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[REQ]Fakemon or General Spriters Please[REQ]

Master White

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Gryphon Sprites Please

1 Adult Form, please be medium size, bigger then pokemon sprite. Baby Sprite can be the size of a Pokemon if needed. Looks and Colors are below.

(Wings-Yellow and Dark Yellow)
(Alt Wings Striped-Red and Dark Yellow
Yellow body with muscular ribs...
Brownish yellow tail-fur
Brownish yellow head-fur
Rest: Light Yellow-Lion fur

Half lion and half eagle
Lion Parts:
Ripped abs
4 Legs
1 Tail-End has fur
Feet and Claws
Fur looks like an smooth lion coat.
Eagle Parts:
Lion Like Head with Eagle Beak and Eye with brownish Yellow Fur
Wings: 2 " long and Feathery. Looks like the Lion, only long wings and shaded yellows and browns.
Fur: Looks more brownish and rough.....like the fur on the top of the lion

I would like someone to try and sprite an adult and baby version of an gryphon.

I would really appreciate it and I'm not sure how much points to give, so I'll suggest 400 or more...
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