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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Ancient Prophecy (Not Accepting/Started)

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Sorry about this, but I'll be gone and unable to post between August 6 and August 13, due to being on a week-long camping trip. I wish I were able to keep in the story, but as it sounds like this is coming to its end, I don't know if I'll be back in time to actually do anything before this ends.

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I'm really hoping for a sequel now - I'm actually making cards in preparation for it - "Next-Gen Digihumans", or "NXT Digihumans" for short.

Anyway, how long until the in-game night settles? We've implied it's sunset already (or at elast I have) and Kai's asleep now. I was wondering if;/when Amathoz would say whatever he's got to say with the meeting or if something else is meant t happen.

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Well the nigt is coming soon; it is sunset currently. Amathoz will say something but I'm still waiting for response because he is currently just sitting there waiting for everyone else. Track and Don are currently going to duel underneath the building and Yuzaki is then going to go to the mall for something, not sure what, then I'm going to have him assaulted and shot most likely... Yeah... Who knows what'll happen. Still figuring out the details; I know I'm planning on having Track, Suzume, Don and maybe, Lucas if I bring him back since he is an important character, maybe I'll have to take him too since Darkflashman doesn't answer my messages so basically unless he has a REALLY good excuse he's out because of the 3 day rule. (17 days actually.)

OT: Yeah I'm also liking the idea of a sequel right now. It seems cool, I wonder if some of the originals can be there though. Heck, I was thinking of animating the whole RP in some sense making a new anime... But that is seriously a lot of work. Now that I think of it this RP is literally very similar to any of the YGO seasons in the sense that it is unknown where they are. In the words of LK "Welcome to America... Or Japan, it's pretty vague."

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[quote name='Kazekage dragon' timestamp='1312579500' post='5417563']
Now that I think of it this RP is literally very similar to any of the YGO seasons in the sense that it is unknown where they are. In the words of LK "Welcome to America... Or Japan, it's pretty vague."

I've never really understood the location either and was afraid of getting ti wrong, so I try not to say which country or town we're in. And evidenly since it's sunset, Kai is having an early night. Doesn't bother him much he has work to do.

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Since I don't want preferences or anything I think it's better to leave it as a completely new place. Trying to think of a name for it though... Well I guess I'm stuck waiting until someone speaks to Yuzaki and/or Amathoz. But on a side note, I'm really liking how the RP is going along it seems pretty cool. What are everyone's, or anyone's for that matter, thoughts on this?

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I think it's going brilliantly. I've not had such an enjoyable RP experience since Return of the Earthbound immortals. Even my own ones didn't go that well (then again not many people like the Doma Orichalcos arc so making Orichalcos RPs is not as easy as one would think). Well, I Guess I should let Seth speak up.

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Thanks! Well unfortunately since some have dropped out it has not been as good as can be but at least it's been good. And it has been longer than I imagined actually; I was worried since this is my first RP but up until now its been good. :D Thanks to everyone who are making this possible! Well I replied as Amathoz and finally have a reason for the bracelet other than the memory of his mom. If it wasn't for that part that Seth said I would be stumped as how to increase the bracelet's connection with the plot, so thanks! :)

(OT: Seal of Orichalcos huh? Cool if you ever make a new RP let me know! :) And also still OT; the IC Thread and OOC Thread have exactly the same number of pages! Yeah... Random observation.)

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the best part is you don't act or write like it's your first. To most, people in their first RPs act like beginners, but you act like a professional . I have to remind myself this is your first one. And you're welcome BTW.

Also, comic relief moments FTW! The Bandit is reliable, but sometimes very stupid. Considering the D-Digihumans are as dangerous as Jewel Seeds from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Clow Cards from Cardcaptor Sakura, it really is dumb to throw them out a window, even if you are trying to stop Kai from using them again. Now anyone nearby could pick them up and possibly succumb to the darkness...though I suppose I've opened a window for Yuzaki to find out his power of darkness banishing. Of course, if the cards had their darkness removed, they'd turn blank, since the orignal versions are spearate cards.

