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r.i.p ( ur name here) zombie deck


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2| Vampire's Curse

2| Vampire lord

3| Ryu Kokki


3| goblin zombie

3| Pyramid Turtle

2| Soul - Absorbing Bone Tower

1| sangan

3| Zombie Master

1| snipe hunter

1| spirit reaper


2| dark eruption

2| Call of the Mummy

3| Book of Life

1| heavy storm

1| giant trunade

1| mystical space typhoon

1| smashing ground

2| shrink


2| spirit barrier

1| call of the haunted

1| Torrential Tribute

2| Sakuretsu Armor

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ilbulb is gemini so its usless for a turn, as for permi, theirs no need since i have book of lifes. also i do have 3 book of lifes btw. n bone tower is syk when used with goblin zombie and Pyramid Turtle can make ur opponent send 12- 14 cards off the top of their deck. n tonisannoob i forgot aboot regenerating mummey ill try n fit it in, also btw dispair from the dark is rubbish beacuase it needs ur opponent to send it to the grave. well anyways iv won 5 out 7 duels so far ( n 3 wer demise otk) even though i only won against 1 of them. 1 question thought should i ditch saks for dark bribes or tornados? also shrink or creature swap?

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uuuh yhea actually and get rid of the torrential but put in a lightning vortex


plus summon il blud with book of life

then re summon it

then sp summon despair the reason i think that should be put in(just1)


also i really never knew about soul absorbing bone tower


put in 3 card of safe return




wich means you could put in more cards dure to the fact potentially you could draw 4 per turn

also pot of avarice is a must

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card of safe return is stape in this i swear think

"play cosr sommon zombie master summon pyramid turtle from hand draw card summon regen mummy draw card summon another zombie master draw card..repaet till win =D"


here i made a zombie deck based on my pals one


i kno it is a little diss proportioned but it would still work fine liek this


despair from the dark

curse of vampire

vampire lord


ryu kokki x3


pyramid turtle x3

zombie master x3

spirit reaper

regen mummy x3

snipe hunter

soul absorbing bone tower x3

saber beetle



call of the mummy

book of life x3


pot of avarice

card of safe return x3

heavy storm


lightning vortex

different dimension capsule


royal decree

soulum wishes

soulum judgement x3


i really dont kno what else to put into this


royal decree will protect you from things like mirror force WICH WOULD BE SOO BAD FOR THIS DECK

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*Yawn* Same old Zombie deck. Nothing special. All based around Zombie Master.


this is not similar to any other zombie deck. others are good.




to start off, WAY too many tributes, no Il Blud, no Card of safe Return, youre running Bone Tower, which is good for your opponent, Call of the mummy is bad, spirit barrier and giant trunade are not needed at all, only 2 Goblin Zombies are necessary.

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