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Starter Deck: Age of Unity

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So, as a change from the structure decks, here's a starter deck, centred around Synchro and Xyz summons.

Starter Deck: Age of Unity
Cover Card: Massive Knight
An excellent way for new players to learn the game
Includes 16 new cards
Includes a number of reprints of previously difficult to obtain cards

[b][color="#FFD700"]YSAU-EN001 Cosmo Queen
YSAU-EN002 Gem-Knight Sapphire
YSAU-EN003 Alien Shocktrooper
YSAU-EN004 Frostosaurus
YSAU-EN005 Dunames Dark Witch[/color]
[color="#FF8C00"]YSAU-EN006 Rising Bard [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN007 Teamwork Warrior [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN008 Stone Mage [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN009 Gail, Maiden of the Whirlwind [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN010 Sky-High Falcon [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN011 Insect Chevalier [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN012 Flea Rat [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN013 Marauding Captain
YSAU-EN014 Rose, Warrior of Revenge
YSAU-EN015 Whirlwind Weasel
YSAU-EN016 Goblindbergh
YSAU-EN017 Giant Rat
YSAU-EN018 Flying Kamikiri #1
YSAU-EN019 Quick-Span Knight
YSAU-EN020 Twin-Headed Behemoth[/color]

[color="#20B2AA"]YSAU-EN021 Breath of Life [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN022 Card Cycling [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN023 Dimensional Healing [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN024 Smashing Ground
YSAU-EN025 Creature Swap
YSAU-EN026 Monster Reincarnation
YSAU-EN027 Unprecedented Wind
YSAU-EN028 Mystical Space Typhoon
YSAU-EN029 Star Changer
YSAU-EN030 Gravity Axe - Grarl[/color]

[color="#C71585"]YSAU-EN031 Break Blast [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN032 Material Recycling [color="#000000"](NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN033 Raigeki Break
YSAU-EN034 Miracle's Wake
YSAU-EN035 Call of the Haunted
YSAU-EN036 Seven Tools of the Bandit
YSAU-EN037 Trap Hole
YSAU-EN038 Mirror Force
YSAU-EN039 Dust Tornado
YSAU-EN040 Jar of Greed[/color]

YSAU-EN041 Massive Knight (Ultra Rare) (NEW)
YSAU-EN042 Deep Moon Archfiend (Super Rare) (NEW)
[color="#C0C0C0"]YSAU-EN043 Gaia Knight, Dragon Champion [color="#000000"](Super Rare) (NEW)[/color]
YSAU-EN044 High Sun Archlord [color="#000000"](Super Rare) (NEW)[/color][/color][/b]

[spoiler=Monsters]Rising Bard
Level 3
When this card is used as a Synchro Material or Xyz Material Monster: You can make this card's level 4.
ATK 1400/DEF 1700

Teamwork Warrior
Level 3
This card gains 100 ATK for each other monster you control.
ATK 1400/DEF 700

Stone Mage
Level 3
Once per Turn, when this card is in face-up Attack Position: This card cannot be destroyed by battle.
ATK 1500/DEF 1000

Gail, Maiden of the Whirlwind
Level 4
When this face-up Attack Position monster would be destroyed by battle: It is not destroyed, and is changed to face-up Defense Position.
ATK 1300/DEF 1700

Sky-High Falcon
Level 4
WIND/Winged Beast/Effect
If this card does not declare an attack: Your opponent's monsters cannot target this card for an attack during your opponent's next Battle Phase.
ATK 1500/DEF 1000

Insect Chevalier
Level 4
If this card attacks an EARTH monster: This card gains 300 ATK during the Damage Step only. If this card is attacked by an EARTH monster: It loses 300 ATK during the Damage Step only.
ATK 1700/DEF 700

Flea Rat
Level 3
If this card is destroyed by battle: The monster that destroyed this card loses 1000 ATK and DEF.
ATK 1100/ DEF 0[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Spells]Breath of Life
Normal Spell
Select 1 Level 4 or lower WIND monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it it face-up Defense Position. It's effect is negated. During the End Phase: Banish the card summoned by this effect.

