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[Finished].:Wolf O'Donnel:.'s Video game contest (cancelled)

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This is my first contest, so............
Anyway, it cost 25 points to enter
I will accept 5 entries and post them below.
PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE A CRAPPY COMPUTER. i will try to get on often, but if i am not on for a long time, i will try to manage via a library computer.
There is a secret password you must say to get access. it is proof you read the rules.
POT: 50 points ( i donated 25)
1.Shang Tsung
Winner gets 1/2 pot
2nd gets 1/4 pot
3rd gets black pot (AKA NOTHING)

maake a card that is based off a character/item in a video game. Items should be equip spells and people should be monsters.
NOTE: I willll be judging on averages so post as many cards as you like. the more you make, the better your chances are!
Another note: for space purposes, you may not post more then 10 cards. and cards must be in a spoiler if you make more than 3.
post WAFFLESAUCE, IM IN! to affirm that you read these rules.
EDIT: cancelled. sorry!

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These are cards based on Mortal Kombat:

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EDIT: here are my




sorry the pics suck. Basically what I tried to do was tell the story of how Bowser and Mario both want Peach which is why she is so powerful and why Bowser gains ATK if she is in the Graveyard. She starts out with Mario in every video games so thats why she gets ss when he gets summoned. Luigi helps peach and mario which is why he can add them to your hand. I can add spells if you think it would help my score.

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