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Rp Planning - L.A. Noire Rp -

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[IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/2vs2jop.png[/IMG] [spoiler=Plot]Inspired by the famous and highly acclaimed game L.A. Noire, you have the chance to enter 1948 Los Angeles City and obtain rank, make your way through the police or maybe a gangster career. The choice is yours as well as the fate of thecharacters.[/spoiler][spoiler=Rule]So no superpowers here means a cleaner rp from gmoding.All YCMrules apply etc, etc.You can only have 2 characters.You cannot have your 2 characters as partners.You cannot control correct case answers or ncps.[/spoiler][spoiler=LAPD Desks, Cases and Partnership Requests board]Patrol Desk: CURRENTLY VACANTTraffic Desk: CURRENTLY VACANT or alternate path California Fire &amp; Life: CURRENTLY VACANTBurglary Desk: CURRENTLY VACANTHomicide Desk: CURRENTLY VACANTArson Desk:CURRENTLY VACANTAd Vice Narcotics Desk: CURRENTLY VACANTPolice Captains &amp; Lieutenants: CURRENTLY VACANTThe first 2 people to join can start off at Burglary and Traffic Desks respectively.Others start as either patrolmen or Traffic Detectives. Be advised, if you skip Patrol you will lose some shooting against mafia action.As you do well in cases you will earn xp posted below. Patrol Cases-VACANT-Traffic Cases-VACANT-Burglary Cases-VACANT-HomicideCases-VACANT-Arson Cases-VACANT-Vice Cases-VACANT-CaliforniaFire &amp; Life Cases-VACANT-Captain/Lieutenant to do list-VACANT-Cases will be put up in spoilers. I will have no character in the rp but will control the characters you can questions, arrest etc. Also, I will give 1 question to start with at the beginning of an interview. Requesting partnersName:Desk:Xp:Reason:Car:Its not mandatory to have a partner but you will gain more or less xp depending on your partner’s progress in each case. [/spoiler][spoiler=Familia Ranks, Crimes and Buddies Requests.]Criminal:VACANTWanted:VACANTGangster:VACANTDrug dealer: Murar Bonefang Gun for hire: VACANTMafia Member: VACANTHead of theMafia: VACANTIf you don’t wannabe a cop, just be in the mafia. Same leveling system.Crimes ListCriminal-VACANT-Wanted-VACANT-Gangster-VACANT-Drug dealer-VACANT-Gun for Hire-VACANT-Mafia Member-VACANT-HoM-VACANT-You can start off as wanted or criminal. Only. Buddies RequestsName:Rank:Xp:Car:Reason:[/spoiler][spoiler=App]LAPDName:Age:Car of choice:Gun of choice:Desk you want:You want an xp boost?:FamiliaName:Age:Car of choice:Gun of choice:Rank you want:Place of Italy:[/spoiler]So this is still under construction and I need 2 people to help me create cases and organize them. They will also play as ncps like me.<div>Name:</div><div>Played L.A.Noire:&nbsp;</div><div>Finished L.A. Noire:</div><div>Platinumed L.A. Noire:</div><div>Mafia II?:</div><div>Finished Mafia II:</div><div>Activity: …/10</div><div>[spoiler=Achievementsand Ranks]
[img]http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/9857/patrolman.png[/img] Patrol Desk Badge
[img]http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/4555/traffics.png[/img] Traffic Desk Badge
[img]http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/8184/burglary.png[/img] Burglary Desk Badge
[img]http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7043/homiciden.png[/img] Homicide Desk Badge
[img]http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/3204/arson.png[/img] Arson Desk Badge
[img]http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/185/viceu.png[/img] Vice Desk Badge
[img]http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/745/captained.png[/img] Captain Badge
[img]http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/5631/finishedthepatroldesk.png[/img] Finish the Patrol Desk
[img]http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/6547/finishedthetrafiicdesk.png[/img] Finish the Traffic Desk
[img]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/7608/finishedtheburglarydesk.png[/img] Finish the Burglary Desk
[img]http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/4411/finishedthehomicidedesk.png[/img] Finish the Homicide Desk
[img]http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/3606/finishedthearsondesk.png[/img] Finish the Arson Desk
[img]http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3715/finishedthevicedesk.png[/img] Finish the Ad Vice Narcotics Desk
[img]http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/4006/fulfilledyourcareerasad.png[/img] Fulfill your detective career
[img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/2228/joincaliforniafirelife.png[/img] Join California Fire &amp; Life
[img]http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/9781/finishedthecaliforniafi.png[/img] Finish all cases in CFL
[img]http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/7374/advancetolevel5.png[/img] Advance to level 5
[img]http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/5774/beonthenews.png[/img] Be on the news
[img]http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/4465/buyacarcosting100000dol.png[/img] Buy a car costing 100,000$
[img]http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/3645/defeatedthebossofacrimi.png[/img] Take down the boss of a criminal group[/spoiler]


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me likes this <3
willing to be drug dealer, app will be posted as soon as all the information are made available .

** query : how come all the 'antagonists' are from Italy ? i am referring to the "Place in Italy" thing.. If i want to Yakuza or the Chinese Triad, is it acceptable too ??

**you should put up some restrictions regarding the guns the police can use. for example, police is not supposed to use anti-material guns like
Sytr 0.50 .. that would be plain brutal. Also, please no land mines that would be ridiculous.

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Well better post the app now. Because I will need some peopleto have joined to post crimes and cases

The Italy thing, its because you are in the Italian Mafia which only allowed Italians to join. Just choose any place XD

Good gun Idea. Ill reasearch and do it later today.
However, remember that it takes place in 1948, so you cant have red dot guns etc. In L.A. Noire you could use shotguns and machine guns as a detective.

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[b]Familia[/b]: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakuza"]Yamaguchi[/url]

[b]Name:[/b] Toshiro

[b]Age:[/b] 27

[b]Car of choice:[/b] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XK120"]Jaguar Xk 120[/url]

[b]Gun of choice:[/b] Enfeild MK II revolver (*2, dual wield ), [i]also carries a family Katana, but only for special people.[/i]

[b]Rank you want:[/b] 1st seat

[b]Place of Italy/ HeadQuarters :[/b] Kobe (Japan)

** oh also , drug dealer

Oh also Requesting gang members.

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1st Seat isnt an available rank so drug dealer it is. I will post the achievements and restrictions later. And hey, no one made you a leader :} You have to advance to get that rank. You can request one guy to be with you, not recruit a gang. At least not at the time.

Otherwise accepted

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reserve a wanted rank plz? working on in spoiler..
[spoiler=App (WIP)]
Name: Antonio Drago
Age: 27
Car of choice: [url="http://lanoire.wikia.com/wiki/Plymouth_Special_Deluxe_Six"]Plymouth Special Deluxe Six (black)[/url]
Gun of choice: [url="http://lanoire.wikia.com/wiki/Chicago_Piano_Gun"]Chicago Piano Gun (Thompson Submachine Gun)[/url]
Rank you want: Wanted
Place of Italy:


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