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5 god dragon tools


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3| thunder dragon

3| blue eyes white dragon

2| cyber dragon


2| paladin of white dragon

2| demise ( the ritural 1)


3| luster dragon

3| kounami dragon

1| spirit reaper

1| marshmellon

1| morphing jar

1| breaker the magical warror


3| Advanced Ritual Art

3| dragons mirror

1| premature burial

1| heavy storm

1| mystical space typhoon

1| sords of reaveling light

1| dimension fusion

2| lightning vortex


1| call of the haunted

3| dusk tornado


3| five headed dragon

1| blue eyes ultimate dragon

1| twin headed thunder dragon



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put in masked dragon instead


take out kumori dragon put in spear dragon or somthing


twin headed behemoth would be good


get some trade in here


and take out thunder dragon for darkblaze dragon


this deck needs LOTS of work and where is mega morph


and torrential =S


add in another cyber dragon also

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put in masked dragon instead


take out kumori dragon put in spear dragon or somthing


twin headed behemoth would be good


get some trade in here


and take out thunder dragon for darkblaze dragon


this deck needs LOTS of work and where is mega morph


and torrential =S


add in another cyber dragon also


sorry to be argumentitive but the only dragons tht are gonna go on the field is the dragon fusions n paladin. if i take out kounami dragon then ill have less food for advance ritural art. n tunder dragons are better than darkblaze coz 1 u can discard it to get two from ur DECK so that will thin your deck, then you can use it for lightning vortex. as for paladin i may need to ditch 1, and put in a tourental tribute.

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why dead draw much even more so than anything really


i took it out my dragon deck for a reason


wow sp summon a blue eyes


dosnt anceint rules do the same for less of a cost


and i can see why u want kumori dragon in cos its 4 stars and normal but wy wil your deck with crap


when you can blue eyes demise with advanced ritual art

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i would only use shallow grave if it was for morphing jar, spirit reaper and marshmellon but ill give it a shot. i do like darkblaze dragon but i just dont think it would work. plus i may change the three tornados for good goblin housekepping, so that i can put cards like blue eyes and kounami dragon back to the deck untill i send them to the grave with ritural art

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