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Transformers Requiem (PG15/Accepting/Not Started)

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[spoiler='The Plot']Earth, the third planet orbiting it's sun, exists in the Milky Way. Cybertron, a planet made from and inhabited by machines, exists in a faraway galaxy; this world, is locked in a planet wide civil war.

In the beginning, Cybertron was ruled by the Primes, a brotherhood of great power and wisdom. They knew that the Allspark, the artifact that gave them life, would run out of power, so they left Cybertron in order to destroy suns and harvest their energy; they had only one rule, and that was to preserve life, and destroy suns without inhabited worlds orbiting them. However, Megatronus Prime believed that even these suns should be harvested, and that the power of the allspark was his, and his alone!

He betrayed his brothers, and atempted to steal the Matrix of Leadership, but the other Primes hid the Matrix, leaving Megatronus, now known as the Fallen, without the power to harvest suns. Going into hiding, no more civil conflict occured for thousands of years, until a descendant of the Fallen, named Megatron, formed the Decepticons and began a civil war; aproximatley one thousand years ago, a ship containing ten protoforms arrived on Cybertron's moon.

The cargo was the only hope the Autobots had for surviving the war, but the ship was ambushed by Decepticons, seeking to use the protoforms agaisnt the Autobots! Just before they all donned the Decepticon insignia, a strange protoform appeared, offering them freedom in exchange for loyalty to the Autobot cause. While these events took place, Megatron succeeded in rendering Cybertron uninhabitable, seemingly ending the war with Decepticon victory.

The Allspark, Megatron's prize, was launched into space by the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. Megatron pursued the cube until it landed on Earth, setting of a chain of events that would transform Earth into a battlefield, though this time, the Autobots defeated the Decepticons with the help of the human Sam Witwicky.

However, on the worlds Gigantion and Velocitron...

The war begins anew... [/spoiler]
[spoiler='The Rules']No Godmoding!
No Power Playing!
No Metagaming!
No Shortposting!
You don't need to prove you read these rules, though we expect you to read them regardless, we'll know if you don't![/spoiler]
[spoiler='The Form'][u]General Info[/u]
Username (Obvious I'd hope):
Age: (1000-2000)
Personality (2+ lines):
Biography (3+ lines):
Planet of Origin:

Robot from description:
Size of Robot Form:
Vehicle Form description:

Weapon 1:
Weapon 2:
Defensive Armoury:
[spoiler='Accepted Forms']Autobots (3)
Kakkon_Wolf - Fusion and Stormbreak
trinitySOUL- Speed

Decepticons (7)
Trimage - Sigma Wing and Lock-On
Kakkon_Wolf - Raze
ANBU - Viator and Vindex
Decepticon Shockwave - Impact
Black-Out - Supersonic[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Ban List'][/spoiler]
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General Info
Username: Elemental Dragon
Name: Metroplex (Prime)
Age: Slightly older than Optimus.
Gender: Male
Personality: Metroplex is a calm, intelligent being, despite his massive size. He thinks everything through beforehand hand decides what would be the best course of action. Metroplex is a wise leader and never loses hope. He has a strong bond with his friends such as Quickmix. Also, Metroplex tends only to speak when necessary, usually he is quiet and thinking.
If a job needs to be done, Metroplex will do it at his best and he will take any risk for the right cause.
Biography: Metroplex was given life to on Cybertron, a couple of years before Optimus and Megatron. Back then he was Cybertrons finest warrior, fighting on the frontlines and the general of the army. He had the rank of 'prime' due to his ancestry, so no one argued or they didn't dare. Metroplex was said to be the greatest general in history, but that was simply opinion. When the war broke out, he, Quickmix and Menasor left Cybertron and went to gigantion. Groups of decepticons scoured the place but the three arrivals found a source of power, the 'gigantion allspark' which gave them enhanced strength and extreme size. They then took back the planet of gigantion and began rebuilding it, after the decepticons had destroyed it.
The planet was attacked many times, and the gigantions along with their mini-cons stood firm on their new planet.
Metroplex still stayed in the war, but when Cybertron was ruined, he was at Gigantion, so was not present. He stayed at home, his new home, with his new people, not knowing some autobots survived on earth. Then, he received a signal from Earth. The message was from Optimus Prime himself. So Metroplex sent his mini-con; Drill Bit to Earth to find Optimus and tell him that the Gigantions were still out in space, and a somewhat more urgent message that Decepticons were invading Gigantion, aiming to find their Gigantion Allpsark.
Extra: Despite being abnormally strong and huge, Metroplex is not left without weakness. He is open to attacks and can't defend himself from that many attacks. He is fast for his sizew, but is still pretty slow.
Alignment: Autobot of Gigantion
Planet of Origin: Cybertron

