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Being hipster is too mainstream, I'm too hipster to be hipster, so here's a Salvador Dali painting:
[spoiler=Don't believe me?][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__t9IZFbFFcY/SMFDN_aZVtI/AAAAAAAAABM/3cQBO8cwzQE/s400/06.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Anyways, discuss hipsters.
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[quote name='~N~' timestamp='1310095871' post='5337138']
No they hate aeithiests to, because being an aeithies is so mainstream [/joke]

i actually thought u meant it. XD

well, i don't see what's so bad with hipsters compared to hippies, so long as you don't get in their way...
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[quote name='I-dreezyAFG' timestamp='1310087544' post='5336856']
O.O like how? never heard of the term "hipster". =/

There is no such thing in my opinion. The contemporary sub-culture known as 'Hipster' or 'Indie' as it is known in England is a group of people that believe themselves to not be 'mainstream' and to be 'individuals' hence the name 'Indie'. Of course this is ludicrous as being a Hipster is a mainstream social group that follows a certain code of fashion and behaviour. This being the case the said person is not an individual in that respect.

[quote name='Yasu' timestamp='1310097038' post='5337171']
I remember when I was like that, 5 years ago...

Now here's a photo of a girl doing a French inhale. B)

Ugh, smokers are disgusting. Please take the photo off if you would.

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