically switches into Defense Position. Now I activate “Daedalus Warrior Luminous Elf’s” effect. Once per turn, we gain Life Points equal to how many “Daedalus” monsters there are on the field times 200. Currently, there are two, so we gain an extra 400 Life Points.”

[b]Drone #1 LP: 1300[/b]
[b]Drone #2 LP: 3200[/b]

“I’ll then place one face down to end my turn.”

Kimiko was anticipating that the facedown card the second drone just played was another “Light of Treachery”, so she needed to play this cautiously. “My move, Kimiko said.”

[b]Kimiko Card Count: 4[/b]

“Hold on,” said the second drone. “Did I mention that I could activate “Daedalus Warrior Luminous Elf’s” ability during my opponent’s Standby Phase? Well, that means 400 more Life Points for the both of us.”

[b]Drone #1 LP: 1700[/b]
[b]Drone #2 LP: 3600[/b]

Kimiko’s face tensed. This new monster was really getting on her nerves. “Splendid Rose, attack “Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress”.

“Not so fast,” said the second drone. “I play a Trap, “Light of Treachery”.

“Oh no, YOU don’t. I saw right through that strategy of yours, and I won’t let you utilize it again! I activate my Trap, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Seven_Tools_of_the_Bandit"]Seven Tools of the Bandit[/url]”,” Michiko said. Kimiko looked over to her Dueling Partner with a surprised look on her face. Not only was she able to see through her opponent’s strategy, but she was also able to Counter it. “At the cost of 1000 Life Points,” Michiko said, “I can negate the effect of your Trap Card and destroy it.”

[b]Michiko LP: 2400[/b]

“I play a Trap, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Waboku"]Waboku[/url]”. This negates all the battle damage that we take this turn,” said the first drone.

“An interesting Chain that we have going on here, isn’t it? Too bad you’ve used up all of your Trap Cards, Drone,” Kimiko said with a grin on her face. “I Chain with a Quick-Play, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Space_Typhoon"]Mystical Space Typhoon[/url]”. Since it’s still my turn, I’m allowed to activate this card from my hand, and it destroys one Spell or Trap Card on the field, like “Waboku”.”

A heavy storm whipped up and blew away the holographic image of the thousand women holding candles. “No way,” the drone said as the “Light of Treachery” was also destroyed.

“Now, continue your attack, “Splendid Rose”! Go, Graceful Whip!”

The “Splendid Rose” extended her fifth thorn and whipped it at the “Shadow Temptress”, causing it to disintegrate into a thousand pixels.

[b]Drone #1 LP: 1400[/b]

“Now, my “Naturia Beast” can attack “Daedalus Warrior Luminous Elf”,” Kimiko declared, as the beast stomped on top of the forest-dwelling elf.

“Too bad that she was in Defense Mode, so I take no battle damage,” said the second drone brightly.

“And too bad for you that I’m just getting warmed up,” Kimiko retaliated. “I activate my Trap, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Plant_Food_Chain"]Plant Food Chain[/url]”. With this, my “Splendid Rose” gets an extra 500 ATK points. [b](6/1700/2000>>6/2200/2000)[/b] That makes it your move, Number 1.”

“I’m aware. I draw!”

[b]Drone #1 Card Count: 2[/b]

“I Normal Summon “Daedalus Warrior Vortex Portal”.

[spoiler='Daedalus Warrior Vortex Portal']

Level 2
500 ATK/500 DEF

When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Remove 1 "Daedalus" monster from play to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Daedalus" monster from your Graveyard. The monster Special Summoned has its effect negated.[/spoiler]

"And I’ll immediately activate its effect. By banishing the “Daedalus Warrior Magician” in my Graveyard, I’m allowed to Special Summon “Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress” from my Graveyard. And now, I’ll tune the Level 3 “Daedalus Warrior Shadow Temptress” with the Level 2 “Daedalus Warrior Vortex Master”. Observe as I Synchro Summon, “Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe”."

[spoiler='Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe']

Level 5
2100 ATK/0 DEF

1 "Daedalus" Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monsters - If this card attacks or is attacked, you can reduce this card's ATK by 300 (permanently) to reduce the target monster's ATK by 1000 until the End Phase. [/spoiler]

“No, not that card,” Kimiko said to herself. She looked at the holographic image of a white-haired girl wielding a tremendous scythe over her left shoulder.