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Thanks again! (I write as best as I can because that's basically my personality, and also the fact that my English teacher is very strict with how to write any form of text -_- But it has become routine for me now; at least everything looks good! :D)

Yeah, that could be the perfect opportunity for Yuzaki to start banishing darkness. Though mindcrushing a card will seem kind of awkward. Also, comic relief! Yeah that part was really funny when I read it, comic relief is going to be necessary in some parts since this RP is mostly dark. I think that with Track we have one more BIG comic relief and sometimes Yuzaki throws his occasional funny moment; these are little hints are how he used to be until everything started to happen and the propehcy unfolded. It's like mixing Gx-4+5Ds+DM(Because of Egypt)

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Okay all is well! :) Thanks to Ranma too!
Well I made the cards dissolve since they were never officially printed and thus materialized from darkness itself. I could change it to white faces if you want to though. Just in case, I'm going to have a servant of Amathoz, no name just an extra, attempt to murder Yuzaki while he's in the mall so I hope all of Amathoz's followers don't try to make an appearance in the mall. Even though Amathoz said that, I wanted to clear that up so you guys could understand what I'm planning. The servant will then be killed on display for all other followers to witness Amathoz's power and short-temper... It could also have an impact on Seth since that would have been what could have happened to him if Yuzaki had not sent the message to Amathoz of letting Seth live.

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Nah, it's fine. I just thought they should (*the pictures) become blank (therefore symbolising the monsters are no longer there or playable) because that way you'd still see the name of the maker, giving a lead to link Yuzaki and Kai.

Also, since it's sunset, the museum will most likely be closed/closing, however Seth is intending on gathering a few security guards' souls before looking at some ancient history...and maybe taking a piece of it.

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It could be a good clue. Hey maybe Tutankhamen the Exhibition is in town currently! You just gave me that idea considering the exhibition really was where I live a year ago... Creepy coincidence 0_o Well Yuzaki did see the cards so he might have noticed the name on them. I'll make an inference later in my other post :)

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Actually I kind of mix this with every season of YGO plus the PoL Movie. Yeah it seems weird but cool! But unfortunately I am going to have to include a giant rock. Maybe I'll mix things up a little... Destroy the museum!!! Make it explode!!! XD But seriously, I've really been able to see a lot of similarities with almost every season except ZeXal but hey, when are you going to make a YGO RP and not see similarities to the actual anime. :)

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^_^ Giant Rocks, too? Well, guess it IS important...at least there won't be an Ishizu equivalent. If we needed ZeXal similarities, I think we'd have to consider the whole "soul-stealing-causes-ageing" thing. It's weird how there are 3 things that happen to characters that lose their souls;
* If taken by a millenium item and sealed, the person becomes a shell/slave
*If taken by a magic force like the orichalcos, the person falls unconscious
*If taken by Kaito's photon hand, they age and presumably die once the soul is destroyed to retreive the Numbers.

Anyway... The city would be in a lot of turmoil if the museum was destroyed. That would probably happen a few days later, I doubt Seth would destroy his past.
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Yeah I'm kidding about that part, I don't think I'm going to blow up the museum not even Amathoz would want that. Yeah I'm not putting an Ishizu since it wouldn't even make sense to the plot. For people who lose their souls here I'm just going to leave them dead since that is the natural thing that would most likely happen. Actually in ZeXal they seem to be hollow shells as well :) Maybe I'll insert an alien ghost... No, I'll just leave it like this and let's see how everything works out. I'm waiting for Time Psyduck so I can reply to both at the same time. Well... What else do we have that is similar to other seasons or maybe other stuff in general?

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I wasn't paying too much attention to Zexal soul stealing after the ageing bit. To be honest I have no idea what other stuff from other seasons we have...Well, the hatred+immortality Seth used to have is a bit Dartz-y, I guess. Also, the timespan we've been using confuses me slightly - in the anime, IRL the ancient egypt bits were 5000 years ago, Tut lived about 3000 years ago, and yet somehow our characters are 10,000 years old, which in the anime was the time of Atlantis - "before the sands of egypt were even born" (an exaggeration but it's a good point). Theoretically that makes a problem with Seth's age, since he should be only about 3330 or something years ago.

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Well I have been keeping my characters by saying millennia but not specifying how much had actually passed. I did put an exact date for the bracelet since that is the time frame scientists believe the Young Lady, Tutankhamen's mother, was alive. So I'm literally trying to refrain from saying exactly how much time has actually passed. There is also a connection between Atlantians and Egypt so that could help a bit for the time frame. I guess for similarities could be the dark mood like in Gx4 and 5Ds. Yuzaki has a little change in attitude which is very Judai and obviously being the reincarnation of an Egyptian pharaoh does not have to be pointed out. Amathoz cannot be compared to almost anyone though... And the others are really different from any normal character. Nice conversation comparing the RP to the anime ;) Do you have anny suggestions for anything in the future? (I mean later on in the current RP not a potential sequel :D)

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