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Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker Championship Series 2011

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[spoiler=burnpsy VS The God of Obelisk]
[spoiler=Game 1]
Turn 1: burnpsy
Normal Summons Morphtronic Celfon
Uses its effect -> Rolls 6
Grabs Morphtronic Lantron in Defense
Discards Morphtronic Remoten to activate One for One -> Celfon
Uses Celfon's effect -> Rolls 4
Grabs Morphtronic Radion in Attack
Tunes Lantron with Celfon -> Formula Synchron, draws 1
Sets 1 backrow

Turn 2: The God of Obelisk
Sets a monster

Turn 3: burnpsy
Uses Celfon's effect -> Rolls 3
Grabs Morphtronic Scoopen in Defense
Normal Summons Sangan
Tunes Sangan, Celfon and Scoopen -> Stardust Dragon
Grabs Radion with Sangan
Tunes Stardust Dragon and Formula Synchron -> Shooting Star Dragon
Activates Pot of Avarice, shuffles Formula, Stardust, Sangan and 2 Celfons
Attacks Obelik's face-down with Radion -> Ryko
Negates Ryko's effect with Shooting Star
Attacks directly with Shooting Star (Obelisk: 4700 LP)

Turn 4: The God of Obelisk
Normal Summons Card Trooper
Mills Koa'ki Meiru Doom, Chaos Sphere, Battle Fader
burnpsy activates Compulsory Evacuation Device, bouncing Trooper

Turn 5: burnpsy
Normal Summons Scoopen, uses its effect -> Radion
Obelisk scoops
[spoiler=Game 2]
Turn 1: The God of Obelisk
Normal Summons Witch of the Black Rose
Uses its effect -> Draws into Gallis the Star Beast

Turn 2: burnpsy
Sets 1 monster face-down and 3 backrow

Turn 3: The God of Obelisk
Normal Summons Card Trooper
Uses its effect -> Mills Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Koa'ki Meiru Doom, Tragoedia
Tunes Witch with Trooper -> Black Rose Dragon
burnpsy flips Royal Oppression (burnpsy: 7200 LP)

Turn 4: burnpsy
Flip Summons Morphtronic Remoten
Attack directly with Remoten (The God of Obelisk: 7700 LP)

Turn 5: The God of Obelisk
Sets a monster

Turn 6: burnpsy
Sets 1 card to backrow
Switches Remoten to defense

Turn 7: The God of Obelisk
Normal Summons Debris Dragon
burnpsy negates its effect with Oppression (burnpsy: 6400 LP)

Turn 8: burnpsy

Turn 9: The God of Obelisk
Activates the effect of Gallis from hand -> mills Morphing Jar #2 (burnpsy: 5800 LP)
Bounces Gallis to summon Genex Ally Birdman
burnpsy negates the summon (burnpsy: 5000 LP)

Turn 10: burnpsy
Sets a monster

Turn 11: The God of Obelisk
Sets a monster

Turn 12: burnpsy
Normal Summons Sangan
Tuners Remoten and Sangan -> Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Obelisk negates with Oppression (The God of Obelisk: 6900 LP)
Grabs Radion with Sangan
Sets 1 card to backrow

Turn 13: The God of Obelisk
Tributes Sangan for Sphere of Chaos
Grabs Spirit Reaper with Sangan
Grabs Koa'ki Meiru Doom with Sphere
Activates Gallis from hand -> Mills Sphere of Chaos (burnpsy: 4000 LP)
Bounces Gallis to Special Summon Genex Ally Birdman
burnpsy negates (burnpsy: 3200 LP)
Attacks burnpsy's face-down with Sphere
burnpsy activates Mirror Force
Activates Gallis -> Mills Morphing Jar #2 (burnpsy: 2600 LP)

Turn 14: burnpsy
Normal Summons Radion
Flip Summons Scoopen
Attacks Gallis with Scoopen
Attacks Obelisk's face-down with Radion (Dandylion)
Obelisk Special Summons 2 Tokens from Dandylion

Turn 15: The God of Obelisk
Sets a monster

Turn 15: burnpsy
Normal Summons Morphtronic Boarden
Attacks directly with all his monsters
Obelisk tries to activate Battle Fader, burnpsy negates (burnpsy: 1800 LP) (The God of Obelisk: 2200 LP)

Turn 16: The God of Obelisk
Activates Gallis -> Mills Koa'ki Meiru Doom (burnpsy: 1200 LP)
Flip Summons Morphing Jar #2
burnpsy negates with Solemn Judgment (burnpsy: 600 LP)
Sets a monster

Turn 17: burnpsy
Normal Summons Scoopen
Activates Effect Veiler on Morphtronic Boarden
Attacks Token with Boarden
Attacks Gallis with Scoopen
Activates 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device, bouncing both Obelisk's remaining monsters
Obelisk scoops

burnpsy VS The God of Obelisk

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