“This might end up hurting, Kimiko. Now, “Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe”, attack “Naturia Beast”.”

“Ha! Have you gone crazy? You’re off by 100 ATK points. You won’t win the battle,” Michiko said observantly.

“Incorrect. During the Damage Step, I can reduce “Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe’s” ATK by 300. In exchange, the monster I’m targeting for my attack loses 1000 ATK. Say goodbye to your monster!

[b]Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe: (5/2100/0>>5/1800/0)[/b]
[b]Naturia Beast: (5/2200/1700>>5/1200/1700)[/b]

The girl carrying the scythe made a clean slash through the earthly beast, and in doing so, Kimiko felt as though her stomach were being ripped into two.

[b]Kimiko LP: 1900[/b]

“I end my turn,” said the drone.

“You coward, you are going to pay for that,” Michiko flaringly said, drawing her card.

[b]Michiko Card Count: 3[/b]

“Since I control no Spells or Traps, I’m allowed to Special Summon “Treeborn Frog” from my Graveyard. I don’t think I have to keep reminding you. Next, I play a Spell Card called “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Salvage"]Salvage[/url]”. Now I add two Water Attribute monsters with 1500 ATK or less from my Graveyard to my hand. I choose my “Swap Frog” and my “Ronintoadin”.

[b]Michiko Card Count: 4[/b]

“Now, by getting rid of “Ronintoadin” in my hand, I’m allowed to Special Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fishborg_Blaster"]Fishborg Blaster[/url]” from my Graveyard. And now I tune the Level 1 “Fishborg Blaster” with my Level 1 “Treeborn Frog”."

[i]Clustering wishes will call out a new horizon! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! The Power of Hope, Synchro Tuner, [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Formula_Synchron"]Formula Synchron[/url]!”[/i]

"When “Formula Synchron” is Synchro Summoned, I get to draw one card from my Deck,” continued Michiko.

[b]Michiko Card Count: 4[/b]

“Now, I Normal Summon out “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Eria%2C_The_Water_Charmer"]Eria, the Water Charmer[/url]”. Once again, I’ll perform a Synchro Summon, by tuning the Level 2 “Formula Synchron” with the Level 3 “Eria, the Water Charmer”. I Synchro Summon “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tech_Genus_Hyper_Librarian"]Tech Genus Hyper Librarian[/url]”!”

What in the world was that? Kimiko never recalled Michiko having this card. She must have slipped it in when she wasn’t looking. Nevertheless, it’s a great addition to the firepower that she would be able to deal. Michiko looked over to her Dueling partner and gave her a thumbs-up, along with a smile. She then turned back to her opponents, face determined and full of confidence.

“Now, my “Hydro Genex” will attack “Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe”,” Michiko declared triumphantly.

As Michiko was preparing her attack, the first drone starting laughing. “Did you honestly think I could activate my “Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe’s” effect ONLY when she attacks? Well, you are wrong. When she is the target of an attack, I can activate her effect as well, which reduces her ATK by 300, but in turn, your monster’s ATK is reduced by 1000.”

[b]Hydro Genex: (6/2300/1800>>6/1300/1800)[/b]
[b]Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe: (5/1800/0>>5/1500/0)[/b]

“No way. It’s too late for me to call of my attack,” Michiko said to herself. The bubbles that “Hydro Genex” created were easily slashed into two by the girl wielding the giant scythe. Then, the scythe girl made a clean slash through the “Hydro Genex”, disintegrating it into a thousand pixels.

[b]Michiko LP: 2200[/b]

“Well, I still have “Tech Genus Hyper Librarian”. Even if you activate your monster’s ability, “Tech Genus Hyper Librarian” will still have enough ATK points to destroy your monster. Go, “Tech Genus Hyper Librarian” and destroy that “Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe”.

“Even so, it’ll save my Life Points,” the first drone said.

[b]Tech Genus Hyper Librarian: (5/2400/1800>>5/1400/1800)[/b]
[b]Daedalus Warrior Dread Scythe: (5/1500/0>>5/1200/0)[/b]

The majestic Librarian opened his book, and from it came a blast of pure energy that rippled through the scythe girl and destroyed it.

[b]Drone #1 LP: 1200[/b]

“I’m done,” Michiko said.

“Then, on to me,” said the second drone.

