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Banishark and Inca Support


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Atmosphere Dolphin
Level 3
ATK/1700 DEF/400

Once per turn, you can Banish this face-up card and 1 Fish-Type, Sea Serpent-Type, or Aqua-Type monster from your Deck. During the Standby Phase of your next turn, return this card to your side of the field and Special Summon that monster from your Banished Zone.

Memento of the Sky Ocean
Normal Spell Card

Return any number of Fish-Type, Sea Serpent-Type and Aqua-Type monsters that are Banished to your Deck. Draw cards equal to the number of monsters returned to the Deck this way.

Quetzalcoatl's Servant
Level 5
ATK/2400 DEF/0

You can destroy 1 Synchro Monster you control to Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. If you do, Special Summon 1 Tuner Monster from your Deck.
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Am I weird thinking these are overpowered, or am I a grumpy old git who's been here too long? :huh:

It's fairly easy to banish that fish during your second main phase and end your turn immediately, thus summoning back two monsters and drawing two cards. It's not difficult to keep the fish around as it's a beatstick, and it also falls safely under 'Aegis of Ocean Dragon Lord'.

No, this is definately an overpowered combo.

With Quezacolt, I guess the idea is to destroy Inti then summon Supay. This I find good and balanced, since you have to advance summon it (remove Fire Ant from graveyard to summon Weeping Idol for tribute?). I like that card.

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Memento should be a Normal Spell Card to avoid abuse, but Banisharks do need a bit of swarm (and it is a slow swarm, so Atmosphere Dolphin is good without being too broken).

I realized Incas needed a 1-turn Sun-Moon loop, so Quetzalcoatl seemed to be very good for them.

Thanks for responding :D

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Memento, IMO, needs another drawback.
Why? Because it can [i]easily[/i] become a +4(and greater)

You could maybe re-word it where you return all your Banished fish to your deck and draw 1 for each, as it would still net you a lot of advantage, but then keep you from getting another massive draw until you "re-stocked" them.
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Dolphin doesn't match the other WIND Banisharks - they return in your next standby phase, the point being they're out of harm's way during your opponent's turn and then come back for yours. Also it should be level 3 or lower, 4 or lower at most, otherwise it makes summoning huge monsters way too easy. Other than that it's quite nice.

Memento can be very powerful once a lot of cards have been removed. Maybe make it draw 2 if you have x or more banished monsters. That way you still have a nice +1 that's not usable in other decks, but won't be able to get +10's off it.

Servant looks nice to speed up the loop setup.
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