Robot from description:
Size of Robot Form:
Vehicle Form description:

Weapon 1: An axe like weapon with a saw blade head. It can be thrown like a boomerang and the saw can split to reveal a laser and create a more traditional axe head.
Weapon 2: N/A
Defensive Armoury: His size gives him most of the defense he needs.

[spoiler= Jazz]
General Info
Username: Elemental Dragon
Name: Jazz
Age: 12000
Gender: Male
Personality: Jazz is a cool and collected autobot who is calm and intelligent. One of the more 'fun' autobots, he finds himself being quite popular, as he contrasts the serious manner of his collegues such as Ironhide. He absorbs information like a sponge, able to use it to find stragetic weaknesses quickly and effectively. Everything Jazz does is done to his best and he puts his spark into it. When Jazz sets his mind to something, nothing will stop him, no matter how big a task, or hos powerful his foes.
Jazz is said to talk a lot, and make many jokes, which makes him one of the more fun-loving autobots. He has fun in everything he does, even if he can seem serious when the time comes. Even being the smallest autobot around (not including mini-bots), he is no coward and would do anything to save or help his friends.
Alignment: Autobot
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Earth Secondary Commanding Autobot
Motto: "Do it with style or don't bother doing it."

[spoiler= Robot and Vehicle Forms]
Size of Robot Form: 15ft 7in

Weapon 1: Plasma Cannon
Weapon 2: Energon Nunchucks
Defensive Armoury: Shield connected to his Plasma Cannon
Extra: Strong Electro-Magnet in his right arm.

[spoiler= Jolta]

General Info
Username: Elemental Dragon
Name: Jolta
Age: 2600
Gender: Female
Personality (2+ lines):
Biography (3+ lines):
Alignment: Autobots of Velocitron
Planet of Origin: Velocitron
Motto: "I'll give you a shock!"

Robot from description: Jolta is coloured golden yellow and electric blue, and has a lightning bolt through her autobot symbol on her chest. In many ways she looks like Jazz, with a sleek agile look. She has a vizor like Jazz too.
Size of Robot Form: 16 ft
Vehicle Form description: Jolta transforms into a futuristic sports car, like most inhabitants on Velocitron. She's small with a spoiler on the back, armed with generators which can fire electrical pulses. The colour scheme is yellow and electric blue.

Weapon 1: Electrical Generators on both arms which can be used in a variety of different blasts of electricity.
Weapon 2: Twin Energy Swords charged with a strong electrical pulse.
Defensive Armoury: Energy Shield
Extra: Electro magnet in left arm.

I'll fill in these blank apps after eating :P
I fportgot to say... maybe we should put 'Rank' in General Info....

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[quote name='Decepticon Shockwave' timestamp='1310066039' post='5335715']
1. Personally, I'd prefer it if people created their own transformers, instead of reserving existing ones...
2. No, though this could change...
I'm making two existing ones, but I'll be making a brand new one soon enough ;)

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General Info
Username: Kakkon_Wolf
Name: Fusion
Age: 1666
Gender: Male
Personality: A bit childish at times but when it comes to his job he is always at 100%. Fusion always tries to keep the team together and when there's a problem he helps his teammates settle in a way that wouldn't compromise their performance during a mission.
Biography: One of the little historical data collectors left alive. Formerly an agent of the Cybertronian High Council but after its destruction he had no choice but to avenge his masters and fight the Decepticons. At first he battled alone but after an ambush he was on the edge of shut-down when he was found by the Autobots and repaired. Then he decided to join fight beside them.
Alignment: Autobots
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Frontliner

[spoiler=Bot and Vehicle form] [url=http://postimage.org/image/1ik4cc9fo/][img]http://s1.postimage.org/1ik4cc9fo/Fusion_Info_Autobot_Club_by_x_XAngelx_Fire_Xx.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/image/291js9f1g/][img]http://s4.postimage.org/291js9f1g/2010_acura_tl_sh_awd_sunset1_450x265.jpg[/img][/url] (but with the green-black color scheme) [/spoiler]
Size of Robot Form: 12ft