[b]Drone #2 Card Count: 4[/b]

“I’ll place two cards facedown,” was the only thing that the second drone said. It was obviously clear to Kimiko what kind of strategy that these two implored. The first drone was all about offense and using his monsters abilities to cripple the opponent, while the second drone used a variety of defensive Spells and Traps, obvious with “Light of Treachery” and “Daedalus Warrior Luminous Elf”. Kimiko drew her card with a smile on her face.

[b]Kimiko Card Count: 5[/b]

“Splendid Rose, attack the first drone directly and win me this duel. Go, Graceful Whip.”

“Humph. I may have lost, but I am definitely not out yet,” said the first drone. The “Splendid Rose” whipped the drone into submission, until he was forced onto his knees. He slipped into the shadows, laughing maniacally.

[b]Drone #1 LP: 0[/b]

“And now, I believe it is on to you, Number 2.”

“Right it is. Since my partner is now out of the game, I am now allowed to make sub-sequent moves in order to take my partner’s place. But I probably won’t need it. Not with what I am about to do. It’s my draw!”

[b]Drone #2 Card Count: 3[/b]

“This turn, the effect of “Throwing off the Cliff” resolves, meaning my “Daedalus Warrior Jury” returns to the top of my Deck. You may have thought you have figured out our strategy, about our teamwork, but you are all wrong. I saw the way that you were battling, Kimiko, and that is where your mistakes are brought to the light. And here is your downfall. I Normal Summon “Daedalus Warrior Angel Edge”.”

[spoiler='Daedalus Warrior Angel Edge']

Level 4
1700 ATK/900 DEF

When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Daedalus Warrior Angel Edge" from your hand.[/spoiler]

“Just what are you planning, exactly,” Michiko said.

“Something that will change the course of this match. I will show you just what real power is,” the second drone continued. “Since “Daedalus Warrior Angel Edge” was Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon an additional “Daedalus Warrior Angel Edge” from my hand.” And now, I shall combine the ultimate might of these two monsters. I will change the very reality of this entire duel. No longer shall we play by the rules of pathetic Synchro Monsters. No, we will play with something entirely different.”

“Explain yourself. What are you talking about,” Kimiko demanded.

“Now, my two “Daedalus Warrior Angel Edge", overlay!”

“What? Overlay? What is that,” Kimiko interjected. The two monsters faded into a red and yellow orb, which encircled each other endlessly and took to the sky. “What is happening? I demand to know!”

“With this power, I will open the gateway to the Overlay Network! Prepare yourself for the critical moment that these monsters shall give away to.” A black hole opened beneath the dueling field, and both the red and the yellow orbs descended into the black abyss. The second drone held out a black-framed card that resembled something as though they were shooting through the stars. “Now, I Exceed Summon!”

“What? Exceed Summon,” Kimiko questioned the drone.

“That’s right! This is the final chapter that destiny has written for you,” the second drone declared. “Come forth, “[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Number_39:_Utopia"]Number 39: Utopia[/url]!”

“Kimiko, what’s going on,” Michiko said to her Dueling partner.

“I don’t know, but I think we are about to find out,” Kimiko said to herself. From out of the black hole shone a red “39” and it then flashed white. From it emerged a white shield that glowed brilliantly. It then started to transform, growing a pair of wings and hands, almost identical to that of an angel. The monster then grabbed its axe and gave out a war cry.

Kimiko had no doubts anymore. The way they had played the game was about to change.


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Told you guys (the one reader who is lazy) that I would be flying through this thing. Here's Chapter 19.

[spoiler='Chapter 19']
Chapter 19 – The Price of Family, Part 4[center]
Ayame stared toward the “Darklord Desire” hologram that existed on Kyo’s side of the field. This was truly a force to be reckoned with.

[b]Ayame LP: 2000[/b]

The good thing: Ayame now had four different “Lightsworn” monsters in her Graveyard, so now she could utilize the abilities of “Judgment Dragon”. The bad news: she had no monsters on her field, down to her last 2000 Life Points, and didn’t have that great of a hand that she could utilize. She also noticed that the damage she took was real.

“Your move. And don’t keep me waiting,” Kyo said.

[b]Darklord Desire: (10/2000/2800>>10/3000/2800)[/b]

“And I shall make it,” Ayame said. She drew her card.

[b]Ayame Card Count: 4[/b]

“I’m staring down “Darklord Desire”, a monster with 3000 ATK points and can destroy a monster on the field simply by lowering its ATK strength by 1000,” Ayame thought to herself. “I need to make this next move count; otherwise, New Domino City might be in trouble.”

