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YCM's Legendary Roleplayers

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[center][size="2"]In my early days on YCM I had joined a similar club called YCM's LCM's or Yugiohcardmaker's Legendary Cardmakers. It was a club dedicated to the legendary members on this forum and as well as helping the newer members at cardmaking. I'm hoping to take that club idea and renew it with the topic of Roelplaying. Not only will we discuss roleplaying, but helping better members and the roleplay section as a whole is what this club will be about.

"Here, the greatest Roleplayers on YCM will gather to further improve the abilities of each other, as well as helping lesser members to reach their level of ingenuity. Each day, a different one of us will post a short piece of writing about roleplaying. This way, each of us will improve in the area that we lack in, but others strive. This will also be a place where we support each other’s threads. A Legendary Member of L-RPer's never has to have his/her thread sink into the forum without a post. You help others, and you will be helped in turn."

There are a few different types of members; the Legendary Members, who I will PM invitations to join and they can post here, Former Legendary Members, L-Rper's that have either retired or can't stay active; Elite Cardmakers (junior members showing superior skill and impressive roleplaying) and Junior Members, who can sign up here without an invitation. Junior members are members who want to become the best, want to participate with this organization, and also want me to keep an eye on them as possible future Legendary Members."

I will send out various PMs to those I deem as Legendary Roleplayers. If there are any old Legendary Roleplayers who would like to join that I left out, they can join under the title of "Former Legendary Roleplayers" that goes along with Legendary Roleplayers and Junior roleplayers.[/size]


[spoiler='Rank to be Determined']


User Name:
When you Joined YCM:
When you started Roleplaying:
Why you want to join this Club:
Who would you consider to be your mentor and or teacher when you first began RPing:
Rank you'd consider yourself: (Legendary, Former Legendary, Elite or Junior)


More Information to be added in the future!


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User Name: trinitySOUL
When you Joined YCM: November 20, 2010
When you started Roleplaying: Just this March
Why you want to join this Club: Because I'm finding a worthy RP for me to join and its not an anime-based.
Who would you consider to be your mentor and or teacher when you first began RPing: Either Dementuo or Codename:Lady
Rank you'd consider yourself: Elite

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After a while going down nostalgia lane I finished . . .

User Name: Jake the Sage
When you Joined YCM: August 20[sup][size='1']TH[/size][/sup], 2008
When you started Roleplaying:
25 August 2008 - 05:35 PM [the first Roleplay I created, also the first post in RP I ever made]
12 September 2008 - 07:57 PM [it took me a WHILE to find the actual FIRST roleplay post 8I ]
Why you want to join this Club: To learn anyway to improve and possibly teach people myself
Who would you consider to be your mentor and or teacher when you first began RPing: ThatPhantomGuy [AKA Phantom-sama],
Rank you'd consider yourself: Above Average, though not Elite

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User Name:Taisen Lagann
When you Joined YCM:around maybe 2 years ago? I really have no perception of time.
When you started Roleplaying:When i found out this club HAD an RPing forum. Around the same time i joined
Why you want to join this Club:Because it's more or less what i want to do in this forum. Better the overall storytelling of the forum as a whole. That and obtain lulz.
Who would you consider to be your mentor and or teacher when you first began RPing:Tempest Dahlia and Jake the Sage
Rank you'd consider yourself: I'm just about average when you compare me to internet RPing as a whole. But on THIS forum i'd be Elite.

The standard's just...a bit lower.

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User Name: Daemon
When you Joined YCM: Dec. 26, 2010
When you started Roleplaying: February of 2011
Why you want to join this Club: I want to join this club to help make a change to the RPing section, just like many people, and stop all of those completely stupid rps.
Who would you consider to be your mentor and or teacher when you first began RPing: Atman would be my first, he is the one that officially got me into it.
Rank you'd consider yourself: (Legendary, Former Legendary, Elite or Junior) Here: Elite. Average on the interwebs.

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