Weapon 1: Twin Energy Blades
Weapon 2: 2 Blasters at the side of his feet and wrist cannons
Defensive Armoury: Palm Shield Generators
Extra: N/A

2 more coming up
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[spoiler=Black Ops]General Info
Username: trimage
Name: Black Ops
Age: 21,224
Gender: Male
Personality: Back Ops is very cold even to other Autobots, he normally keeps to himself and tries to keep others at arms length so they can't get close to him, his methodology in battle is far closer to that of a Decepticon then Autobot.
Biography (3+ lines): Black Ops was built for the soul purpose of being the sword of the primes, he was designed to be able to win any battle not in direct conflict but by strategy and stealth. During the war his main duties were defending Optimus, infiltrating enemy bases, and assassination of Decepticon leaders. After the war he drifted for a time but has found his way to earth, he has not taken a vehicle form from earth vehicles but instead has kept his original do to the fact that he doesn't see the need being that he doesn't plan to be around humans.
Alignment: Autobot
Planet of Origin: Cybertron

Robot from description: he keeps his rotor swords on his shoulders, he also has a cannon on each of his forearms, he has hands like humans and his overall shape is similar to megatron in the transformers: Prime television show though he is quite a bit leaner, his head has a mask and a horn on his forehead and in place of ears.
Size of Robot Form: 16 FT
Vehicle Form description: A dual-rotored helicopter like Megatron in the Animated series

Weapon 1: Duel Blades
Weapon 2: Forearm mounted cannons
Defensive Armoury: Heavier armor placed an his chest, forearms, shins, shoulders, and back
Extra: Does not give off an energon signature and thus cannot be tracked[/spoiler]
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reserve 1 plz..
(2 if we're allowed fusing transformations? [like separate vehicle forms but able to fuse into a larger/stronger robot form with combined control])

and wouldn't everyone's planet of origin be cybertron (defeating purpose of that part of the app)
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General Info
Username (Obvious I'd hope): trinitySOUL
Name: Speed
Age: 1900
Gender: M
Personality (2+ lines): Speed is always the head-on type of guy. He always likes to battle head-on, though with a powerful but not obvious weapon type as a Grappling Hook, he is very aggressive. He is indeed mischievous and since he was taught by Sideswipe, he always has overflowing pride.
Biography (3+ lines): Speed was one of the protoforms that was sent to the moon of Cybertron. He was confronted by the Decepticons. But he quickly ran and met another Protoform. He was invited to join the Autobots. The protoform explained about the Autobots. Speed liked the Autobots and joined. He mimicked a racing car in a brand of a Mazda RX-7. And become part of the Autobots ever since. He idolized Sideswipe and Speed became a student of Sideswipe in Combat. Now Speed has developed his mastery over the road as the very fastest Autobot yet to exist.
Alignment: Autobots
Planet of Origin: Cybertron

Robot from description: It has the same body structure as Sideswipe except with Sideswipe's weapon.
Size of Robot Form: 12 FT
[spoiler=Vehicle Form][img]http://rideyourpimp.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/turp_0808_15_zmazda_rx7_fd3sat_the_track.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Weapon 1: Grappling Hook. Comes from the hand. Speed can use it to attach on the enemy then accelarates fast to tear the opponent to pieces.
Weapon 2: None
Defensive Armoury: Improved Suspension. Can dodge most attacks easily.
Extra: None
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General Info
Username: Kakkon_Wolf
Name: Stormbreak
Age: 1666
Gender: Male
Personality: Hot tempered and quick to pick a fight, often thought to Decepticon-like especially with mercilessness in battle, but has proven himself as a worthy Autobot with his actions.
Biography: One of the closest friends of Fusion, almost as an elder brother. The thing that got them so close was that after a mission they were stranded in deep space with life-signs fading and surrounded by Decepticon drones. Even though their chance of survival was 0.001% they fought until they were overwhelmed and on the edge of shut-down, but they were saved when their comrades came to aid them. They've battled together, side-by-side ever since.
Alignment: Autobot
Planet of Origin: Cybertron

