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Chords of Chaos: Resonant Crisis [Still Accepting / Started]

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[quote name='Kokonoe's Pet' timestamp='1312590580' post='5418082']
Yeah, but anyways, hopefully there is something like a magically binding contract in this world?

Anything you can think of, slave collars that go BOOM, steam powered trains, horses that talk 83
This is a world with virtually NO limits.

But you have to remember, do you think Kotaro and the rest will agree to that?

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[quote name='Final Fantasy Revolution' timestamp='1312595082' post='5418275']
I remember a certain role play with all the character names mentioned thus far; alas, that was long ago.

I wouldn't mind playing the roles I once had withing that role play again; I'm also looking forward to SOP II. I joined this role play back when it was first started and hope this one turns out well.

Yeah finally someone notices XD
Yes FFR I DID bring back some old characters into this "new world" seeing as they were "getting kind of dusty".

And Kokonoe, SoP II is a shorthand for Struggle of Powers 2
It is a sequel to an old Roleplay I had, which managed to end, and was one of the most successful Roleplays on YCM before the RP Section went to hell.

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What kind of villain would it be if it wasn't hard to handle?

[spoiler=Application For: The Living Silence]
[b]Name: [/b]???
[b]Alias/Title: [/b]The Living Silence
[b]Age:[/b] ???
[b]Gender:[/b] ???
[spoiler= [b]Appearance:[/b]]
Hedoro is a living mass of black slime and darkness that can shaped and form itself into the form of the beast shown below, it is unknown if Hedoro can change into any other form other than the beast and a pile of slime.
[b]Personality:[/b] Since Hedoro is living slime he doesn't have an official personality set. However, those who have encountered Hedoro have noted that it seems to carry a tone of rage and destruction with it that no other force or living creature that they've had seen before in their time. Of course, their are only one or two survivors of Hedoro's attacks.
[b]Species:[/b] Hedoro is living slime, a creature that can shift and change itself according to its own will. It species would be some sort of demonic slime.
[b]Instrument:[/b] N/A
[b]Weapon(s): [/b]Natural weapons, such as claws and teeth and the like, depending on the shape he's currently in.
[b]Chord:[/b] N/A
[b]Leitmotif:[/b] N/A
[b]Bio:[/b] Hedoro is a strange and powerful creature that has assumingly been around in this world since The Great Composer himself and has expected to have done great battles with him over the creation of the universe. The Great Composer, wanting a world full of music and rhythm and Hedoro wanting a world that is dull and silent. Hedoro has often been called "The Living Silence", for the main reason that he hates all noise and music and aims to not only find the sheet music but destroy it completely so none may use it for their own musical creativity. He than aims to utterly destroy every music instrument and every player of music in the world. Hedoro suspects The Great Composter is both alive and well and if his suspicions are correct he will undoubtedly destroy him.
[b]Energy Manipulation: [/b]Hedoro has the ability to manipulate energy to a certain extent by creating various beams, blasts, shields, barriers, ext.
[b]Body Transformation and Transfiguration: [/b]Hedoro has the ability the transform and transfigure his body into different shapes and forms as to accommodate different situations and battle styles.
[b]Enhanced Endurance: [/b]Hedoro is a being made of slime and therefore can take a bigger hit than most other beings.
[b]Ability to Silence: [/b]Hedoro has the ability to "silence" people making them unable to produce sound for a few moments.
[/spoiler][b] [/b]
[b]Other Interesting Facts:[/b] Hedoro has no hearing, and therefore is not effected by songs that would directly effect someone who would have to hear it; Hedoro's sense of hearing is replaced by the sixth sens of Extrasensory.
[b]RP Sample:[/b] The night was filled with the dim light of the moon, as the trees ruffled in the quiet, cool breeze of midnight. Suddenly, the moon was coated in darkness and completely blacked out for the entire world to see; a horrible shriek of terror filled the air followed by malicious laughter that could be heard by the entirety of the world. The night brightened back up again and the moon was visible in the night sky once more. A beam of darkness shot down into the middle of the continent of Regio Unus but something was odd about the explosion. The dirt kicked up fiercely and the wind blew harshly but there was no sound to it; only the sight of the dirt and the feeling of the wind rushing through the entirety the continent. There was a mystery shrouded in this incident but when bystanders went to look they found nothing; no crater, no meteor, and no damage done to the surroundings. There was something going on here, and whatever it was, wasn't good...

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[quote name='Final Fantasy Revolution' timestamp='1312821658' post='5425056']
What kind of villain would it be if it wasn't hard to handle?

