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Hello, all.

Well, I've been toying around with the idea of a UG madness deck for a while now, and decided to make one for an upcoming legacy tournament in my town.

It isn't perfect, but it seems to run smoothly.


22 Creatures

4 Basking Rootwalla

4 Wild Mongrel

4 Aquamoeba

4 Arrogant Wurm

3 Merfolk Looter

3 Wonder


16 Spells

4 Brainstorm

4 Careful Study

4 Deep Analysis

4 Roar of the Wurm


22 Lands

8 Forest

10 Island

4 Seaside Citadel


Suggestions made to me for this deck are:

Mana Leak


Golgari Brownscale

Nimble Mongoose




Riftstone Portal


Basic idea, use Mongrel, Aquamoeba, and Looter to send cards to the graveyard to activate their cheaper Madness or Flashback costs, get Wonder in the grave to have all my creatures fly and swoop in for game as quickly as possible.


If you have fixes or suggestions, you are welcome to post them.

But please, no expensive fixes. I have a tight budget, and a couple of $14 cards are enough to send me over.

Thanks much.

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