[spoiler=Both forms + size in pic] [url=http://postimage.org/image/2n2lumw6c/][img]http://s4.postimage.org/2n2lumw6c/sth.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]

Weapon 1: Dual Scimitar Swords
Weapon 2: Wrist Cannons
Defensive Armoury: Visual Sensor Disruptors (on his chest)
Extra: Hover Modules (shown on his feet)

Inquiry: Can I skip the Bio since he's a protoform and he doesn't have much history...
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[spoiler=Sigma Wing]
Username: Trimage
Name: Sigma Wing
Age: 1000
Gender: Male
Personality: Sigma Wing is a strong and charismatic leader, he is kind to his troops (at least compared to most Decepticons) and relentless to his enemies leaving next to no survivors of any troops and any that do survive experience a fate worse than death.
Biography: Sigma Wing was one of the Protoforms captured by the Decepticons, he didn't trust the protoform that came to save them and decided to stay with the Decepticons seeing as the Autobots had been weak enough to let them be captured in the first place. After that megatron took an interest in him and decided to take him on as his apprentice eventually giving him Encryptor and Trypticon. Later he allowed himself to get captured by the Autobots so that he could instigate a massive jail break and the best of its members joined him. He is currently trying to gain control of the remaining Desepticins along with a few side projects which he believes could bring them victory in the war.
Alignment: Decepticon
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Comander

Robot from description:
Size of Robot Form: 18 Feet
Vehicle Form description: A Ship similar to Wing Saber in Energon, his cannons are on the bottom

Weapon 1: Arm Swords
Weapon 2: Plasma Cannons on each arm
Defensive Armoury: Space Warp Unit(he can teleport)
Extra: He was personally trained by Megatron so great strategic, leadership, and combat skills

Username: Trimage
Name: Lock-On
Age: You should never ask a woman her age
Gender: Female
Personality: Lock-On was once a sweet and kind girl, though prison changed her into a cold assassin not caring for anyone, with the exception of Sigma Wing who can make her 'blush' quite easily.
Biography: Lock-On was the best sniper the academy had ever seen but after an incident where a Prime was shot own the only possible culprit was her do to the distance he was shot and and she fled. Eventually she was captured by Autobots and was left to rot in prison until Sigma Wing broke her out and he has sworn loyalty to him ever since, her time in prison greatly changed her outlook on sides and her personality. She also has a crush on Sigma Wing do to the fact he is the one who saved her.
Alignment: Decepticon
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Sniper

[spoiler=Robot from description:][img]http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx185/trimage/Prime-arcee-s103-1.jpg?t=1310187321[/img][/spoiler]
Size of Robot Form: 14 Feet
Vehicle Form description: A Cybertronian Helicopter

Weapon 1: Sniper Rifle
Weapon 2: Twin Plasma Pistols
Defensive Armoury: Camouflage mode(invisible)
Extra: Best Eyes of any Cybertronian

Username: Trimage
Name: Crashdown
Age: 7,592
Gender: Male
Personality: Crashdown is a cocky brawler, he isn't very smart but knows enough to follow orders and how to fight making him a good soldier and terrifying enemy.
Biography: Crashdown started out as a simple foot soldier but soon rose up the ranks do to his pension for destruction and skills in combat. Eventually he was captured by Autobots and was left to rot in prison until Sigma Wing broke him out and he has sworn loyalty to him ever since.
Alignment: Decepticon
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Wrecker

[spoiler=Robot from description:][img]http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx185/trimage/Wfc-breakdown-1.jpg?t=1310187108[/img][/spoiler]
Size of Robot Form: 21 Feet
Vehicle Form description: A cybertronian Hover vehicle similar to an SUV

Weapon 1: Hammer Arms
Weapon 2: Plasma Bombers
Defensive Armoury: Thick Armor all around body
Extra: Is said to have won 1000 battles

Username: trimage
Name: Disassemble
Gender: Male
Personality: Disassemble is a sadist with the intelligence to make it deadly, he is capable of disassembling a prisoner while keeping them online and feeling the whole time.
Biography: Disassemble was built for the purpose of being a medic for the Decepticons, he became bored of this job and found that he liked taking bots apart a lot more then parching them together and soon found a new calling as an interrogator. Eventually he was captured by Autobots and was left to rot in prison until Sigma Wing broke him out and he has sworn loyalty to him ever since.
Alignment: Decepticon
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Medic/Interrogator

