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Unnesesary Introduction No Jutsu!

Jarl Ballin

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Even though I've been a member on here for some time, my relationship with the forum has been on and off, then on, then off for 3 years, then on again. So I feel like I should formally introduce myself since I haven't already.


*clears throat* Four score and seven years ago, I was born in a log cabin.......


*6 hours later*


And that's why I'll never eat Peanut Butter while ice skating ever again.


So on that note, I hope to get to know all of you here and the forum.....well probably not everyone. There's like what, 318,366 members here. That's 318,365 too many names to remember.


So that's my intro.....yeah....

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As stated on the pinned topic at the very top of this page:


"When am I allowed to introduce myself to the community?


Only newly-registered members may post introductions. These are people that have recently gained membership in this site within the past three months. Therefore, a person that has been on this site for more than three months, is not considered a newly-registered member."



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