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Yu-Gi-Oh! OCCG Strategy and Gameplay

Cody Frost

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Created Card Game [Yu-Gi-Oh! OCCG]


Okay! This thread is exactly what it sounds like: A Strategy Thread. In here, we will discuss combos, rulings, etc. That deal with the Created Cards currently submitted! We will also look into more detail why certain cards should be banned/removed from the YVD if they prove to be TOO good for their own good.


RULES: All the rules from the main thread and YCMaker apply! You have been warned...










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I don't know about what they "should" have, but I've spotted three great generic techs that can be sided in pretty easily.


The first one is this:

|Overheat|0|SET0|Trap Card|Trap||None|||Activate only when your opponent Summons a monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK. Destroy the Summoned monster(s). If 2 or more monsters sharing the same Type or Attribute are destroyed by this effect, your opponent draws 1 card.|


All in all, this is a similar version to Bottomless Trap Hole without the banish effect AND can give the opponent a +1 in hand advantage. Although it isn't a necessity, I can see this card being sided or teched at 1-2 much like the real Bottomless.


The second one is this:

|Grudge Reborn|0|SET0|Trap Card|Trap||None|||Activate only when a monster you control is destroyed by battle. Activate 1 of the following effects: •Send the monster that destroyed it to the Graveyard. •Special Summon the destroyed monster from the Graveyard.|


A much better/flexible version of Miracle's Wake. I tech this card at least at 1 because of it's flexibility with almost any deck. It can easily restore your defenses or get rid of an opponent's overwhelming beaters. Still, I don't think I'll run anything more than 1 of these guys, especially if we start seeing more "Jinzo" like monsters.


The last one is this:

|Flint Arrows|0|SET0|Trap Card|Trap||None|||Reduce the ATK of an attacking monster by 900. During this turn, if that monster is destroyed as a result of battle, draw 1 card.|


Powerful, effective, can be chained in the damage step, AND gives you a free draw? This card can be compared to Forbidden Lance pretty easily with more benefits. A nice tech that makes your opponent's monsters weaker or as weak as yours? YES! The way this card can be played is just amazing, and that extra draw is sure to be welcomed most of the time.


So among the set, these are some noteworthy traps if I do say so myself.

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Guest ♥ D.A._Fortune Lady ♥

I don't know about what they "should" have, but I've spotted three great generic techs that can be sided in pretty easily.


The first one is this:

|Overheat|0|SET0|Trap Card|Trap||None|||Activate only when your opponent Summons a monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK. Destroy the Summoned monster(s). If 2 or more monsters sharing the same Type or Attribute are destroyed by this effect, your opponent draws 1 card.|


All in all, this is a similar version to Bottomless Trap Hole without the banish effect AND can give the opponent a +1 in hand advantage. Although it isn't a necessity, I can see this card being sided or teched at 1-2 much like the real Bottomless.


The second one is this:

|Grudge Reborn|0|SET0|Trap Card|Trap||None|||Activate only when a monster you control is destroyed by battle. Activate 1 of the following effects: •Send the monster that destroyed it to the Graveyard. •Special Summon the destroyed monster from the Graveyard.|


A much better/flexible version of Miracle's Wake. I tech this card at least at 1 because of it's flexibility with almost any deck. It can easily restore your defenses or get rid of an opponent's overwhelming beaters. Still, I don't think I'll run anything more than 1 of these guys, especially if we start seeing more "Jinzo" like monsters.


The last one is this:

|Flint Arrows|0|SET0|Trap Card|Trap||None|||Reduce the ATK of an attacking monster by 900. During this turn, if that monster is destroyed as a result of battle, draw 1 card.|


Powerful, effective, can be chained in the damage step, AND gives you a free draw? This card can be compared to Forbidden Lance pretty easily with more benefits. A nice tech that makes your opponent's monsters weaker or as weak as yours? YES! The way this card can be played is just amazing, and that extra draw is sure to be welcomed most of the time.


So among the set, these are some noteworthy traps if I do say so myself.


Hmm....about Overheat, if say a 1500+ATK monster and a 1499-ATK monster is summoned at the same time, will both be destroyed or just the 1500+ATK monster.


