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Noob misplays

Chaos Dralcax

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[quote name='Chaos Bakugan' timestamp='1311376543' post='5378663']
Have you ever played Yugioh and your opponent doesn't seem to have the slightest grasp of card rulings? Today, my opponent thought that he could use the effects of my ultimate offering.
I don't blame him. Read the pre-errata of Offering and you'll understand.

[quote name='Ghost Origins' timestamp='1311394785' post='5379469']
Move to TCG pl0x
Probably doesn't belong there either. Better to lock it and save time.

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should be moved

Anyway I usually mess around with my field and grave and make an explosive turn, then go into like BRD or something without realizing I could've double librarian'd or something stupid. That's why I love Tag Force 5, telling me what I can synchro =)

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Playing against RobotBowtie on DN earlier, I realized I could've used Double-Edge to bring back Shi En and negate his Book of Life. I could've lasted another turn at the cost of taking 2700 damage (the other target would've been Kagemusha. Any other target would've killed me at the End Phase.) I probably would've lost anyways.

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i thought destiny hero plasma required a D. hero tribute
i thought red eyes was weak to water dragon
i thought call of the haunted only worked on zombies
i thought fusions went in the main deck
i thought ritual material could only be used on the field
i thought the light hex sealed fusion couldn't summon cyber twin
i thought that toon world was a feild spell and couldn't be destroyed
i thought that ritual monsters could keep tributing material to gain their attack
i thought that chorus of sanctuary lowered attack aswell as gain defence
i thought stop defense was permanent
i thought spellbinding circle lowered monsters atk by 1000
i thought that mirror wall gain life points
i thought mirror force destroyed all cards regardless
i thought you could tribute petit moth to specail summon petit dragon from your deck
i thought you could discard/destroy your own cards at any given time
i thought if you attacked you could automatically switch the monster defence

need i go on?

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I was playing this middle-aged mom (I know cuz she had her baby with her) and she was running an Ojama deck, and I pwned her. She didn't even use a Magic Cylinder I saw her put down. But then I got pwned by a middle aged man with a beard and glasses running an E-Hero deck...

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