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Chuck Norris Facts


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The Boogyman checks under his bed for God.

God checks under his bed for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris checks under his bed for Archer.

Archer checks under his bed for Kamina.

Kamina checks under his bed for Guts.

Guts checks under his bed for Kenshiro.

Kenshiro checks under his bed for Jojo.

Jojo checks under his bed for Captain Harlock.

Captain Harlock checks under his bed for Hayato Jin, Ryoma Nagare, Musashi Tomoe, and Benkei Kuruma.

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[quote name='~Vulgaris Magistralis~' timestamp='1311810578' post='5393296']
The Boogyman checks under his bed for God.

God checks under his bed for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris checks under his bed for Archer.

Archer checks under his bed for Kamina.

Kamina checks under his bed for Guts.

Guts checks under his bed for Kenshiro.

Kenshiro checks under his bed for Jojo.

Jojo checks under his bed for Captain Harlock.

Captain Harlock checks under his bed for Hayato Jin, Ryoma Nagare, Musashi Tomoe, and Benkei Kuruma.
Lack of Granel in this post makes me sad >=

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Chuck Norris ran a 'kick drugs out of America' campaign. How's that going for him so far? - Also, Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris were not equals for anyone who thinks they were. Bruce Lee was at the peak of his physical condition whereas Norris: [url=http://www.tersninja.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bruce-leechuck-norris.jpg]had a hairy chest.[/url]

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[center][center][size=7][b][color=#FF0000]EVERYTHING YOU BELIEVE[/color][/b][/size][/center][/center]
[center][center][size=7][b][color=#FF0000]IS A LIE[/color][/b][/size][/center][/center]

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