“Hurry up already! The less time you spend making up your move, the more time I have to make sure you squirm,” Kyo said.

“Haven’t you heard the saying that good moves take careful time to consider,” Ayame retaliated. “Fine, then. I play the Spell Card “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Charge_of_The_Light_Brigade]Charge of the Light Brigade[/url]”, allowing me to send the top three cards of my Deck to the Graveyard and allowing me to move one Level 4 or lower “Lightsworn” monster from my Deck to my hand. Here goes…”

She flipped the cards over and analyzed them. The first card was “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/XX-Saber_Fulhelmknight]XX-Saber Fulhelmknight[/url]”. This was perfect. Now she would be able to activate her facedown “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gottoms'_Emergency_Call]Gottoms’ Emergency Call[/url]”, since she now had two “X-Saber” monsters in the Graveyard. However, she needed one of them to be present on the field in order to activate it. That is where her “XX-Saber Gardestrike” comes in. She flipped the second card over. It was “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Quillbolt_Hedgehog]Quillbolt Hedgehog[/url]”. Even better. Now since she had this card in her Graveyard, her strategy would be even further refined. She then flipped over her third card. It was "[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Bottomless_Trap_Hole]Bottomless Trap Hole[/url]".

“Okay, now I move “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Jenis%2C_Lightsworn_Mender]Jenis, Lightsworn Mender[/url]” from my Deck to my hand. But now, since I have two “X-Saber” monsters in my Graveyard and am currently controlling no monsters, I can Special Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/XX-Saber_Gardestrike]XX-Saber Gardestrike[/url]” from my hand.[b] [/b]Then, Trap card open, “Gottoms’ Emergency Call”. This allows me to Special Summon those two “X-Saber” monsters that I have in my Graveyard. Appear, “XX-Saber Fulhelmknight” and “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/XX-Saber_Garsem]XX-Saber Garsem[/url]”. Then, since I control a face-up Tuner monster, I can Special Summon “Quillbolt Hedgehog” from my Graveyard. [b] [/b]Now prepare yourself. This is the reason why I won’t give up. I’m doing this for everyone that I know and care about. I tune the Level 3 “XX-Saber Fulhelmknight” with the Level 2 “Quillbolt Hedgehog” and Level 4 “XX-Saber Garsem”.

[i]Peaceful Gaia, come and claim yourself to our righteous field. Perceive the reality of the Earth and Sky as one. I Synchro Summon, Gaia Power, “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/XX-Saber_Gottoms]XX-Saber Gottoms[/url]”!”[/i]

“No way,” Kyo said to himself.

“Then finally, I’ll Normal Summon “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender”.[b] [/b]It’s over for you, Kyo. “XX-Saber Gottoms, attack “Darklord Desire”. Gaia Slash!”

The swordsman whirled his blade around a few times before leaping forward into the air to strike the fallen angel. At first, the fallen angel blocked the first slash, but then the swordsman followed up with an additional strike. It sliced clean through the angel, wailing in pain as it disintegrated into a thousand pixels.

[b]Kyo LP: 100[/b]

“Now, “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender” can attack you directly,” Ayame yelled to her opponent, swinging her arm in front of her. The female spell caster held out her wand, which shot out a white ray that pierced through Kyo’s body.

[b]Kyo LP: 0[/b]

Kyo dropped to his knees in agony, to which another robed person came over to him and helped him up. “You fool. How could you lose so easily,” the masked person said. The other person stood near the edge of the arena, folding its arms.

“Oh, and Kyo goes down hard,” the MC said. “Next up is his teammate Tanaka and this match will be played in Semi-Round Robin, so Tanaka can pick up exactly where Kyo left off. All of Ayame’s cards will remain on the field, but Tanaka will start with 4000 Life Points and a five-card hand, just as if the duel started over from scratch. However, Tanaka still has the benefit of Kyo’s Graveyard to work with. How is he going to make this work?”

“Make it happen, Tanaka,” Kyo said. “And don’t disappoint our boss again.”

“Like you are one to talk,” Tanaka replied, growlingly. “You couldn’t deal with a simple pipsqueak that we KNOW we could have defeated.”

Tanaka prepared his Duel Disk.

[b]Tanaka LP: 4000[/b]

“Since you just took your turn, it is now mine,” Tanaka said. Ayame was anticipating the same strategy from Tanaka as she did from Kyo. Tanaka drew his sixth card.

