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A Shameless Minecraft Rip-off


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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1311559330' post='5384791']
It's blatant plagiarism. It sucks. The problem is that they knowingly copied [b]everything[/b] from Minecraft in an attempt to cash in on the game's success.

Like I said, Minecraft is coming out for the 360. After that, Total Miner will have no use.
Grenade Launcher,C4,space invaders block,2000 depth,fixed world limit.all things different from minecraft,and frankly,if you go on the site,they aren't aiming for focusing on the building and survival mechanic like minecraft. and plus, I can't name many great games that haven't had their ideas stolen/copied by other developers.You guys are overreacting this situation.also,as long as one little thing is different,it isn't considered plagiarism.

TL;DR:game is currently similar to minecraft,but you guys are overreacting the fact that they are similar.

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[quote name='Antagonistic Crocodile β' timestamp='1311510922' post='5382863']
[s]Those who never played minecraft: :D[/s] Those who have played Minecraft, and owns a X-box 360.
[s]Those who HAVE played minecraft: D:<[/s] Those who have played Minecraft, and don't own X-box 360.

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Wait MC is coming out for 360? OMGNOWAIWANNAROGAMS!!!!

BUT SRSLY, I dont think that it is that big of a deal, the game is only 240 MSP in real dollars, thats 3 bucks. It says it has 2700 downloads, multiply that by 3 and there's their roundabout profit. Compared to minecraft they make ALOt more I guarantee. See the one element it's missing is the survival thing. Thats it. I guess in their next update they're adding monsters, and MMO. I do understand where you'd be upset but c'mon man. I

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[quote name='PowerlinX' timestamp='1312186603' post='5403777']
As my old teacher always said, if someone copies your idea, just execute it better than they do.

There ya go.

If you wanna call this game a rip-off look at minecraft itself. It's really inspired by Infiminer or something like that. So it in itself is a rip-off.

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[quote name='SSxMINI LUCAS' timestamp='1312191922' post='5403847']

There ya go.

If you wanna call this game a rip-off look at minecraft itself. It's really inspired by Infiminer or something like that. So it in itself is a rip-off.

If it's inspired then it's not a rip-off, it means the creator liked the other person's idea and added his own ideas to it.

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[quote name='Unownguy' timestamp='1312225368' post='5405124']
Notch freely admits that Minecraft was based on Infiniminer.

I... don't see anything like that on the Totalminer site.
Minecraft's textures/level generator/gameplay have never been anywhere near as close to Infiniminer's as the Minecraft ripoffs are to Minecraft.

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