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Panterra: For Peace Or War

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[spoiler=The Rules]All YCM Rules Apply
I am the final word in any argument, unless a Mod overturns my decision
If you break a rule you will get a Warn, a Report and then be BANNED
Minimum Post Length – Each standard IC post should have the equivalent of at least 4 lines of text. However, a good post should have around one to two paragraphs with proper English spelling and grammar, and should have enough material for other RPers to expand and elaborate on in their own posts. (As a rule of thumb, 4 unbroken lines of text on YCM at standard size and font is roughly 100 words.)

Dialogue – Dialogue should be done in one of two ways; in quotation marks or in speech lines. Script format is prohibited, because it doesn’t allow as much description and is dull overall.

Expies – Copy-paste characters from either separate RPs or from already existing franchises, with only minor detail changes, are frowned upon. This doesn’t allow true “evolution” as a unique character. No god-moding,Meta-Gaming,Power-Playing
[spoiler=god-moding]This means giving you and your character invulnerability and not giving the other players fair chance over the course of battle. Instances of god-moding include dodging every attack, using an attack that never misses no matter what, giving yourself an unplanned power up halfway through a battle, not properly responding to an attack’s strength, etcetera etcetera etcetera. Just don’t do this; it’s rude and unfair.

[spoiler=Meta-Gaming] This means using information that your character would have no way of knowing in character. For example, if Alice’s father recently died and hasn’t told anyone about it or let information slip, then Bob, who she just met on the street, isn’t going to console her about the loss of her father. Why? He would have no way of physically knowing. Doing this is disrespectful to a character’s intentions and plotting.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Power-Playing]Probably the worst of them, this means taking control over another character or their actions. Like in the previous example, if Alice is going to throw a tomato at Bob, your post with her shouldn’t involve her throwing it and watching it splatter over Bob’s face, because that’s taking away Bob’s controller’s opportunity to dodge it. A better alternative is to have the tomato leave her hand and fly toward Bob, but not mention hitting him.
Identifying Marks:
Love Relationships:

[spoiler=Important Things]In the land of Panterra there are many magikal things, I will discuse the important things your should know.

Everybody in Panterra is born with clear eyes, but depending on the Country and the ellement of that country will be the color of the persons eyes: for example lets say somebody is born in fire country and fire elemental they will have crimson eyes. There are 7 main eye colors and each one has a name:
Shago Gon= Shadow Eyes

Asqua Gon= Water Eyes

Tarris Gon= Earth Eyes

Legro Gon= Light Eyes

Aero Gon= Wind Eyes

Reshad Gon= Fire Eyes

Jeaok Gon=Lighting eyes

Well in each of the seven countrys there is a Leader Whom controls two elements and has complet eyes when an eye is complet there is a spiral that leads to a pentagram in the middle the pentagram is the color of the secondary color and the rest of the eye is the main color. These Seven Leaders are the great elemental Sages who are the strongest warriors in the country.

Here are a list of major cities by country:

Shadow Country-
Mount Kedalwoods
Fort Ashdelphia

Water Country=

Light Country-
Port Mannyonia

10,000 years ago there was a large barren planet void of life, un till a man came he start the first of what would be the 7 great countrys. He gave all his life energy to give life to the barren planet and as he lay dying he made 7 great warriors each with a different element. He told them to protect the world with their lives and to poppulate it.About 9,000 years later was the first great war it was bettween the great countrys they were fighting for control of the world they had called Panterra, there would be many wars to come. The wars still contiue today they foster instobillity and hate one man trys to bring peace to the waring countrys. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=My Character]
Name: Tommiko
Nickname/Alias: Unlucky XIII
Gender: Male
Hometown: A small tribal town on the out skirts of Bybriar.
Age: 15
Height: 5'11
Weight: 140lbs
Abiltites: Black Arts
Element: Shadows
Hair: Dark Brown almost black with crimson highlights
Eyes: foggy black
Clothing: He wears a torn up brown duster jacket with the shadow country emblem on it and a pear of black cargo pants.He also has a dog tag around his neck with all his info on it. In his left back pants pocket he carries a picture of his baby sister who died in a fire ten years ago.
Identifying Marks: Crimson paint marks leading from the corners of his mouth to his ears and from the bottom of his eyes down his face.
Musculature: Slim and built to last
Personality: Shy,quiet, and reserved. Very unwilling to get close emotionally to others.
Skills: Black Arts Shadow Spike, Black Arts Blood Treads
Past:Most if not all of his past is unknown to even him
Family: Mother=Dead
Gear:Breath Mask, Range Finder
Weapons: Katana,Kunai, Senbon, Shuriken
Love Relationships: none

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Name: Oyakisu
Nickname/Alias: marquis
Gender: Male
Hometown: Osvasser
Age: 17+
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 115 lbs
Abiltites: Transmutation/Summoning
Element: Water
Hair: Black, with a small pony tail.
Eyes: [color="#0000FF"]Blue[/color]
Clothing: a well stitched shirt lies underneath the well worn denim jacket. The jacket's left arm bears these lines
"[i]erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn
kann man uns am Himmel sehn
wir haben Angst und sind allein
Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein[/i]"

to deal with the unsettling interest, he will say that he picked it off a sailor from Germany. His unsettled way of life can be made out upon seeing his un-matching pair of socks. His wallet has a metal chain that is attached to the trousers.

Identifying Marks: there is a crude inscription of J.J. on my right hand.It was sometime back created by making a cut with a knife. There are haphazard remnants of stitches made across the neck by a very unprofessional hand. There is a burnt mark on my right thigh, but no one gets to see it ..

Musculature: Well built, the left foot is quarter of an inch shorter than the right, hence is slight limp develops after walking for some distance quickly. No problems seen/felt while running.

Personality: A people's person, well liked in the neighborhood, for the odd jobs done.But at night, after coming back from the docks, he is usually in a very foul mood. Others can smell a peculiar smell emanating from him, which most think is alcohol. He works in the docks in the morning, at weeknights, he will sometimes work as a guard in the nearby tavern, to control the raucous crowd..

Skills: Brawling, good at Muay-thai, some very lesser Kung-fu

Past: He has never known his family; the nuns at the orphanage where he grew up, informed him that his mother passed away at child-birth. All he has is a small picture of his mother. He has never known his father.

Family: Mother = dead; Father = no whereabouts.

Gear: A blue Baseball cap, a pair of shades, smokes and lights.

Weapons: ---

Love Relationships: He was known to be very close to a girl whose initials were J.J . apparently the local mobster had a fancy for her as well, and the girl chose the person in power.

** corrections made
savvy ? B)

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