[b]Tanaka Card Count: 6[/b]

“Ha! This is too easy. I’ll wipe you out in a single move! I activate the Ritual Spell Card, “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shinato's_Ark]Shinato’s Ark[/url]”!”

“What? A Ritual Spell Card,” Ayame said, confused. “Oh, boy. This doesn’t look too good.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t look good. I don’t think I need to remind you how Ritual Spells work, since you ARE the brightest kid in the classroom.” Tanaka then snickered loudly. “By Tributing the Level 8 “Darklord Superbia” in my hand, I can Ritual Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shinato%2C_King_of_a_Higher_Plane]Shinato, King of Heaven[/urll]”.”

“Woah, no way. It has 3300 ATK points!”

“Right you are, and Shinato is going to use every last one of them to bring you down. Go, Shinato, and attack “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender”. Use your “Heavenly Sky Cataclysm” attack.”

“Nice try, but it’ll take a lot more than that to get through me. Trap Card open, “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsworn_Barrier]Lightsworn Barrier[/url]”,” Ayame said. “Whenever a “Lightsworn” monster on my field is the target of an attack, I can send the top two cards of my Deck to negate the attack. So I send the top two cards of my Deck to the Graveyard in order to stop Shinato’s attack.”

The two cards were “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment_Dragon]Judgment Dragon[/url]” and “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Recharge]Solar Recharge[/url]”. Ayame wasn’t too concerned about “Solar Recharge” being in the Graveyard, but she needed to get “Judgment Dragon” back into her hand as soon as possible. “And since cards were sent from my Deck to my Graveyard,” Ayame continued, “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender’s” ability activates. I gain 500 Life Points while you take 500 points in damage.”

The spellcaster then clasped her hands together. From them appeared two balls of energy, one green and the other red. The two orbs floated to the center of the field. The green orb shot towards Ayame, while the red orb shot towards Tanaka.

[b]Ayame LP: 2500[/b]
[b]Tanaka LP: 3500[/b]

“You’ve got a lot of nerve. I end my turn.”

“I see then. It appears that you are the one in the stuck situation. If you attack, you’ll only end up hurting yourself,” Ayame said drawing her card.

[b]Ayame Card Count: 3[/b]

“I Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Trooper]Card Trooper[/url]” in Defense Position. [b] [/b]Now I activate “Card Trooper’s” ability. By sending a number of cards from my Deck to the Graveyard, “Card Trooper” gains 500 ATK for each card sent. But that won’t be my goal. I’m sending the top two cards of my Deck to the Graveyard.” [b](3/400/400>>3/1400/400)[/b]

“Let me guess. This is so you can heal yourself and hurt me even more. How cruel.”

“Actually, “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender’s” effect only activates when cards are sent from the Deck to the Graveyard by a “Lightsworn” card. Since “Lightsworn Barrier” counts, I was able to activate “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender’s” effect that way. However, “Card Trooper” is not. I’m picking up the top two cards of my Deck.”

The first card was a “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Wulf%2C_Lightsworn_Beast]Wulf, Lightsworn Beast[/url]”. This was too perfect. The second card was a copy of “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Gold_Sarcophagus]Gold Sarcophagus[/url]”. This would severely cripple her chances of bringing her “Judgment Dragon” to the field. She needed that one card.

“Since “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” was sent directly from the Deck to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon him. Then, I activate “XX-Saber Gottoms” ability. By Tributing my “XX-Saber Gardestrike”, you have to discard one random card from your hand. I choose the card in the middle.

The discarded card was a copy of “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Victoria]Victoria[/url]”. Ayame wasn’t sure what to think of the situation. It wasn’t that strong of a card to use.

[b]Tanaka Card Count: 2[/b]

“I’ll switch “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender” to Defense position,” Ayame said, “and then I’ll end my turn.”

“Then, on to me.”

[b]Tanaka Card Count: 3[/b]

“Shinato, King of Heaven, attack “Card Trooper”.”

The heavenly angel then built up a massive white ball in both of its hands. Then, the angel threw the massive ball towards the “Card Trooper”. When the shock was over, “Card Trooper” was nowhere.

“I hate to break it to you, but your Life Points won’t be safe this round, because whenever “Shinato, King of Heaven” destroys a Defense Position monster, you take damage equal to that monster’s original ATK.”