[spoiler=Robot from description:][img]http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx185/trimage/Wfc-barricade-1.jpg?t=1310188225[/img][/spoiler]
Size of Robot Form: 16 Feet
Vehicle Form description: A Cybertronian helecopter

Weapon 1: Drill on right hand
Weapon 2: Laser on Left hand
Defensive Armoury: Force Field generators
Extra: Knowledge of Cybertronian physiology and who to heal and hurt it

Username: trimage
Name: Encryptor
Age: 10,432
Gender: Male
Personality: Encryptor is surprisingly sarcastic for a guy that never talks, he normally talks by either playing a recording he has made or by a series of gargled sounds only understandable by Cybertronians, besides that he is absolutely loyal to Sigma Wing.
Biography: Encryptor is based on the designs of Soundwave and acts in the same fashion, he has studied ancient Cybertronian technology and in the war worked on developing weapons and disrupting Autobot activity by leaking faulty information to them, after the war he met up with Sigma Wing and has stayed loyal to him ever since.
Alignment: Decepticon
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Engineer/Communications and Espionage expert

[spoiler=Robot from description:][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110116005528/transformers/images/thumb/c/c1/Prime-soundwave-1.jpg/180px-Prime-soundwave-1.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Size of Robot Form: 17
Vehicle Form description: RQ-1 / MQ-1 Predator automated surveilance plane

Weapon 1: Sonic Cannons
Weapon 2: Missiles
Defensive Armoury: Holographic Projector
Extra: Can remotely Hack enemy and ally systems

Username): trimage
Name: Trypticon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: Tryticon acts like an animal following orders and doing what he is told by Sigma Wing and his crew, it takes an incredibly strong Cybertronian to put him under their will.
Biography: The oldest record of Trypticon have him already existing as a space station orbiting Cybertron, eventually Megatron took over the station and Trypticon joined his side. Eventually Megatron gave Trypticon to his student Sigma Wing to assist him in his opertations.
Alignment: Decepticon
Planet of Origin: Cybertron
Rank: Ship

[spoiler=Robot from description:][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100811140236/transformers/images/0/0e/Wfc-trypticon-game-1.jpg [/img][/spoiler]
Size of Robot Form: Way to Big
Vehicle Form description: Nemesis Class Ship

Weapon 1: Cannons all over body
Weapon 2: Missiles all over
Defensive Armoury: Super strong thick armor
Extra: Largest Transformer ever built
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[quote name='Kakkon_Wolf' timestamp='1310158191' post='5338638']
General Info
Username: Kakkon_Wolf
Name: Stormbreak
Age: 1666
Gender: Male
Personality: Hot tempered and quick to pick a fight, often thought to Decepticon-like especially with mercilessness in battle, but has proven himself as a worthy Autobot with his actions.
Alignment: Autobot
Planet of Origin: Cybertron

[spoiler=Both forms + size in pic] [url=http://postimage.org/image/2n2lumw6c/][img]http://s4.postimage.org/2n2lumw6c/sth.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]

Weapon 1: Dual Scimitar Swords
Weapon 2: Wrist Cannons
Defensive Armoury: Visual Sensor Disruptors (on his chest)
Extra: Hover Modules (shown on his feet)

Inquiry: Can I skip the Bio since he's a protoform and he doesn't have much history...

General Info
Username: Kakkon_Wolf
Name: Stormbreak
Age: 1666
Gender: Male
Personality: Hot tempered and quick to pick a fight, often thought to Decepticon-like especially with mercilessness in battle, but has proven himself as a worthy Autobot with his actions.
Alignment: Autobot
Planet of Origin: Cybertron

[spoiler=Both forms + size in pic] [url=http://postimage.org/image/2n2lumw6c/][img]http://s4.postimage.org/2n2lumw6c/sth.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]

Weapon 1: Dual Scimitar Swords
Weapon 2: Wrist Cannons
Defensive Armoury: Visual Sensor Disruptors (on his chest)
Extra: Hover Modules (shown on his feet)

Inquiry: Can I skip the Bio since he was a protoform and he isn't inclined to have much history?

