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Fullmetal Alchemist: Meteor of Amestris [Started/Accepting]

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decided to try to find my app to edit it (and failed in the process so i read a couple new pages before editing my app..) and blu already has an electric alchemist? >.<..

oh and Techi what military rank would be acceptable for my character? (and er you'd probably want me to be in a specific spot at this point in the RP since he'll be a state alchemist?.. [if i'm allowed] ^^')

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[quote name='ANBU' timestamp='1311135431' post='5370872']
decided to try to find my app to edit it (and failed in the process so i read a couple new pages before editing my app..) and blu already has an electric alchemist? >.<..

oh and Techi what military rank would be acceptable for my character? (and er you'd probably want me to be in a specific spot at this point in the RP since he'll be a state alchemist?.. [if i'm allowed] ^^')

Most any high rank is cool. General, Colonel, etc. The specific spot would currently be on the Fuhrer's train.

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@Blu: well.. I was thinking more of just a slight shock thing with small amounts of electricity possibly disrupt the transfer of the electric signals inside the body for a (very?) short time.. just a basic kinda paralyze/debilitating thing with it not going with using it to harm (though might have some kinda of electricity to cause damage at times.. my characters personality keeps him from going like that often..)
that and.. I lack ideas of what else i could have my guy use without going too far.. ^^'

@Kakashi & Techi:
probably too much trouble to edit my spoiler and get you to go back and find it?.. so I'm putting the finished spoiler here.. ^^'
[spoiler=Chars.][spoiler=Electric Alchemist][b]Name:[/b] Kazuya Himori
[b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Appearence:[/b] [url="http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/363/tek4e253aa8903a81156635.png"]TekTek'd appearance[/url]
[b]Bio:[/b] Kazuya was orphaned at the age of 8 took in by State Alchemist and his family who had lived nearby, the State Alchemist having found him just after defeating the man who killed Kazuya's parents and taking them into custody unconscious. As Kazuya grew he became a nice kind child though wanted to learn alchemy drawing alchemic symbols from his 'father's books and performing low level alchemy at the age of 10, continuing to practice alchemy until he reached 16 at which ge he had believed his skill wa enough to try to apply for a job within the State Military as a State Alchemist, reading through all the alchemy books at his home before going with his father to begin the tests to become an alchemist, drawing transmutation circles onto hi gloves which he had worn for the practical part of the exam clapping them together and using the alchemic symbols on them to perform alchemy. Kazuya's alchemy had moved the electrons within the air rapidly creating electricity which he had sent into a nearby metal beam electrifying it and causing the next alchemist who was trying to become a state alchemist who laid their hand on it to be shocked with just enough electricity to cause problems for them to move. He has since gotten those alchemic symbols tattooed onto his palms allowing him to use his alchemy by moving his hands together or even just putting enough energy concentrated into the symbol on his hand. He has advanced through from the normal Major Rank of a state alchemist to that of a Colonel within his 3 years as a state alchemist, trying to stay out of missions that could cause wars and even going as far as to try to disobey orders that he believes will cause or act in a war if he thinks he can get away with it without too severe punishment.
[b]Personality:[/b] Kazuya is usually quiet around his superiors only talking to reply to them though defiance at thoughts of full annihilation style battles easily shown in some of his replies that could lead to or are about helping in a war. While around those of equal or lesser rank Kazuya seems much more relaxed and often converses with them as if he was just another man in the Military with absolutely no importance despite being a state alchemist. Whilst on a mission he often tries to cause the least harm he can preferring to try to paralyze opponent's with electric shocks of his alchemy then to kill them, though if seens distreating any below adult age he will attack them without holding back.
[spoiler=Chimaera][b]Name:[/b] Roy Williams (random name xD)
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Appearence:[/b] [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/096/0/7/snow_leopard_by_jesonite-d3dc3cx.jpg"]Full Power Form[/url] (tail should be smaller, has clothes from normal appearance on unless stated otherwise in IC post) [url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs16/i/2007/166/7/b/Collab___Roy_Mustang_Lineart_by_Neo_Tori.jpg"]Human[/url] (Face resembles Full Power forms face a bit more, thinner..)
[b]Bio:[/b] Roy was born in a military family both of his parents having been in the State military both at Second Liuetenent rank when he was born. Roy grew up believing that the military was the career that would fit hikm the mot enliting at the youngest age that he could. when he reached the age of 17 he was at the rank of a warrant officer and was guarding a laboratory in central when an alchemist he had no knowledge of had pulled him into the facility and threw him near a panther which was laying ontop of an alchemic seal. The alchemist had then attempted to make them into one Roy hearing something about being the first test subject tht the man who grabbed him had before becoming unconscious waking with his body somewhat changed having a thinner tail than what the panther had by a small amount and feeling that he was different managing to return to his normal appearance after a couple hours of trying before going to the military to resign for 'personal' reasons though keeping his uniform claiming that he would re-enlist at a later date when this personal problem would not interfere as much having ince stayed away from the military his attitude having changed as he hid what he was having heard something about mixtures of creatures inside fantasy books and realized that that was what the alchemist hd made him into a 'chimaera'. He has since tried to hide this and live a normal life travelling from town to town and doing various jobs to earn money to keep himself alive.
[b]Personality:[/b] Roy usually prefers to avoid conflict, trying to avoid the State military as much as he can despite having been one of them and still wearing his uniform. While nearby the military Roy usually tries to make excuses to move away and if attacked goes on the run only fighting if surrounded, cornered or angry enough t them for chasing him. While away from other members of the Military Roy is unusually kind to others often helping them if he can, his cat-like form though makes him at times want to 'play' with others often causing slight harm though keeping an innocent fun-loving expression on his face and at times like this may make comments that will cause others to attack him

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