As he finished this phrase, Ayame felt a small shock in her right arm. She cringed.

[b]Ayame LP: 2100[/b]

“And now, “Card Trooper’s” ability activates. Whenever it is destroyed, I get to draw one card from my Deck,” Ayame responded to her opponent. She swiftly drew her card from the Deck slot.

[b]Ayame Card Count: 3[/b]

“I then end my turn,” Tanaka said with finality.

“Alright, here goes,” Ayame said. She was depending on this draw to be the one that will finally do it. “If I draw the card I need, then this duel will be over,” she said to herself. Then, she drew the card.

[b]Ayame Card Count: 4[/b]

Yes! That was it! This was the card that she needed.

“I activate my Spell Card, “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Avarice]Pot of Avarice[/url]”. This card lets me return five monsters from my Graveyard to the Deck, shuffle, and then draw two additional cards. Return, “Judgment Dragon”, “XX-Saber Fulhelmknight”, “XX-Saber Gardestrike”, “Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon”, and “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner”.”

Ayame shuffled and then drew her two cards. Depending on what they were, this Duel could turn for the better, or for the worse. This was too good to be true. She drew “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality]Pot of Duality[/url]” and “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ryko%2C_Lightsworn_Hunter]Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter[/url]”.

[b]Ayame Card Count: 5[/b]

“I Set one monster. Then I activate my “Pot of Duality” Spell Card. When this card is played, I look at the top three cards of my Deck, and out of the three, one of them is added to my hand, while the other two are shuffled back in. Here goes…”

The first card that she flipped over was a copy of “Bottomless Trap Hole”. That card would not really help her in the situation that she was in right now. She flipped over her second card, and it was a copy of “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Royal_Decree]Royal Decree[/ur]”. This Trap card did not really help either, since the effect of her “Lightsworn Barrier” would then be negated, and she might be in for a terrible lesson in pain. She flipped her third card over, and it was just the card she was looking for: “Judgment Dragon”.

“I’m adding the third card to my hand, and so the other two are shuffled back into the Deck. I then end my turn.”

[b]Tanaka Card Count: 4[/b]

“Shinato, attack “XX-Saber Gottoms”! Bring me victory in this fight,” Tanaka yelled, as the archaic angel charged up its ball of white light. Then, the angel blasted the energy straight towards the swordsman. The swordsman tried shielding himself from the light, but he was decimated into a thousand pixels before he ever got the chance.

[b]Ayame LP: 1900[/b]

“I’ll then place one card facedown to end my turn,” Tanaka said. This did not look good. He had been playing with just one monster now, but now Ayame had to deal with possibly a Spell or Trap card, most likely the latter.

‘My draw, then.”

[b]Ayame Card Count: 5[/b]

“I Flip Summon my “Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter”.[b] [/b]Of course, whenever “Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter” is flipped face-up, I am allowed to destroy one card on the field, in exchange for giving up the top three cards of my Deck. I target “Shinato, King of Heaven” with this effect.”

The small wolf then howled, and three cards formed in its paws. The wolf then raced across the field, jumping up towards the angel in a ray of white light, passed through the angel, and landed back on Ayame’s side of the field. The angel in the air was destroyed in a spectacle of white light, and the wolf twirled the three cards in its mouth. They transformed into three orbs of yellow light and appeared in Ayame’s hand. The three cards were "Royal Decree”, “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lyla%2C_Lightsworn_Sorceress]Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress[/url]”, and “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/X-Saber_Pashuul]X-Saber Pashuul[/url]”. Perfect. She had now had four “Lightsworn” monsters with different names in her Graveyard.

“Don’t forget about “Jenis, Lightsworn Mender’s” effect. Since cards were just sent from the Deck to the Graveyard, I gain 500 Life Points and you lose 500,” Ayame said. Just like last time, the spellcaster prepared two balls of energy, one green and the other red. The green orb launched itself towards Ayame while the red one launched towards Tanaka.

[b]Ayame LP: 2400[/b]
[b]Tanaka LP: 3000[/b]

“That petty little spellcaster of yours is really starting to get on my nerves,” Tanaka said.

“Well, “Jenis” can come in handy in some situations, can’t you, girl,” Ayame said, smiling. The spellcaster girl turned around and then smiled right back at her. Tanaka did not move at the sight of this. “Well, I think I’ll have “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” attack you directly.”

