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Hope for Escape

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I run this in Exodia because it works with Skill Drain/Upstart Goblin, also good after you've taken a few hits late game.



So I'm running Exodia on DN for a laugh. Came up against some random idkfa deck, honestly didn't have a clue what was going on. He first turn Sarc'd into Obelisk and never summoned it in the entire duel. I thought whatever. But hey, then he flips 2 copies of Solemn Wishes. I laugh hysterically on the inside. Again, no idea what he's running but it doesn't matter because he isn't doing me any damage. Anyway, I upstart a few times and Skill Drain to stop him using the effect of Reaper on me. Several turns later I have 3 copies of Hope for escape set, 16 cards left in deck. He's on god knows what because of Solemn Wishes but I flip all 3 Hope for Escape and do the math.

[size="7"]+15 BIZNITCH[/size]

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I saw someone running this in some sort of Exodia Mystic Piper deck with Cure options (I have no idea what he was running). He ended up having to use it early to avoid me destroying it. When his Sangan added Exodia's head to his hand, I pulled out the stops to use Gottoms to start attacking his hand. He scooped after I chose a certain card, so...

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