Card Cycling
Normal Spell
Return the top Monster Card in your Graveyard to the bottom of your Deck. Then, draw 1 card, and send 1 card in your hand to the Graveyard.

Dimensional Healing
Continuous Spell
When you Summon a monster from your Extra Deck: Gain 800 Life Points.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Traps]Break Blast
Continous Trap
When a Synchro or Xyz monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls.

Material Recycling
Normal Trap
When 1 or more Synchro or Xyz Material Monsters are sent to your Graveyard: Select 1 of those monsters and add it to your hand.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Xyzs]Massive Knight
Rank 4
2 Level 4 Monsters
This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each Xyz Material Monster attached to it. If one or more monsters you control would be destroyed by a card effect: You can detach 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card; Negate that effect. If this card would be destroyed by battle: Detach 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card; It is not destroyed by that battle.
ATK 2200/DEF 1400

Deep Moon Archfiend
Rank 3
2 Level 3 monsters.
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card; send 1 monster your opponent controls to the Graveyard. If you activate this effect: This card cannot declare an attack this turn.
ATK 1900/ DEF 1100[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Synchros]Gaia Knight, Dragon Champion
Level 7
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.
This card inflicts Piercing Battle Damage.
ATK 2600/DEF 2100

High Sun Archlord
Level 6
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.
When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monsters Level or Rank x100.
ATK 2400/DEF 600[/spoiler]
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My huge comment:

The cards seem ok.

[spoiler='Monsters']Rising Bard: Could be abused as a Tuner, but nice.

Teamwork Warrior: A good card, can't reach very much ATK for a Level 3 monster. Feels balanced.

Stone Mage: Is good, a Tuner, but you wrote fac[b]c[/b]e-up.

Gail, Maiden of the Whirlwind: Don't have much to say, good effect, ATK and DEF. Although it could work as good as a LV3.

Sky-High Falcon: A funny condition for a your-opponent-cannot-attack effect, but it's okay.

Insect Chevalier: I don't know why you chose EARTH, but a solid ATK and DEF so it doesn't matter.

Flea Rat: Your opponent could go with stronger monsters at this card so they don't be at a huge loss, but if you Set it, your opponent might attack with a weaker monster, so you might not sometimes profit from it's effect.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Spells']Monster Reset: Basically a weaker version of Pot of Avarice, although maybe just a tad too weak, but it's just my opinion. (Pot of Benevolence does the same thing, just so you know)

Card Cycling: I don't get the point of this card, and it feels kinda complicated. But prevents you from decking out, and it returns only monsters.

Dimensional Healing: Simple and usable - I like it.[/spoiler]

Break Blast - Meh, but fits in the theme. Can't comment much on it though.

Material Recycling - Good, works well. You wrote [b]Select 1 [i]on[/i] those[/b], instead of [b]of[/b].[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Extra Deck Stuffz']
Massive Knight: Can lose its Xyz materials very fast, so a card that recycles Xyz materials would be useful in a Deck. ATK gain feels balanced.
(P.S. - You wrote detatch instead of detach).

Deep Moon Archfiend - Seems good as a Tribute to the Doomed with a body (yeah I know, now I think that I shouldn't have said that Xyz Materials should be recycled).

Gaia Knight, Dragon Champion - A clean and a simple effect. Me likey.

High Sun Archlord - I like how it cannot inflict very much damage, and works on Ranks too, instead of just Levels.

So that's it, and there are just some minor errors, so 9.9/10

You inspired me to make some decks.
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Thanks. The typos have been corrected.

Insect Chevalier's effect applies to EARTH because EARTH and WIND are opposites, like LIGHT/DARK or WATER/FIRE.

The spells were the part that were hardest to come up with. I've replaced Monster Reset, because it was a bit similar to the first part of Card Cycling. I'd also forgotten about Pot of Benevolence.

I've added a restriction to Deep Moon Archfiend. It's effect doesn't actually destroy, so it avoids Stardust and the like, and it's a Rank 3 and thus relatively easy to get out, so I felt it needed some restrictions.
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