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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Ancient Prophecy (Not Accepting/Started)

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Username: The Dark Prince
Name: Zero
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Hair color: black
Skin color: brown
Eye color: red
Frame: Long Hair , Evil red eyes
Clothes: A Black Hood and black pants
Other: (anything else that does not fall in the previous categories)
Personality: He is evil. He has no soul or emotion. He only want to destroy. (minimum 3 lines)
Duel Disk design: He duel disk is a basic Duel disk with the color black and red(Want a specific DD design? Describe it here)
Duel Spirit(s): [img]http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/9925/47478.jpg[/img](any card(s) that represents and speaks to you)
Deck Name: Zone Deck(The name of your main deck and if possible, deck type. Do not list all the cards please just the name)
Bio: Zeno is an evil duelist. He has no compassion for the people that he destroy and duel. His age is unknown but he seem to be around 900 years.

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People (2 protags, 1 antag) are talking to each other in Yuzaki's school, Yuzaki and one of the 'Chosen Ones' are dueling outside the school, both of lugia's characters are(were?) dueling, and Escher is watching the duel between Yuzaki and one of the 'Chosen Ones'.

Also, Amathoz reprimanded the immortal servant antagonist for having other loyalties, and ranma's antagonist doesn't trust mine.

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my characters are dueling on the rooftop of the Konami Inc. sckyscraper, Kai's place of work. This is the first step in Kai's journey into darkness.

EDIT: or, they were. Now Chris is walking away, having feigned his death in front of Kai. He's going to ensure the media keep this quiet, though.

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[quote name='The Dark Prince' timestamp='1311008928' post='5366316']
Username: The Dark Prince
Name: Zero
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Hair color: black
Skin color: brown
Eye color: red
Frame: Long Hair , Evil red eyes
Clothes: A Black Hood and black pants
Other: (anything else that does not fall in the previous categories)
Personality: He is evil. He has no soul or emotion. He only want to destroy. (minimum 3 lines)
Duel Disk design: He duel disk is a basic Duel disk with the color black and red(Want a specific DD design? Describe it here)
Duel Spirit(s): [img]http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/9925/47478.jpg[/img](any card(s) that represents and speaks to you)
Deck Name: Zone Deck(The name of your main deck and if possible, deck type. Do not list all the cards please just the name)
Bio: Zeno is an evil duelist. He has no compassion for the people that he destroy and duel. His age is unknown but he seem to be around 900 years.
I'm sorry but the bio was too short and I'm not going to accept any more characters, sorry.

[quote name='Dark Hero Flashman' timestamp='1311051576' post='5368200']
Ok, can someone give me an update on what happened? There are an aweful lot of posts and I cant focus clearly to read them all
Well right now for your character, Yuzaki and Suzume are at the school hallway just in front of their classroom and Yuzaki is on the floor because he had a flashback of his time as pharaoh and this took a lot of energy from him.

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Wait, wait, wait. Who are the multiple people outside the school? The only antagonist I know that is waiting outside the school is Escher, and even if another antagonist were there, Escher didn't notice or talk to him. The only other person/people I know of outside the school at the moment is the Duel Spirit Dark Valkyria.

In other words, what's going on?

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[quote name='Alex_S.' timestamp='1311118198' post='5370300']
Wait, wait, wait. Who are the multiple people outside the school? The only antagonist I know that is waiting outside the school is Escher, and even if another antagonist were there, Escher didn't notice or talk to him. The only other person/people I know of outside the school at the moment is the Duel Spirit Dark Valkyria.

In other words, what's going on?

I did see Drew outside and he supposedly talked to Escher. :/

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I didn't see that. I kind of skimmed though that post and didn't notice that Drew was in the post also. Maybe some whitespace between characters would have helped?

Yuzaki's school has armed guards, huh? That'll make Escher's entry method require a little... adjustment.

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