He's 1666 years old, he must have some history.
Trimage........ what?
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I wrote the bio

General Info
Username: Kakkon_Wolf
Name: Raze
Age: 1200
Gender: Female
Personality: Very seductive and manipulative, Raze always gets what she wants but sends others to get it for her. She often implants neural chips into the crew to help her control them.
Biography: One of the protoforms that was lost during the battle and thus activated a bit late. Raze was found by the Autobots and joined them but after she started manipulating her teammates and implanting chips to put them under her control she was abandoned by them, but soon after she joined the Decepticons, seeing that there weren't many rules or "righteousness" there she knew her place was with them.
Alignment: Decepticon
Planet of Origin: Velocitron
Rank: Main Research and Repair Scientist

[spoiler=Bot and Vehicle forms] [url=http://postimage.org/image/1y38y97t0/][img]http://s1.postimage.org/1y38y97t0/Decepticon_Nation_Blanche_by_Aumbre_Suai.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/image/1y3h7xy9w/][img]http://s1.postimage.org/1y3h7xy9w/elise_side.jpg[/img][/url] [/spoiler]
Size of Robot Form: 11'2"

Weapon 1: Wrist Blades
Weapon 2: Leg Cannons
Defensive Armoury: Neural Shocker (palms)
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First off although this is my first post on the forums I am no noob. I had a account with 700+ posts and was a decent RPer, I also know the rules :D
[u][b]General Info[/b][/u]


[b]Name:[/b] Supersonic

[b]Age:[/b] 1856

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Personality:[/b] Supersonic is quiet as Decepticons go. He will only voice his opinion if it is a serious matter and tends to only speak when spoken to. He cares less for the goals of the Decepticons and would easily change alignment if necessary. In combat his best traits are his stealth, silence and speed.

[b]Biography:[/b] Supersonic is less faithful in the Decepticons efforts than it might seem. There is only one reason he is fighting for them and that is his past. On his home planet, Cybertron, he grew up unknowing of the great war about to take place. Before long he was taken from his home as a unit of Decepticons tracked him down. They taught him of how he was a distant ancestor to the Fallen and should be loyal to the Decepticon cause. As they saw his massive potential, he was trained by high ranking Decepticon warriors to be a cold, ruthless mercenary. His training continued but he became less and less committed to being a Decepticon and soon he left Cybertron for Velocitron so he could live in peace.

Shortly afterwards, the war rendered Cybertron inhabitable and the war was going to be brought to Velocitron and he began to prepare. Decepticons soon approached him with an offer to fight for them and he reluctantly agreed. As his abilities in stealth and combat are exceptional, he is a highly valuable to the Decepticon cause.

[b]Rank:[/b] Infiltrator

[b]Alignment:[/b] Decepticon (Could be changed if persuaded so)

[b]Planet of Origin:[/b] Cybertron


[spoiler=Picture of robot]
[spoiler=Vehicle Form description: Blackbird SR-71 jet]


[b]Weapon 1:[/b] Wrist cannons - Rapid fire on both arms as well as electronic grenade launchers.

[b]Weapon 2:[/b] Claws - Razor sharp talons that are deadly up-close.

[b]Defensive Armoury:[/b] Lightweight but incredibly solid armour that allows Supersonic to move silent but still have decent protection.

[b]Extra:[/b] The chain-type things on his back can be controlled and used to attack as they are razor sharp. He also uses them to cause sonic-booms, which interferes with the systems of Autobots and human technology if its in range.

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@Tinity, Elemental or Shockwave: will we be able to have ones with the fused transformation thingy? (just want to know because i wanted to see about a fused robot form one for 2 chars. i was thinking of..
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like 2 separate ones but can combine into 1 robot form roughly somwhere between normal and double size (each half of one.. kinda like the minicon fusion thingy in transformers Armada but with 2 transformers instead of 3 minicons)
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[b]General Info[/b]

Username: ANBU
Name: Viator (latin for "Messenger')
Age: 1200
Gender: Male
Personality (2+ lines): Viator is usually talkative though solemn in such and often not finding much humor in others' actions. When fighting Viator Prefers to stay in robot form using his flares and cannon at long range and if needed his machinegun or melee combat in close range
Biography (3+ lines): Vindex and Viator had been together as long as they remember having both staye neutral in the war on cybertron if they could however later deciding to join the Decepticons for a time finding the autobots to be 'weak' as they were defeated on cybertron, traveling together as they joined the decepticons believing them to be the beatter force and moving onto one of the nearby planets before cybertron was made uninhabitable with the rest of the decepticons nearby Vindex and Viator usually fighting together with Vindex being Melee and VIator bbeing ranged in combat skills.
Alignment: Neutral (Currently Decepticon but can be easily convinced otherwise if shown the problems with aligning himself with them)
Planet of Origin: Cybertron


