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Cyber Community, We all are Cyber's and Equal

Cyber Altair

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Welcome to Cyber Land, we all are Cyber's and we all are Equal, we all share the same status and there are no ranks only one cause we are Equal and we all are Cyber's. we have everything from our own shop and newspaper which are coming soon to card and graphic competitions for everyone. We are here to help each others and to have fun.



When you join you tell us where you want to be positioned and we will put you there, each section has it's previlages and they are explaines below.


Remember there is only one rank and that is-

Cyber Citizen


As simple rules of groups should be there here are some rules you must consider before chosing your group.

1. You can only be in 2 Groups or less.

2. You can't change your Group.

3. you may not fight with people of other groups. we are all a part of one team.

4. You must act according to what your Groups wants, you all decide what to do.

5. There will be NO Group Leaders

6. You can always leave whenever you want

7. You may not join contests for your Group only, if there is a contests for a group that you are not a part of you may not join in it.



[align=center]Citizens of the Cyber Comunity


Cybernetic Dragon


Shadow Avian


Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac

Cyber Static


BlueKyubbi [/align]


Cards Group

Join the Cards Group if you like Card Making and sharing tips and points on Card Making. The members of this Group will be making the Card Reviews. As a Card Maker you may join contests for you Card Makers.


[align=center]Cybernetic Dragon


Shadow Avian


Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac

Cyber Static






Graphics Group

Join the Graphics Group if you like making Graphics and you are good or need help doing so. The members of this Group will be working in our Club Shop. As a Graphic Member you may join the Graphic Contests for you all.


[align=center]Cybernetic Dragon


Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac





Slack Members Group

Join the Slack Members Group if all you like to do is posting and having fun on the forums. The members of this Group will be making the Magazine. As a slacker you may join contests that are for you slakers.


[align=center]Cybernetic Dragon

Shadow Avian

Cyber Static




Hall Of Fame

[align=center]Winners in Competitions will be added Here.

Card Group Contest


Graphics Group Contest


Slackers Group Contest[/align]


Active Contests

[align=center]Any Active Contest will be easily viewed here

Cyber Token[/align]


Club Events

[align=center]Events sponsered by the Cyber Community

YCM's (Un)Official Awards -Over[/align]


so what are you waiting for? members who help and show promise will gain reps and points.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Huh... no offense, but this sounds vaguely Nazi. The whole "everyone's equal" concept invokes that. Certainly, I have no objections, I'm just pointing that out. I actually really like the idea.


I'd like a rule to be added before I join:


6. You may leave the Cyber Community at any time.


Just 'cuz I'm supsicious like that and don't want history to repeat itself; I don't want equality to turn into superiority over non-Cybers. So, if that's added, I'm in. Put me in the card section and graphics section if I join.

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sure you can and it's obvious that you can leave whenever you want.


i have seen in many clubs that the reason of fair is that all people want to be leaders unfortinatly only few so i dont want that besides it is to prove that if you have 3 posts and joined yestarday or if you have 5000 posts and joined 5 months ago we are all the same.

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