“Not quite so. I activate a Quick-Play, “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Celestial_Transformation]Celestial Transformation[/url]”,” Tanaka yelled. “With this, I’m allowed to Special Summon one Fairy-Type monster from my hand, but its ATK is halved. I Special Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Splendid_Venus]Splendid Venus[/url]” by this effect. [b](Level 8/2800 ATK/2400 DEF>>8/1400/2400)[/b] And while “Splendid Venus” is on the field, all non-Fairy-Type monsters lose 500 ATK and DEF, which means every single monster that you control!”

[b]Wulf, Lightsworn Beast: (4/2100/300>>4/1600/0)[/b]
[b]Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter: (2/200/100>>2/0/0)[/b]
[b]Jenis, Lightsworn Mender: (4/300/2100>>4/0/1600)[/b]

“So, it comes down to a replay, then? Fine, I’ll still continue my attack.”

“Foolish! Especially when I control a Light Attribute monster. I activate the effect of “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Honest]Honest[/url]” from my hand. By sending “Honest” to the Graveyard during the Damage Step, “Splendid Venus” gains as much ATK as the monster it is battling, meaning she gains an additional 1600 ATK.” [b](8/1400/2400>>8/3000/2400)[/b]

“I’ll admit that is a good strategy, if only you hadn’t copied off of mine. See, I too, have a copy of “Honest” in my hand. And I’ll do exactly as you did. I send “Honest” from my hand to the Graveyard to boost “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast’s” ATK by 3000. [b](4/1600/0>>4/4600/0) [/b]This might do some damage.”

The wolf hunter swung its staff around and hit the angel on the head, slicing clean through its body and disintegrating it into a thousand pixels.

[b]Tanaka LP: 1400[/b]

“With “Splendid Venus” gone now, all my monster’s strength returns to normal. Go, “Ryko, attack him directly.”

“Hah, you must be joking,” Tanaka said as the wolf leaped towards him, howling. The wolf then bit Tanaka, making him cringe, and the wolf leaped back to Ayame’s side of the field.

[b]Tanaka LP: 1200[/b]

“Trust me,” Ayame said, “Ryko’s bite is definitely worse than his bark.”

“Keep joking, you’ll soon be on the ground where you belong. My turn.”

[b]Tanaka Card Count: 3[/b]

“Since there are ten monster cards in our Graveyard, my work here is done…I’ll pass.”

What was that about? Ten monster cards? What was their team planning?

“Alright, then. Your choice,” Ayame said.

[b]Ayame Card Count: 5[/b]

“Now “Wulf, Lightsworn Beast” will attack you directly and win me this match!”

The wolf beast then twirled its staff in a dance-like motion before striking Tanaka in the chest, causing him to fall onto his knee.

[b]Tanaka LP: 0[/b]

The last person on the team approached the beaten down Tanaka. They stood there for a brief moment, and then they continued forward. “You are pathetic,” said the voice. It was female now.

“I’ve done everything exactly as planned, master. There will be no doubt. Now, you can summon the ultimate monster,” Tanaka said.

“Humph. That does not change the fact that you still lost.”

“And next up,” the MC said, “we have…umm…well, I don’t have any information on this Duelist. That’s quite strange, isn’t it folks? Well, anyways, no matter what it may sound like, this is sure to be an interesting Duel. Ayame has three monsters on her side of the field and a Trap Card, while this mysterious Duelist will only start with a five-card hand and whatever cards are in the team’s Graveyard. Let’s get things underway.”

There was silence for what seemed like a long time. Finally, some whispers came about from the audience. The hooded figure turned its body around to scan the crowd with whatever eyes that existed behind that hood. Finally, the figure pulled back her hood.

The form of the person that was dressed in the garment of evil was a woman, who looked about forty years of age. She had golden hair, intertwined in locks that extended past her front shoulders on both sides. She had sparkling blue eyes. Ayame almost couldn’t help smiling at such beauty. However, something was also unnerving about this mysterious Duelist.
“People of New Domino City.” the mysterious Duelist began speaking out. The echo seemed to vibrate throughout the stadium. The whispers from the crowd began to grow in size. “My name is Fuuko Ikeda. The future that you work hard to bring yourselves is bleak. We are here to change all that. We, on the team of Shadow Lair, will change the entire fate of the world. Too long have we stood idly by with the skein of time wrapping itself around the entire universe and us with it. Now, it is our turn to untangle the web of deceit and bring both the Heavens and the Hells to this earth. The mighty shall fall before the wicked, and all of your creations that burst out will soon fall corrupt to the shadows, and what is left of your supremacy will soon be swallowed up whole by the raging fires of cataclysm. This I warn you all: the collision of Heaven and Hell is imminent.”

