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Super Smash Brothers RP (Started/Accepting)

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[quote name='Kyng of Ice' timestamp='1310180140' post='5339449']
Guys, I feel my team are literally unneeded. :(
that's how I feel sometimes XD

Uhh sorry I wasn't on at all last night! I was at a party and I'm not gonna be on today for a while to.. my parents have off this week and we've been busy all week long... I apologize but next week I will be on more often! Especially to you Justice! Terribly sorry ^^

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Making a 2nd app (ironically for the character I was gonna use in the first place before I changed my mind)

Charecter Name: [color=blue]Alice Liddel[/color]
Charecter Info: [url=http://alice.wikia.com/wiki/Alice_Liddell]Wiki page[/url] (contains spoilers)
Appearance: [url=http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110516010309/americanmcgeesalice/images/7/7b/StainedAlice.png]Link[/url]
Age: 19
Weapons: [url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110605080940/americanmcgeesalice/images/2/2e/Vorpal.png]Vorpal Blade[/url], [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110620043536/americanmcgeesalice/images/thumb/5/54/PepperUpgrades.png/214px-PepperUpgrades.png]Pepper Grinder[/url], [url=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110620043360/americanmcgeesalice/images/8/80/HobbyUpgrades.png]Hobby Horse[/url], [url=http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110620043638/americanmcgeesalice/images/thumb/4/41/TeapotUpgrades.png/450px-TeapotUpgrades.png]Teapot Cannon[/url], Umbrella
Style of fighting: Alice's fighting style varies between the weapons she uses. She uses the Vorpal Blade and Hobby Horse for light and heavy melee attacks, the Pepper Grinder and the Teapot Cannon for long range heavy attacks and the umbrella for defense. She also posesses the ability to give herself a boost in mid-air, glide for a short amount of time and evade attacks by transforming into a swarm of butterflies and moving out of danger before re-assembling herself.
Types of moves: Alice will often mix heavy and light melee attacks most of the time depending on her opponent. She will use the Pepper Grinder for rapid fire attacks and the Teapot Cannon for slower but more powers ranged attacks. The umbrella is used to deflect projectiles or defend her from melee attacks. She can mix together her melee and dodge moves to create a chain of combos to quickly bring down her opponents. Her heavy melee and ranged attacks are often used to break through an enemies defense or break down walls if need be. Alice is also capable of shrinking at will in order to fit into small areas, doing so gives her a form of second-sight in which she is able to see things that she and others are incapable of at her regular size.
Other: Alice speaks with a British london accent and is very defensive most of the time but does have her morals. She is used to the weird and the bizzare and it takes a lot to surprise her. The cheshire cat will often appear to Alice to offer her advice if he feels like it.
Final Smash: [b]Hysteria:[/b] Alice will transform into her [url=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110608223821/americanmcgeesalice/images/e/ee/HysteriaAlice.png]Hysteria[/url] form. While in this form Alice is virtually invulnerable, faster and stronger. The form only lasts for a few seconds and leaves Alice drained of energy after usage.
[i]If we're not allowed 2 Final Smashes ignore this one, if we are then:[/i]
[b]Giant Form[/b]: Alice grows to a massive size and begins to roam around the area, crushing and destroying anything in her path. This form lasts for a little longer than Hysteria.
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This is the Alice from that really creepy Alice in Wonderland game isn't it? Accepted none the less

Name: Seto Kaiba
Info: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Seto_Kaiba
Apearance: wiki
Age: Wiki
Weapons: He can use his monsters, spells and traps as weapons as long as he has his duel disk
Style of fighting: He brings out huge, high ATK power monsters and uses them to anhilate his enemies
Types of Moves: Agian, he summons giant monsters... and uses them to attack, he can also use traps and spells to harm people in ways.
Final Smash: Full on attack - He summons every monster card in his deck (Excluding the three Blue-eyes, which fuse together) and have them bombared the area with every attack they can pull off.
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Oh Really now!?

reminds me back when I was a noob

Character Name: [color="#4B0082"]Yukari Yakumo[/color]
Character Info: [url="http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Yukari_Yakumo"]Wiki[/url]
Appearance: [url="http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Yukari_Yakumo"]Wiki[/url]
Age: [url="http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Yukari_Yakumo"]Wiki[/url]
Weapons: On her person, She has an Umbrella, a Fan, and some Spellcards, She has been known to use Kunais, Energy balls, Tombstones, Signs, Her [url="http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Ran_Yakumo"]Shikigami[/url], Her Shikigami's [url="http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Chen"]Shikigami[/url], and even Subway Trains in battle
Style of fighting: She prefers Distancing herself away from her enemy, Using her Danmaku and Spellcards rather than attacking her enemies with Melee attacks, She prefers to toy with her enemies rather than going full power at the start. if forced to use Melee attacks, She has 2 options, Disappear or beat the living sh!t out of the foe using Signs and her Umbrella (Which can Emanate Energy blades)
Types of moves: She can launch magic bullets, drop tombstones, Throw Kunais, Energy balls, and Shikigamis, Hit the opponent in the balls with a bunch of Traffic Signs, slash and stab with her umbrella, Spin her umbrella to emanate magic blades and even fire them, and create Gaps to teleport anything, even herself
Other: She can fly under her own power and at times appear in any place she wants(Though that does not happen during a battle), She's Nocturnal, so she gets sleepy where there is daylight. Any sort of Non-physical Danmaku(this can include Kunais) can phase through people that dash towards her (This is called Grazing), Yukari can graze any and all projectiles except from Final Smashes...
Final Smash: Bounded Field: Boundary of Life and Death: She flies up and starts firing a huge hail of thick Danmaku in all directions, each bullet does severe damage and breaks through any shield(outside terrain), It is said that only people that hide and the most nimble of dodgers survive...

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Nothng grew or shrunk, haven't you noticed that 90% of the obsticals are giant cardboard boxes or somthing similar, and, if you've played Pikmin 2, that not only are the globe items Earth globes, but they're items that would only be found on earth, like a Duracell battery.

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Dude, I had no idea that you were Wang! I'm King Of MUffins!

Charecter Name: Cole MacGrath
Charecter Info: [url="http://infamous.wikia.com/wiki/Cole_MacGrath"]http://infamous.wikia.com/wiki/Cole_MacGrath[/url]
Appearance: With Wiki
Age: On page, maybe 25
Weapons: Powers
Style of fighting: Attack from long range
Types of moves: Lightning, fire, and ice attacks.
Other: Must absorb lightning to use powers
Final Smash: Tri Rocket. Uses Ice, Hellfire, and Lightning missiles

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