[spoiler=Robot Form:] similar to [url=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/174/1/6/sun_maxim__earth_military_mech_by_nidaram-d3jqqad.jpg]this[/url] however all white parts are black with the yellow and blue parts being red and glowing like a light, the gun is more rounded and is attached to the side of the arm
Size of Robot Form: 15 ft 7 inches
[spoiler=Vehicle Form:][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs27/i/2008/035/c/2/Juugelius_Howitzer_Tank_by_IletheAmateur.jpg[/img][/spoiler]


Weapon 1: Cannon/Turret (Is on right arm in Robot Form)
Weapon 2: Machine Gun (on sides of main body in Vehicle Form, inside fingers in Robot Form
Defensive Armoury: Large Amount of flares on main body in Vehicle Form and on chest in Robot Form)
Extra: can spin his tracks (which are on his arms) to inflict slightly more damage to his enemy in melee
[b]General Info[/b]

Username: ANBU
Name: Vindex (latin for Avenger)
Age: 1200
Gender: Male
Personality (2+ lines): Vindex is usually quiet unless telling Viator something to do for battle strategies, often keeping to himself though talks more during rage, easily enraged if he sees Viator get hurt. In Battle Vindex prefers to strike from mid-close range with his gatling gun though will take to using his cannons if the enemy stays out of his range.
Biography (3+ lines): shared bio (look at above)
Alignment: Neutral (Currently Decepticon but can be easily convinced otherwise if shown the problems with aligning himself with them)
Planet of Origin: Cybertron


[spoiler=Robot Form:]similar to [url=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs23/PRE/i/2008/008/b/c/Shatter_Howl___Commission_by_the_GEARSMITH.jpg]this[/url] but with more squared fingers, face and all gold parts are black, head on chest looks more like an ant's and look to weapons and vehicle form for the weapon's of robot form's appearance
Size of Robot Form: 15 ft 6 inches
[spoiler=Vehicle Form:][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/202/4/0/Exp__Walker_Compositing_in_PS_by_DXBigD.jpg[/img][/spoiler]


Weapon 1: 4 Small Cannons (when in Robot form there is 1 on top of each armo and one on the bottom)
Weapon 2: Spiked Gatling Gun (functions as if gatling gun, has spike like bits that are attached to 'head' of Vehicle Form attached to the sides of it in Robot Form to allow it to be used close range (often held with left hand))
Defensive Armoury: Thrusters in the 6 'feet' allowing it to boost itself vertically to dodge incoming attacks
[b]General Info[/b]

Username: ANBU
Name: Vindex/Viator (Fused Form)
Age: 1200
Gender: Male
Personality (2+ lines): While fused the personality of Vindex seems to take over movement whilst Vitor keeps control of the head talking as of normal whilst Vindex moves him around to fight smaller bots close range and use their size to their advantage.
Biography (3+ lines): N/A (Is fused form of above two)
Alignment: Neutral (Currently Decepticon but can be easily convinced otherwise if shown the problems with aligning himself with them)
Planet of Origin: Cybertron


[spoiler=Robot Form:]
Size of Robot Form: 22 feet 6 inches
[spoiler=Vehicle Form:]N/A[/spoiler]


Weapon 1: Turrets/Cannons (4 small, 1 Large, Small ones are on arms, large on chest)
Weapon 2: Spiked Gatling Gun (similar to Vindex's Spiked Gatling gun, has extra barrel in the middle increasing it's size that fires separate compared to the rest of Gatling gun [the middle barrel was/is Viator's Machine Gun]
Defensive Armoury: Thrusters on legs capable of moving into air slightly to jump, flares inside legs that can be fired to counter heat-seeking weaponry and disrupt vision
Extra: Each Singular leg can separate into 3 allowing faster movement though less jumping power disabling it's ability to jump

will edit in spoiler
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