[spoiler=Application For: The Living Silence]
[b]Name: [/b]???
[b]Alias/Title: [/b]The Living Silence
[b]Age:[/b] ???
[b]Gender:[/b] ???
[spoiler= [b]Appearance:[/b]]
Hedoro is a living mass of black slime and darkness that can shaped and form itself into the form of the beast shown below, it is unknown if Hedoro can change into any other form other than the beast and a pile of slime.
[b]Personality:[/b] Since Hedoro is living slime he doesn't have an official personality set. However, those who have encountered Hedoro have noted that it seems to carry a tone of rage and destruction with it that no other force or living creature that they've had seen before in their time. Of course, their are only one or two survivors of Hedoro's attacks.
[b]Species:[/b] Hedoro is living slime, a creature that can shift and change itself according to its own will. It species would be some sort of demonic slime.
[b]Instrument:[/b] N/A
[b]Weapon(s): [/b]Natural weapons, such as claws and teeth and the like, depending on the shape he's currently in.
[b]Chord:[/b] N/A
[b]Leitmotif:[/b] N/A
[b]Bio:[/b] Hedoro is a strange and powerful creature that has assumingly been around in this world since The Great Composer himself and has expected to have done great battles with him over the creation of the universe. The Great Composer, wanting a world full of music and rhythm and Hedoro wanting a world that is dull and silent. Hedoro has often been called "The Living Silence", for the main reason that he hates all noise and music and aims to not only find the sheet music but destroy it completely so none may use it for their own musical creativity. He than aims to utterly destroy every music instrument and every player of music in the world. Hedoro suspects The Great Composter is both alive and well and if his suspicions are correct he will undoubtedly destroy him.
[b]Energy Manipulation: [/b]Hedoro has the ability to manipulate energy to a certain extent by creating various beams, blasts, shields, barriers, ext.
[b]Body Transformation and Transfiguration: [/b]Hedoro has the ability the transform and transfigure his body into different shapes and forms as to accommodate different situations and battle styles.
[b]Enhanced Endurance: [/b]Hedoro is a being made of slime and therefore can take a bigger hit than most other beings.
[b]Ability to Silence: [/b]Hedoro has the ability to "silence" people making them unable to produce sound for a few moments.
[/spoiler][b] [/b]
[b]Other Interesting Facts:[/b] Hedoro has no hearing, and therefore is not effected by songs that would directly effect someone who would have to hear it; Hedoro's sense of hearing is replaced by the sixth sens of Extrasensory.
[b]RP Sample:[/b] The night was filled with the dim light of the moon, as the trees ruffled in the quiet, cool breeze of midnight. Suddenly, the moon was coated in darkness and completely blacked out for the entire world to see; a horrible shriek of terror filled the air followed by malicious laughter that could be heard by the entirety of the world. The night brightened back up again and the moon was visible in the night sky once more. A beam of darkness shot down into the middle of the continent of Regio Unus but something was odd about the explosion. The dirt kicked up fiercely and the wind blew harshly but there was no sound to it; only the sight of the dirt and the feeling of the wind rushing through the entirety the continent. There was a mystery shrouded in this incident but when bystanders went to look they found nothing; no crater, no meteor, and no damage done to the surroundings. There was something going on here, and whatever it was, wasn't good...


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[quote name='Final Fantasy Revolution' timestamp='1312822592' post='5425084']


I mean...how pleasant.

Dude be evil if you want. Hell I don't mind people having five characters personally, I mean it is up to YOU too keep track of them.
I sure as hell wont do it XD

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[b]Name:[/b][b] Salvario Santeo[/b]

[b]Alias/Title:[/b] The Reaper

[b]Age:[/b] 50

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler= him][url="http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=7735089"]http://www.pixiv.net...lust_id=7735089[/url][/spoiler]

[b]Personality:[/b] Salvario is a quite gentle and benevolent, he rarely is unfair or Unkind only when some one gets in his
way of him gaining power, he searches the world for music to lament his own Power. Salvario doesn't have the personality a normal person has. His personality changes constantly, He can be kind and help others but then Suddenly turn around and stab them in the back if it means that he could get his hands on some beautiful Music.

[b]Species:[/b] Human Sorta....

[b]Instrument:[/b] He caries a Scythe with a large curved blade that he uses is own energy to create strings on the scythe relieving it to be a Harp

[b]Weapon(s):[/b] His Scythe.

[b]Chord:[/b] Laminate of a minstrel: The Strings of his energy cover his scythe as he Strikes down unleashing a wave of energy.

[b]Leitmotif:[/b] Finale: He uses the last Leitmotif he Absorbed.

[b]Bio:[/b] Salvario Has wandered the world looking for new music and even ancient powerful music. He is a collector, and feels it is his propose to protect the worlds Music and keep it for him self. He is an opera within himself, He wishes to protect but only for his own greed. Salvario's History is unknown to most people and only he knows his real history. When Salvario was a young boy he found his grandfathers, old Wardrobe and found a coat and mask. When he placed the mask on and the coat, Magical Notes filled his head, and he found a golden scroll of music. When he read the Scroll a scythe materialized, and from then on He lusted again and again for more types of Music, and hes long since lost his true name.

[b]Techniques/Spells/Etc.:[/b] His Scythe has the ability to pick up on, and Take away peoples Leitmotif

[b]Other Interesting Facts:[/b] He has an unquenchable thirst for music, and chases after The legendary Song of the creator.

[b]Theme:[/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujzp9ffPwPM[/media]

[b]RP Sample:[/b] :/ I'm late in the RP I don't think I can enter conventionally... But I'm here like You asked Jake.

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