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One card to break them all


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I thought to myself: "Hmm, both Synchros and XYZs are dependent on Levels for their summons." One thought lead to another, and... this card surfaced. As well as breaking both Synchros and XYZs, it gives The Calculator a through-the-roof boost. And Vayu, perhaps?

Welfare Epics
Continuous Spell
The Level of all monsters on the field becomes 12. Once per turn, when this card would leave the field, it doesn't.

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[quote name='sǝlnɹʍʇp' timestamp='1310922810' post='5363163']
Does this mean that to re summon a Gemini monster, you have to tribute two monsters? and this would actually help a Rank 12 Xyz

This also kills Spirits because it requires 2 tributes to summon a monster that returns to your hand.
[/quote]Geminis doesn't take tributes to resummon. Level changes doesn't stay when the card is returned to the hand.

Burden of the Mighty.

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This is one of those diamonds you fond among the sand when walking along the forest trail one day.
Truly an amazing piece of work.

Card is great, breaks and makes stuff, and has its own protection.
If only they made Level Thunder. This would make the FTK so much easier.

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Thanks for the nice comment, Okami, they always brighten my day.

Dark is probably the only one that's breaking, seeing as it practically becomes a walking OTK with Welfare Epics. Note that the effect changes the Level to 12, it doesn't actually [i]increase[/i] the Level. Earth deals no damage, for example, if Welfare is activated and it's on the field.

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The most widely used Fortune ladies are Light, Water and Dark anyway. Light becomes 2400 with a SS effect when leaving the field, Dark becomes 4800 with it's own SS effect, and Water becomes a 3600 ATK +1. And even if you're running Earth, it's still another 4800 beatstick, and the burn is very minor and probably wouldn't be missed.

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