Grudge is going to take a hit from Wrath for sure, the second effect anyways.


Flint arrows. Yes definitely a little fun tech card to have.

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<_< So there's still the aggression towards a Banned/Limited/Semi-limited list floating in the air...oh wells.


Hmm, I just found a nice little Thunder Summon SWARM tech and all you need are these two cards:


|Thunder DUCKER|0|SET0|Thunder/Effect|Wind|4||1800|1400|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. When this card is Special Summoned by a card effect, Special Summon 1 Thunder-Type monster from your Deck except "Thunder DUCKER". If this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a Thunder-Type Synchro Monster, add this card to the bottom of your Deck.|



|Lightning Demon|0|SET0|Thunder/Tuner/Effect|Dark|4||1850|1400|When this card is Summoned, send your entire hand to the Graveyard. Once per turn, if you don't have more cards in your hand than your opponent, you can Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower non-Tuner monster from your Graveyard.|


Basically, You normal Summon Lightning Demon while Thunder DUCKER is in your hand, then use its effect to Special Summon Thunder DUCKER, and use it's effect to combo into pretty much anything. You can use DUCKER to Special:


|Deeplight|0|SET0|Thunder/Effect|Water|6||1800|400|When this card is Summoned, increase its ATK by 200 for each card you control. When this card attacks, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field.|

You automatically control 3 cards when he hits the field, making him a good 2400 better than can destroy Spell/Traps which can be nice. Or you can go for this:


|Electromagnetic Puppet|0|SET0|Thunder/Tuner/Effect|WATER|1||0|0|When a monster is Normal or Special Summoned destroy this monster and flip the Summoned monster face-down.|


and Synch for this:


|Lightning Drake|0|SET0|Thunder/Synchro/Effect|LIGHT|5||1800|1800|1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters - When this card is Synchro Summoned, draw 1 card. During either Player's turn, you can tribute this card and select 1 monster on the field. Its effect is negated and its ATK is reduced to 0.|


Good for draw and can potentially save your Lightning Demon for another reuse next turn. The only bad part is that Thunder DUCKER gets reshuffled back to your deck. But then again...you don't HAVE to Synchro a Thunder-Type Synchro <u< meaning he can get abused quite easily...


HOLY S***!!!!! You can even use Thunder DUCKER to spam another Lightning Demon! O_O I'm seeing INFERNITIES!!!




2 DUCKERS in hand + Lightning Demon + 2 other cards. Draw first turn. Set 2 cards, summon Demon. Pitch DUCKERs and other card to grave, use effect, special first DUCKER. DUCKER spams 2nd Lightning Demon. Lightning Demon SPAMS second DUCKER. DUCKER Spams Deeplight. Deeplight is 3000+?

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Guest ♥ D.A._Fortune Lady ♥

It would be more preferable if they were from SET0, mainly because those cards are already there and there's still no guarantee that all the cards that were submitted will be accepted.


hmm...........okay :\

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Guest Cursed Reaction

Does anyone have a setlist for SET0? My YVD's still crazy so I can't contribute to this without knowing the cards. Besides, the wiki's dead at the moment.

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Good generic cards:

Black Cross

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Activate only while you control an Attack Position monster. Destroy all Attack Position monsters on the field. All Battle Damage becomes 0 until your next Standby Phase.

Nice field nuker that gives you a turn's breathing room.


Wondrous Orb

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Destroy 1 monster you control. During your next Standby Phase, draw 2 cards. You cannot declare an attack the turn you activate this card and when you draw by this card's effect.

Best generic draw in the game, IMO. Combos great, is chainable, (should probably be banned).


Spell Syphon

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

The effects of all Spell Cards are negated, until the End Phase.

Trap Stun for spells. The destruction in Wondrous is a cost, so this is the best counter to it.



Auros, Steed of Salvation

Attrib: Light

Type: Machine/Fusion/Effect


Atk: 3000

Def: 3000

1 Spell Card + 1 Trap Card + 1 Normal Monster + 3 Monsters with different attributes. - You can Fusion Summon this card by removing from play its materials in the Graveyard. If you have more cards in your hand and field combined than your opponent, return this card to your Extra Deck. Once per turn, you can add one of the cards used as this card's Fusion Material to your hand. When this card would be removed from the field, you can remove from play all other cards you control instead. All Battle Damage is halved.