There were jeers and boos among the crowd, but Fuuko simply waved a hand, dismissing them as if they were not even there.
“You sure do love the sound of your voice, don’t you,” Ayame questioned.

“More than I do you. You are simply a waste of space, a piece of a rubber band within the grand skein. You are an anomaly that must be punished, for we know you hold the card.”

Ayame had remembered all about the card. She had kept it with Darian in the lockbox, and he ensured her that it was safe. “Now, then. Shall we dance the dance of death, my darling,” Fuuko continued. Ayame did not respond. “I’ll take that as a yes, dear.”

[b]Fuuko LP: 4000, Card Count: 6[/b]

“Humph. Everything that you have worked so hard for, everything that my subordinates have worked for so far: it all becomes dust now. We are the messengers of the heavenly gods. We will not sit idly by while the Heavens and the Hells engage in a struggling battle to decide the fate of this world. This is just one example of the power that we possess.”

“Hold on, how do you know so much about what is going to happen? What is all this you are talking about,” Ayame questioned Fuuko.

“It appears that you do not know of the awesome powers that reside within that card. How a human like you could ever understand its true power is an insult to the gods!”

“What is so significant about these cards?”

“You will find that out in due time. However, our primary concern is the gathering of all three of the “Daedalus” Hero cards, fashioned out before the Daedalus God’s death.

“There was Excalibur, a shining warrior who carried a greatsword to every battle that she participated in. Her eyes glowed hazel, but when she felt the lust of battle, they turned red, stained with the blood of the enemies she conquered.

“Then, there was the beast Ninetails. Ninetails was able to take on the form of a human girl, to which the spirits of nine elements resided in the girl’s soul, and eventually made her their slave. Thus, the elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, Blood, Love, and Hate were reborn into the form of a fox when she died, but the power of Love was able to resurrect the dead girl from her slumber.

“Finally, there was a Valkyrie that commanded troops to battle. It was said that this legendary Valkyrie was able to transcend time, and disappear off. She would be gone for months but in reality, it would only be a few seconds. Her wings turned into a glorious golden yellow upon her army’s one-thousandth victory.

“However, all heroes must have an equal enemy,” Fuuko said, continuing her story, “and that is the Legendary Bird, Rai’Goh. Commanding an army of monsters that call themselves “Crow Leaves”, the monsters of the hells stormed the gates of heaven. It was a fearsome battle; both sides suffered heavy losses. The only one left was the Legendary Bird Rai’Goh, but the god made sure that if he was to lose, then the heavens were to lose as well. Soon, the commander of the Heavens was stricken with a disease. And right before his death, he asked his best crafters to create three “Hero” cards under the names of these three Generals. They were “Daedalus Hero Excalibur”, the one you have, “Daedalus Hero Ninetails”, the card that Angel has, and “Daedalus Hero Empyrean Valkyrie”, the card that your beloved friend Kimiko has.”

Ayame’s face degenerated into shock. “Is that why you are attacking my friends?”

“Precisely. But let us focus on the here and now. I really must thank my other team members for being such a big help to me, even though they can be quite idiotic sometimes. Since I have ten monster cards in my Graveyard, I am allowed to Special Summon the ultimate deity of the heavens, more powerful than any you could ever imagine. I Special Summon “[url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ultimate_Temporal_Machine_God_Sephiron]Ultimate Temporal Machine God Sephiron[/url]!”

A blast of white light seemed to encircle the entire Dueling arena. Fragments of what seemed like snow fell to the ground. Suddenly, the earth started to shake. Ayame looked up. Inside the glowing tower of light was a figure shadowed by the enormous tower of brilliance. Then, the light retracted to reveal a bright white angel. It had arms the size of the entire arena, but in its middle was a solid projection of an elderly man’s face. The angel had wings that resembled something of semi-circles, supporting the weight of the overgrown angel. Finally, the earthquake stopped, and the angel floated in air.

“Ayame Suzuki. Your time to bow to the gods is now,” Fuuko yelled, laughing maniacally as the atmosphere inside the arena turned purple and black.[/center]


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