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Gigaplant Swarm (March 2008 Updates)


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3 Gigaplant

3 Lonefire Blossom

3 UFO Turtle

2 Blazewing Butterfly

2 Cyber Dragon

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper




3 Card of Safe Return

3 Hand Destruction

1 Monster Reborn

2 Lightning Vortex

1 Smashing Ground

1 Fissure

1 Heavy Storm


1 Premature Burial

1 Brain Control




1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Birthright

3 Dust Tornado

3 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Widespread Ruin




3 Zombie Master

3 Pyramid Turtle

3 Ryu Kokki

2 Giant Rat

3 Book of Life

1 Creature Swap




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oh...woops...i edited the Main but not the side xD


but you didnt notice the 3 Dust Tornadoes and 1 in the side...xD


changing now.



I dont like the Gigaplant FTK...its weird...




personally i think this deck type is better than zombies. a lot more consistent.

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What is this?


Excluding Mirror force, cydras, and kinetics, this deck is less than $15 in lowest rarity. For a cheap deck, it looks alright, but its not comparable to top tier.


Cool idea though, using junk plant cards to build a decent deck.


I'd rather use Gigaplant FTK.


How does one FTK with Gigaplant? Sounds impossible.


EDIT: Looked it up, and it makes sense now. Still, neither of these decks will do much better than Demise.

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updates: Cyber Phoenixs and other stuff removed. Tomatos and other stuff added.



Reasons for Tomatoes:


Gigaplant can special summon it

Lord Poison can special summon it

Lonefire Blossom can special summon it

searches sangan, which searches lonefire

searches sniper/reaper


i get plenty of games in which i summon all 3 Gigas, 2 Lord Poison in one turn. its really easy, actually. i think this deck has potential, and its definitely more competitive than zombies. all i need in my starting hand is 1 of 3 Lonefire Blossom and Call of the Haunted/Premature/ 1 of 2 Lord Poison, OR 1 or 2 of 3 UFO Turtle, and the game is pretty much in the bag



Current Record for this deck, playing against friends:


16 W

5 L

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Yeah, its actually really successful.


I took my Zombie deck to the 3rd Round of my locals, but it loses most of the time.


This deck I haven't tried in a tournament yet (seeing as its the march 1st update, and i dont have all the cards i need yet, so i'm using proxies), but its record is (for today) 16 Wins and 3 Losses, facing Crystal Beasts, Burn, Six Samurai, and LaDD

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Yeah' date=' its actually really successful.


I took my Zombie deck to the 3rd Round of my locals, but it loses most of the time.


This deck I haven't tried in a tournament yet (seeing as its the march 1st update, and i dont have all the cards i need yet, so i'm using proxies), but its record is (for today) 16 Wins and 3 Losses, facing Crystal Beasts, Burn, Six Samurai, and LaDD



It is pretty successful. I personally think it's more fun to play against than Zombies.


Yeah, 3rd round. I forgot you were using your Zombies. But you probably would have lost to that Deckout/Stall Deck in the Finals anyway. :P


And are you counting the match we did? If so, I think it would either be 17 wins and 5 loses, or 18 wins and 4 losses. I can't remember if I won or not. I think I may have lost. :/

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yeah, i had to use zombies in the tourney, but yeah, i probably would have lost to nathan.


i think i won both games of that match against you. but i played another match against you where you won once, so yeah. evan beat me twice (abundance/carbuncle over and over)


i like playing this deck a lot more than zombies. i can always do something with this deck, even when theres a banisher on the field. i love having a second summoned Gigaplant on the field, and a lonefire in the grave, speshing it, tribbing for another Giga, second summoning, speshing lonefire, tributing for another gigaplant.



the only problem with this deck is that i often draw 1 or 2 gigaplants on my first turn, which is kinda bad, but i deck Lightning to dump them in the grave for lord poison, monster reborn, premature.


it is so far my most succesful deck tho.

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Changing this deck is proving difficult, as I am trying to make it work in the favor of not having to dig through a giant box of commons, and also to work with what I have. Tomato's only bring out sangan and snipe (EDIT: And reaper xD), and without POA, seem pointless.





3 Gigaplant (need 2)

3 Lonefire Blossom (should get them all today)

3 UFO Turtle (need 2-3, I think I have one)

1 Card Trooper (for lack of anything else)

2 Lord Poison (need 2)

2 Cyber Dragon :)

1 Sangan :)

1 Snipe Hunter :)

2 D.D. Crow (need 2, should be able to get em)

1 Spirit Reaper :)

1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (testing will be done, generally I don't like it, but this meta might change that)




3 Card of Safe Return (need 1, giant box of commons should provide :/ )

1 Monster Reborn :)

1 Nobleman of Crossout (probably going to switch out when deck is done, but who knows)

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Heavy Storm :)

1 MST :)

1 Premature Burial :)

1 POA (mainly for Turtles, trooper, and filler xD)

1 Brain Control (Testing)




1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

3 Solemn Judgement

3 Dust Tornado

1 Trap Dustshoot (I like it a lot, and it will be good filler for the missing tomatos.)




3 Macro Cosmos (going to be switched out for kinetics)

3 System Down

3 Pulling the Rug

2 Decree (Not ruling out burn just yet, plus it works for other decks that use PWWB [local meta, even with the changes in the list, they will run 3 PWWB])

3 Cyber Phoenix (own 1, siding 1 E con and 1 blazewing until I get the other two phoenix)

1 Ceasefire (going to swap out ASAP)

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While Tomato has only a few targets, and can also duplicate itself, its also summonable by gigaplant or lonefire blossom or lord poison.


thats why i'm running it.


and i'll try to get a Trooper also so it would have another target.


I'm going to try POA in my deck and see if it will work.

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well, i could get back Sangan, UFO Turtles, Cydras, Grand Mole, Crows, snipe hunter, Drirrroid, and it is nice to get back tomatos for protection or whatever. maybe a lonefire or Lord Poison, depending on circumstances


so i'm going to try it.




Also, i'm considering decking 2 or 3 Blazewing Butterfly.

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Blazewings are f*cking awesome. They don't die to armageddon knight, which is important in this meta, plus they sak themselves to bring out a gigaplant, which can already bring out something else.


Run 2. No more, no less.


AND DECK BIRTHRIGHT. You will thank me for that later.

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