Not all Decks can run this, but if you can, you really should. It's amazing and can pull off awesome comebacks. It's also a g'damn rainbow robot unicorn that shoots lazers. How can you not want to run that?


There are loads of others too. Set0 had great generics.

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I agree with you on Black Cross. Flame Barrier monsters can get a kick out of it pretty nicely since they <3 to be destroyed anyway, giving you a few +reps for killing them.


Wonderous orb can't be used as well with the Flame Barriers since they'll miss their timing (therefore no damage, no effect, etc) but they can still use it as well as any other deck. It's pretty balanced IMO, mainly because it gives the opponent some time to retaliate.


Spell Syphon's not really towards my taste. A Trap Stun for spells can be good...but idk. It's just...different. For me it looks like it's best left as a side for those Spell Heavy decks.


Steed is good, mainly as a beater. I can see it's card addition/recycle effect having potential and it's protection from Sacrifice and Black Cross is quite nice. The only problem I would see with this card...is if it returned to the Extra Deck by its own effect. That could be a problem. I see alot of potential for it as the SETs increase.

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Okay, here is one common combo I've been toying around with:


Thunderities (Thunder-Type Infernities)


Hand: 1 Thunder DUCKER + 1 Lightning Demon + 3 random cards (lets say 2 are Spell/Traps)

Turn 1:

Set 2 face-downs.

Normal Lightning -effect- Send 3 cards from hand to Grave.

Lightning's second effect (since your opponent has all cards in his/her hand) - Special DUCKER.

DUCKER's effect - Special second Lightnight Demon.

Synchro DUCKER and Lightning for level 8 non-Thunder-Type monster (in this case, Burning Flare Dragon).

Use second Lightning's effect - Special DUCKER from grave.

Use DUCKER's effect - Special third Lightning from Deck.

Synch for a second Burning Flare Dragon.

Use third lightning's effect - Special DUCKER again.

Use DUCKER's effect, this time for Electromagnetic Puppet

Synch Puppet and DUCKER for Lightning Drake.

DUCKER returns to deck.

Draw 1.


End result: 2 Burning Flare Dragons, 1 Lightning Drake, 1 Lightning Demon, 2 face-downs, 1 card in hand, Grave with 2 Lightning Demons, Electromagnetic Puppet.




All you need is just 1 DUCKER and 1 Demon. If you top 2 DUCKERs...you can do an even better combo.

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Guest ♥ D.A._Fortune Lady ♥

Okay, here is one common combo I've been toying around with:


Thunderities (Thunder-Type Infernities)


Hand: 1 Thunder DUCKER + 1 Lightning Demon + 3 random cards (lets say 2 are Spell/Traps)

Turn 1:

Set 2 face-downs.

Normal Lightning -effect- Send 3 cards from hand to Grave.

Lightning's second effect (since your opponent has all cards in his/her hand) - Special DUCKER.

DUCKER's effect - Special second Lightnight Demon.

Synchro DUCKER and Lightning for level 8 non-Thunder-Type monster (in this case, Burning Flare Dragon).

Use second Lightning's effect - Special DUCKER from grave.

Use DUCKER's effect - Special third Lightning from Deck.

Synch for a second Burning Flare Dragon.

Use third lightning's effect - Special DUCKER again.

Use DUCKER's effect, this time for Electromagnetic Puppet

Synch Puppet and DUCKER for Lightning Drake.

DUCKER returns to deck.

Draw 1.


End result: 2 Burning Flare Dragons, 1 Lightning Drake, 1 Lightning Demon, 2 face-downs, 1 card in hand, Grave with 2 Lightning Demons, Electromagnetic Puppet.




All you need is just 1 DUCKER and 1 Demon. If you top 2 DUCKERs...you can do an even better combo.


yeah.....................they are good..............


I'm going to make a Deck around them.

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Guest Cursed Reaction

Me and Klavier are working on some balancing. Black Cross, just so you know, might be restricted if we ever reach a Synchro-heavy format. I'll tell him about the Thunder combo. See what he says.

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