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Fullmetal Alchemist: Meteor of Amestris [Started/Accepting]

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[quote name='Hotaru987' timestamp='1311277961' post='5375054']
How far can we go with the cursing in the RP?

I'm asking because I wanted to see if I could make a minor change to Sena's personality. I wanted to make her have a real sailor's mouth.

Just don't say f*** and try to keep it under 12 curse words per sentence. xD

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[quote name='☠ΤΗΑΝΑΤΟS☠' timestamp='1311279029' post='5375121']
So, right now, everyone's finished eating/drinking & now they're all just talking and fooling around? (I need to post already XD)

Kinda yeah. Me and Techi are in Hotaru's car of the train. I'm drunk... Tesla's character is now speaking to the Fuhrer and I'm not sure if Dae's character is still in the diner or not.

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And yes, she is almost crying, Techi XD That's how messed up her mind is

She also doesn't recognize people unless she focuses on them. She also has issues with recognizing if people are asleep or not, due to slight hallucinations (basically, this is because her blood-based alchemy is slowly corrupting her brain).

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