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"A Chronicle of YCM" Discussion


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Hey everyone,


Tkill93 gave me the idea to make a seperate thread were members can discuss my chronicle to keep the thread it is posted in clean, as it will soon enough become massive.


To read the chronicle, click here.


I’d appreciate if you told me what you think, and hope you learned something you didn’t already know. If you notice any grammatical mishaps, please let me know so I can fix them (you will be rewarded with a positive reputation point if you are correct). While I plan to go into detail of the early days of YCM, notable sagas, forum wars (of course), and even some notable members and events, I would still appreciate suggestions on chapters to write, so if you have any requests for a certain part of history you would like to learn more about, send me a personal message or reply to this thread. Also, if any one who is involved with a newspaper of YCM is willing to advertise this thread for me, please contact me so we can arrange something.


Thank you for your attention, Frunk.

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Despite being synonymous with my name in the early days of YCM' date=' his name is now a relic, and little known to some. “Danilus”’ contributions to YCM would be phenomenal, and member[b']s[/b] of the current YCM should thank him for the entire modern Yu-Gi-Oh section. It was he who originally suggested the addition of the forum's “Fan-Fic”, “Your Deck” and “Yugioh TCG”, and later on the current YCM, he was to be the mastermind behind Card Trade as well.

I noticed a couple errors which I bolded in the above snippet.


I found this very enlightening. I didn't know that the forum had existed that long, and it's a wonder it survived to become so popular (no doubt thanks to you and other's posts). This also explained a lot about Danilus, and now I know why he is so respected by you and other older members. I can't wait to read the next installment ^_^

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Not being here before mid. January, had not known anything about YCM before that date, and I had absolutely no idea that there was a YCM before the current YCM at all.


I acknowledge the first and the few members who had joined YCM in the beginning, as I have frequently looked through the member list to see who they were and what they did for/to YCM.


I have, dissapointingly, found nothing of the sort from any of the first few members other than you [Frunk] , Falling Pizza, and Danilus. The other few first members who had posted, even a bit, have faded away from YCM history and are very, very, little known.


I thank you Frunk, for enlightening me on the very early history of YCM and the other/old forum that I did not know existed.

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Well, I posted the only mistakes I saw on the actual Chronicle thread, so just read that post :P


Shouldn't you lock the Chronicle thread so people post here rather than there? Just a thought.

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